
  • 网络Electoral institutions;election mechanism;IFE;La Organizacion Electoral;NIEI;Valmyndigheten
  1. 现在我们必须给阿富汗选举机构时间让他们做自己的工作处理这些选举的结果。

    At this time we must give the Afghan electoral bodies the time they need to do their work in processing the outcome of these elections .

  2. 美国政府期待阿富汗选举机构在未来几周统计选票,裁决投诉及确定结果进程中履行自己的职责。

    The U.S. government looks to Afghan electoral bodies to carry out their duties in coming weeks to tally votes , adjudicate complaints , and finalize the results .

  3. 但同时,他们也学到了以自己的方式对待选举机构和如何让那些他们不喜欢的候选人下课。

    But at the same time they learned their way around the machinery of elections and how to scare the bejesus out of any candidate they did not like .

  4. 欧盟监督小组负责人蒂及·伯曼表示,所有人都在关注阿富汗的选举机构,这个机构将负责统计投票并评估舞弊投诉。

    Thijis Berman , head of the European Union monitoring team , says all eyes will now be on Afghanistan 's electoral bodies that are tallying the votes and evaluating claims of fraud .

  5. 我们认为,选举机构有责任进行这种审计,无论候选人是否就选举过程的每一个细节达成一致,他们都必须这样做。

    We believe it 's the responsibility of the electoral institutions to go ahead and conduct that kind of broad audit , whether or not the candidates have agreed on every precise element of the process , they will have to do it .

  6. 男:我认为这是因为选举机构之前就确定了这个日期,尽管联合国和美国,以及阿富汗内部一些声音提出了反对意见,他们仍然坚持这一天发布,我们认为这很不幸。

    M : I think it was made because the electoral institutions had previously set that date and they held to it despite advice to the contrary from the UN , from the United States , and from other voices within Afghanistan , and we think that was unfortunate .

  7. 一个独立的选举管理机构是一个可信的选举的关键因素之一。

    An independent electoral administration body is one of the key factors for a credible election .

  8. 伊朗的选举监督机构宪监会说,在为期十天的调查中,没有发现任何诈选迹象,因此拒不接受在大选中败选的三名候选人提出的选举舞弊指控。

    Iran 's electoral watchdog , the Guardian Council , says has seen no signs of fraud in10 days of investigations , rejecting claims by three defeated presidential candidates of vote rigging .

  9. 内比都希望佤邦联合党向军政府的选举监督机构联邦选举委员会登记参选,但受到佤邦联合党拒绝。

    Naypyidaw wanted the UWSP to register with the junta 's electoral watchdog , the Union Election Commission , and stand in the elections but the party had refused , observers said .

  10. 它可以平均分配到单独选举的立法机构身上&正如美国在一定程度上所做的那样。

    It could equally fall to a separately elected legislature , as it does to some extent in the US .

  11. 局外人可能会合理地提问,是谁赋予这个未经选举产生的机构权利,让它对主权政治进行这么深的干预?

    Who , outsiders might reasonably ask , gives this unelected body the right to intervene so deeply into spheres of sovereign politics ?

  12. 詹姆士。麦迪逊坚定地阐述了他的观点,他认为人民至少要选举国家立法机构中一个院的议员,他说,这是自由政府的一个基本条件。

    James Madison stated firmly that the people must elect at least one branch of the national legislature . That , he said , was a basic condition for free government .

  13. 欧洲正在输掉民选政府与非选举产生的评级机构间的“战争”。

    Europe is losing a war between its elected governments and unelected rating agencies .

  14. 选举委员会设立办事机构,办理选举的具体事务。

    An election committee establishes an office to handle specific matters related to the election .

  15. 我们相信,我国的未来只能由一个在不分肤色的基础上通过民主选举而产生的机构来决定。

    It is our belief that the future of our country can only be determined by a body which is democratically elected on a non ? racial basis .

  16. 他呼吁宪法监护会监督选举、权力的机构,要尽一切,让抗议者相信的投诉会彻底调查。

    He called on the powerful body that supervises elections , the Guardian Council , to use every possible means to convince protesters that their complaints will be thoroughly investigated .

  17. 业主委员会是由业主大会选举产生的执行机构,在一个物业治理区域内一般只有一个业主大会,因此也就应该只选举产生一个业主委员会。

    Owner committee is the actuator that arises by owner congress election , there is an owner plenary meeting only commonly inside section of a property management , accordingly also should the election generates an owner commission .

  18. 在这样的情况下举行的选举不能反映人民的意愿,很显然,负责管理选举的国家机构未能履行国家赋予的责任。

    An election conducted under such environment cannot reflect the will of the people , and clearly the institutions of state charged with the management of the elections have failed our country .

  19. 第二章以选举活动中的参与主体为标准具体阐述了选举自由的基本内涵,即包括了选民、代表候选人以及选举组织机构在选举活动中所应当享有的自由。

    Chapter ⅱ, the basic connotation standard specifically addressed the elections were free to participate in the main electoral activities , which includes voter , on behalf of freedom of candidates and electoral organizations should be enjoyed in election activities .