
  1. 循环经济的微观理论基础&生态效用论及人类选择理性

    The micro-basis of circular economy theory : Ecological utility and rational choice

  2. 政策工具选择理性分析的理论基础与实证检验

    Theoretical Basis and Empirical Tests of the Rational Analysis of Policy Instruments Selection

  3. 坚决选择理性也必须认识到恐慌的力量,无论它合理与否。

    The resolutely rational must also recognise the power of panic , justified or not .

  4. 受众信息选择理性的成熟有一个生成的过程。

    The rational choice by the receiver of the message needs to be realized through a formation process .

  5. 第二个是S或N的选择即理性还是感性这是指有些人靠理性搜集数据来认识世界,而有人则依靠本能的直觉认识世界。

    The second is a choice between S or N – Sensing or Intuitive – which means some people interpret the world by collecting data through their senses , others reply on their gut feelings .

  6. 乡镇企业理财目标选择的理性思考

    The reasonable thought about selecting objective of financial management in village and town enterprises

  7. 文化选择的理性精神是文化选择正确性的根本保证。

    The rationalist spirit is the fundamental guarantee of the correctness of the cultural selection .

  8. 两个选择在理性上都有难处。

    Either alternative is intellectually discomforting .

  9. 与历史主义不同的是,它认为科学假说的选择是理性的。

    The best goal of science is also different from historicist ; it is rational in choosing hypothesis .

  10. 无奈的选择?理性的回归?&对《苏城舞会》主人公爱米莉形象、命运的认识

    Helpless Select ? Rational Regress ? & A Probe into Emily 's Character and Destiny in the Ball at Sceaux

  11. 课程文化自觉的价值取向,就是按照一定的课程和文化的价值标准,对课程文化进行价值选择的理性动态过程。

    Curriculum cultural self-consciousness is the rational dynamic course to have value choice on curriculum culture according to certain value norms of curriculum and culture .

  12. 最后以上述模拟分析结果为依据,对我国工业适宜的技术发展战略选择做出理性判断。

    Finally , we make a rational judgment about the choice of the technological strategy of our country 's industry according to the simulating result above .

  13. 在不同的历史时期由于理性内涵的不同,人选择的理性生存方式也不一样。

    Because of the differences in the meanings of rationality in different historical stages , the rational ways of existence that men have chosen are also different .

  14. 这种选择再理性不过:当市场能够提供更高的回报时,银行为什么还要向负债累累、增长低迷的实体经济放贷呢?

    But this is only rational : why would any bank want to lend into a debt-ravaged downturn when higher returns can be had in the markets ?

  15. 通过分析6种股权分置改革方案的实施对上市公司相关财务比率和理财目标函数的影响,得出上市公司股权分置改革方案选择的理性思路:尽可能选择缩股型方案。

    Analysis and comparison about the impact of each category of schemes on the companies ' financial ratios , financial objective indexes and were made for identifying rational choices .

  16. 本文试图以萨特的存在主义哲学为出发点,主要从自为、爱情、存在先于本质和非理性选择,理性接受等方面对该小说进行分析。

    Based on the Sartrean existentialist positions of " Being-for-itself ", " love ", " existence precedes essence " and " irrational choice and rational acceptance ", this thesis is going to make an existentialist articulation of the novel .

  17. 传统的突变和选择、理性化筛选技术和原生质体融合技术最大可能地提高了β-内酰胺类抗生素生产菌的发酵产量;

    Traditional natural isolation , mutation and selection , rational screening and protoplast fusion have made a great progress in the improvement of both Penicillium chrysogenum and Cephalosporium acremonium , two main industrial strains for production of P-lactam antibiotics .

  18. 在理清权利、选择、理性三者关系的基础上,指出对刑事诉讼相关利益的追求是犯罪嫌疑人、被告人程序选择权的根本动因。

    In clarifying the right to choose , the relationship between rational on the basis that the criminal proceedings related to the pursuit of the interests of criminal suspects and defendants , the fundamental right to choose procedures Cause .

  19. 第二个是S或N的选择——即理性还是感性——这是指有些人靠理性搜集数据来认识世界,而有人则依靠本能的直觉认识世界。

    The second is a choice between S or N - Sensing or Intuitive - which means some people interpret the world by collecting data through their senses , others reply on their gut feelings .

  20. 理性选择向非理性选择转化的行为分析

    A Behavioral Analysis of the Transformation from Rational Choice to Ir rational Choice

  21. 这种选择并非不理性。

    This choice was not irrational .

  22. 最后,文章概要地分析了个体选择行为由理性向非理性的转变情形。

    At last , the article analysed the transition about individual choice behavior from rational to irrational .

  23. 过去,经济学家假设,个人的选择始终受到理性的自利动机的主导。

    In the past , economists assumed that an individual 's choices were always guided by rational self-interest .

  24. 公共选择理论主张理性经济人假设是分析政府人行为的逻辑起点或前提。

    Public Choice Theory mainly claims that economic man is the logical starting-point or premise of analyzing government behaviors .

  25. 指标的选择应进行理性的分析后再确定,并将指标统一在一个综合框架中。

    The index factors should be selected after rational analysis , then unified and integrated in a comprehensive framework .

  26. 第二,农村劳动力迁移行为多样性的原因何在?原因一:劳动力禀赋因素的制约;原因二,禀赋制约下农村劳动力迁移选择的有限理性。

    Firstly , the labor endowments factors . Secondly , the bounded rationality under the constraints of rural labor migration endowment .

  27. 可以使劳动成本真实化,从而使居民的消费选择更具理性,使宏观调控政策更为有效;

    Labour cost will be actualized so as to rationalize residents ' consumption selection thus further facilitating effective implementation of the macro adjustment policies ;

  28. 从三个方面界定理性选择理论:理性的内涵、如何区分偏好、宏观结构与微观行为。

    I define the rational choice theory from the three aspects : the connotation of ration , how to differentiate the preference , macrostructure and microscopic behavior .

  29. 文章首先简要评说了早期行为经济学的动物实验和认知心理学,认为人的选择行为是理性和非理性的同构;

    First this thesis comments briefly animal experiments in early behavior economics and perceive psychics , and deems that human choice behaviors are the isomorphism of rationality and irrationality ;

  30. 文章在梗概分析理性选择和非理性选择的基础上,指出金融市场中的主体选择行为是理性选择与非理性选择的杂然并存;

    Based on the analysis about the skeleton of rational choice and irrational choice , author point out that the rational choice and irrational choice were coexisting in principal choice behavior in money market .