
  • 网络adaptation theory;Speech Accommodation Theory;adjustment theory;adaptab-lism;adaptationism
  1. 离心运动重复效应及肌肉生物力学适应论

    Repeated bout effect of eccentric exercise and muscular biomechanics adaptation theory

  2. 梁漱溟在五四时期的文化思想表现出鲜明的保守主义特征。他的保守主义思想核心是其文化适应论。

    The core of LIANG Shu-min 's conservatism is his " cultural adaptation theory " .

  3. 本文拟运用翻译选择适应论分析比较TheGrassisSinging两个中译本的异同,并试图找出造成译本差异的成因。

    This paper tries to find and analyze the differences between the two Chinese versions of The Grass is Singing by employing translation as adaptation and selection , attempting to find the causes leading to these differences .

  4. 语境的动态研究&维索尔伦的语境适应论评介

    A Dynamic Study of the Context

  5. 语用翻译的适应论视角

    The Adaptation Theory and Pragmatic Translation

  6. 文化认同论与社会适应论使我们认识到文化在语言学习中的重要作用。

    The acculturation theory and accommodation theory help us realize the importance of culture in language learning .

  7. 评雕塑适应论

    On sculpture accommodation theory

  8. 本部分引入了两种方法,即对输入变量进行单点模糊化方法和对输出模糊集给出自适应论域的概念。

    This part introduces the concept of a single point fuzzy method of input variables and adaptive universe of output fuzzy sets .

  9. 本文从五个方面提出了高等教育改革应当转变的教育观念:(1)摒弃传统教育机械、单向的“适应论”而走向“超越论”;

    This paper suggests five ideas in the higher education reform . ( 1 ) To abandon rigid one-way-adapting of traditional education while attend to breaking-through ;

  10. 本章重点论述了语境理论和翻译适应论在公示语汉英翻译中的具体应用。在公示语翻译中译者既要适应又要选择。

    This chapter focuses on the application the two theories to C-E translation of public signs , that is , the translator needs to both adapt and select in the public signs translation .

  11. 本文从语用学适应论的角度研究翻译中的各种意图的对等,以找出一种走出翻译困境的方法。

    This thesis is a tentative study of intention equivalence in translation from the perspective of adaptation theory of pragmatics for the purpose of investigating a way out of the dilemma of translation .

  12. 现代高等教育理念创新的具体内容主要包括以下五个方面的内容:第一,教育价值理念要从适应论到超越论飞跃;

    This paper expounds the specific contents of the innovation in the conceptions of modern higher education from the following five aspects . Firstly , the conceptions of educational value must leap forward from adaptable theory to transcending theory ;

  13. 本文以顺应论和翻译选择适应论为理论,研究立法语篇翻译中译者主体性的发挥与体现,以进一步加强对这两种理论的理解与应用。

    Adopting the Theory of Linguistic Adaptation and the Approach to Translation as Adaptation and Selection as the theoretical foundation , the thesis explores the manifestation of translators ' subjectivity in the translation of Chinese legislative texts into English .

  14. 第三章提出了本研究的理论框架,包括礼貌原则、面子理论和言语适应论。

    In Chapter Three , the theoretical framework of this project , i.e. social psychological pragmatics , is presented , which is postulated to consist of three major theories , namely , the Politeness Principle , the Face Theory , and the Speech Accommodation Theory .

  15. 本文结合系统论的基本原理,把当代中国高校学生事务管理作为一个开放的系统,通过系统的目标论、要素论、运行控制论和环境适应论等四个方面对该系统进行全面的分析。

    Based on the systematic theory , this article takes the contemporary Chinese college students ' affairs administration as an open system , to make a comprehensive analysis from four aspects of the system , system of goal theory , factors theory , operation cybernetics and environmental adaptation theory .

  16. 从《翻译适应选择论》看林纾与魏易对UncleTom'sCabin的翻译

    A Probe into Lin Shu and Wei Yi 's Translating Uncle Tom 's Cabin in the Approach of Translation as Adaptation and Selection

  17. 翻译适应选择论的哲学理据

    Theoretical Props of the Approach to Translation as Adaptation and Selection

  18. 从《雨中的猫》的翻译看译者的角色&基于翻译适应选择论的分析

    Role of Translator in the Translation of Cat in the Rain

  19. 《翻译适应选择论》简评

    A Short Review of An Approach to Translation as Adaptation and Selection

  20. 文化认同与文化适应:论民族地区课程的双向选择

    Culture-identification and Culture-adaptation : Two Kinds of Selections of Curricula in Minority Region

  21. 从译文看译论&翻译适应选择论应用例析

    Understanding Translation as Adaptation and Selection Through Case Studies

  22. 翻译适应选择论视角下的译者主体性研究

    A Study of Translator 's Subjectivity from the Theory of Translation as Adaptation and Selection

  23. 而翻译适应选择论的出现给翻译研究开辟了一个宏观角度。

    The appearance of approach to Translation as Adaptation and Selection provides a macro-perspective translation theory .

  24. 对翻译适应选择论的探讨和个案研究

    The " Approach to Translation as Adaptation and Selection " - An Examination and a Case Study

  25. 《简·爱》;翻译适应选择论;翻译生态环境;多维度转换;

    Jane Eyre ; An Approach to Translation as Adaptation and Selection ; translational eco-environment ; multi-dimensional transformation ;

  26. 从翻译适应选择论看新闻报道中隐喻习语的翻译

    On the Translation of Metaphorical Idioms in News Report from the Perspective of Translation as Adaptation and Selection

  27. 根据胡庚申的翻译适应选择论,翻译被定义为译者适应翻译生态环境的选择活动。

    According to Hu , translation is described as a translator 's adaptation and selection activities in a translational eco-environment .

  28. 翻译原则和翻译方法既是翻译理论必备的一项重要内容,又可以反过来作为检验该理论解释力的一个重要途径。本文阐述和例证了适应选择论的翻译原则和翻译方法。

    The translation principle and translation methods are presented and exemplified for the Approach to Translation as Adaptation and Selection .

  29. 同时,本研究也验证了译者为中心的翻译适应选择论对戏剧翻译实践的解释力。

    This study also validates the feasibility and explanatory force of the approach to translation as adaptation and selection on drama translation .

  30. 笔者特在此就译者的不作为现象,从翻译适应选择论视角加以阐释。

    Therefore , the author of this paper tries to make up for it , and discusses the translator 's active refusal to do translation by applying the same theory .