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tuì huà
  • become vestigial;degenerate;deteriorate;retrograde;fall away;regression
退化 [tuì huà]
  • (1) [degenerate;deteriorate;retrograde]∶生物体的一部分器官变小,机能减退、甚至完全消失

  • 阑尾是个退化了的器官

  • (2) [fall away]∶泛指事物由优变劣,由好变坏

  • 虽然它的四肢长而有力这种动物的大脑却退化了

退化[tuì huà]
  1. 鸡的翅膀逐渐退化,不会在空中飞行了。

    The wings of the chicken have become vestigial ; it can no longer fly .

  2. 长期不活动会导致关节僵硬,骨骼也可能开始退化。

    Inactivity can make your joints stiff , and the bones may begin to degenerate

  3. 在某些蛇身上常可看到退化后肢的痕迹。

    It is often possible to see the vestigial remains of rear limbs on some snakes .

  4. 身体机能随着年龄退化。

    Disability increases with age .

  5. 在一些干旱地带存在严重的土地退化问题。

    There are serious problems of land degradation in some arid zones .

  6. 如果你老不用脑,那么这一特殊才能就会退化。

    If you allow your mind to stagnate , this particular talent will atrophy

  7. 土豆种了几年之后就会退化。

    After a few years ' planting , the quality of the potato crop deteriorates .

  8. 智牙是另一种退化遗留物。

    Wisdom teeth are another vestigial remnant .

  9. 也许最令人兴奋的是,研究表明诸如编织和钩织等手艺可能有助于防止因年龄增长导致的大脑功能退化。

    Perhaps most exciting is research that suggests that crafts like knitting and crocheting may help to keep off a decline in brain function with age .

  10. Fuzzy集的退化锥和关于闭性的几个充分条件

    Degenerate cones and some sufficient conditions about the closedness for fuzzy sets

  11. 非退化扩散过程象集和图集的Packing维数

    Packing Dimension of Image Set and Graph Set of a Nondegenerate Diffusion Process

  12. 退化草地暗沃寒冻雏形土CO2释放的日变化和季节动态

    No-hair day diel and seasonal changes of carbon dioxide emission from mollic-cryic Cambisols on degraded grassland

  13. 最适合使用Iris的是那些患有退化性眼病的患者。

    The best candidates for Iris are patients with degenerative eye conditions .

  14. p型金属诱导横向结晶多晶硅TFT直流应力下的退化研究

    Degradation of Metal-Induced Laterally Crystallized p-Type Polycrystalline Silicon Thin Film Transistors under DC Bias Stress

  15. 大针茅群落和退化群落的T/ET值居中。

    The T / ET values of Stipa grandis and deteriorated communities were in the middle .

  16. 仿真结果表明,改进的RBF网络可对典型退化图像进行令人满意的恢复。

    The simulation shows that the improved RBF network can restore the typically degenerated image satisfactorily .

  17. 这样,模型退化成修正常数γ模型(Gauss衰减加上常数γ)。

    Thus the empirical model is reduced to modified constant γ model ( Gauss attenuation plus constant Ymodel ) .

  18. 观察到纤锌矿量子体系中的QC光学声子模的退化行为。

    The reduced behavior of the QC modes in wurtzite quantum systems is clearly observed .

  19. 利用CMAC的局部泛化能力定量地评估设备的性能退化。

    CMAC is used to assess degradation states quantitatively based on its local generalization ability .

  20. 并根据地学属性分析结论选择7月下旬的LANDSATTM图像作为草地退化动态监测的主要遥感信息源。

    Based on the above results , LANDSAT TM image of July is selected as the main data for land degradation monitoring .

  21. 结果将约束最小二乘方滤波应用于CR退化图像,在降低噪声影响的同时,图像质量得到了明显改善。

    Results By means of constrained least-squares restoring , the noise influence to the degraded CR chest image was reduced , and a significant improvement of the image quality was achieved .

  22. 利用PCR-RFLP和RAPD方法对野生驯化蛹虫草及其退化菌种进行了基因水平的分析。

    PCR-RFLP and RAPD , were used to study the level of difference in gene of naturalized Cordyceps militaris and its degenerative strain .

  23. 用主分量分析法(PCA)分析了羊草草原退化系列上群落的分类及其群落特征,结果表明:所选择的退化系列可划分为无放牧、轻度放牧、中度放牧和重度放牧四个群落退化阶段。

    Plant community characteristics and their classification on the deteriorated series of Leymus chinensis steppe analyzed by PCA method . The results indicated that : ( 1 ) .

  24. 地理信息系统(GIS)支持下的土壤信息系统(SIS)在评价土地生产能力、土地退化的现状、速率和风险以及全球变化研究中具有重要意义。

    GIS based soil information system ( SIS ) is very important for assessment of the capacity of land production , the status , rates of soil degradation and global change studies .

  25. 根据退化解在(a,b)中是否有连续的一阶偏导数,研究了解的两种渐近形式,从而导出边界层和角层现象。

    Depending on whether the reduced solution u ( t ) has or does not have a continuous first-derivative in ( a , b ), we study two types of asymptotic behavior , thus leading to the phenomena of boundary and angular layers .

  26. 热载流子应力下n-MOSFET线性漏电流的退化

    The Linear Drain Current Degradation of n-MOSFET under Hot Carrier Stress with Forward Substrate Bias

  27. 引起人工草地退化的首要因素是0~10cm土壤速效磷含量,但放牧引起的土壤紧实及其相互作用则是退化的重要因素。

    The available phosphorus contents in 0 ~ 10 cm soil layer was of the first important factor causing deteriotation .

  28. 柴油的着火过程是退化分支链的反应过程,根据CH4基元反应的特点,分析CH4对柴油退化分支链反应机理的影响,提出一种修正的Shell模型,并进行了试验分析。

    The characteristic of elementary reactions of methane is discussed and its effects on degenerate chain branching reactions of diesel are analyzed , and thus a simplified modification to Shell model is made .

  29. 进一步揭示了部分Bent函数可退化成两种基本形式:一个Bent函数或者一个Bent函数与一个线性头的模二加和。

    Further , the fact is pointed out that partially-Bent function may degenerate to two kinds of elemental modes : A Bent function or a Bent function adding with a linear head mod 2 in the paper .

  30. 结果表明:pushover方法是目前对结构进行在罕遇地震作用下弹塑性分析的有效方法;PΔ效应随着结构屈服和结构刚度退化的影响越来越明显。

    The results indicate that Push-over method is an effective method to carry out elastic analysis of structure under the action of rare occurence of earthquake at present , P - Δ effect becomes more and more apprent with the degradation in structure yield and structure stiffness .