
tuì xiū jī jīn
  • pension fund
  1. 我曾经是机构有限合伙人&通用汽车(GeneralMotors)退休基金的一名分析师。

    I had been an analyst at an institutional LP & working for the General Motors pension fund .

  2. 而共同投资机构投资者【比如,在收购Skype中伸出援手的加拿大退休基金(Canadianpensionfund)】也再贡献5亿美元。

    And then another $ 500 million comes in from institutional co-investors , like the Canadian pension fund that helped out on Skype .

  3. 本文作者是加州公务员退休基金(CaliforniaPublicEmployees'RetirementSystem)公司治理主管、全球股票高级投资组合经理

    The writer is head of corporate governance and senior portfolio manager for global equities at the California Public Employees ' Retirement System

  4. 该公司的私募股权基金的投资者包括北美退休基金比尔及梅林达•盖茨基金会(Bill&MelindaGatesFoundation)、高盛集团(GoldmanSachsGroupInc.)和中国社保基金(SocialSecurityFund)。

    Investors in the firm 's private-equity funds include North American pension funds , the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation , Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and China 's national Social Security Fund .

  5. 最近,金融咨询公司herowallet表示,四分之一的美国工人为了满足当前支出需要,不惜付出代价动用自己的退休基金。

    Last week , hero wallet , a financial advisory firm , showed that one in four US workers were dipping into their retirement funds to meet current spending needs in spite of the penalties that accrue .

  6. 比如,美国退休基金&美国教师退休基金会(TIAA-CREF)在世界各地的农田中拥有约20亿美元的投资。

    For example , the US pension fund TIAA-Cref has about $ 2bn invested in farmland worldwide .

  7. 但是美国加州公务员退休基金(Calpers)的高级投资组合经理兼全球治理主管安妮•辛普森(AnneSimpson)却相信,库克的道德立场不仅仅是种姿态。

    But Anne Simpson , senior portfolio manager and director of global governance at the US pension fund Calpers , a prominent Apple shareholder , believes his ethical stance is more than just posturing .

  8. 与黑石(Blackstone)和加州公务员退休基金(Calpers)等投资机构的过硬关系,使得这家位于美国西海岸的企业,能利用纽约市数十年难得一见的机遇,当时,纽约市的企业大都因之前的繁荣过度举债。

    Strong relationships with investment organizations like Blackstone and Calpers put the west coast-based firm in a position to capitalize on a once-in-a-generation opportunity in a city where the incumbents were largely overleveraged from the prior boom .

  9. 十年前,凯雷以1.75亿美元将其管理公司5.5%的股权售予加州公共雇员退休基金(CalPERS)。

    Ten years ago , Carlyle sold a 5.5 % ownership position in its management company to the California public employees ' retirement system ( CalPERS ) , for $ 175 million .

  10. 这个股东群体的其它成员包括荷兰养老基金MN和PGGM;英国养老基金RailPen;荷兰基金管理公司荷宝(Robeco);以及英国高校退休基金(USS)。

    Other members of the shareholder group include MN and PGGM , the Dutch pension funds , RailPen , the UK pension fund , Robeco , the Dutch fund manager and the UK Universities Superannuation Scheme ( USS ) .

  11. 迄今为止有16个州以及哥伦比亚特区对标普提起了诉讼。加州表示,它已代表加州公务员退休基金(Calpers)提起诉讼。Calpers是美国最大的公共养老基金。

    So far , 16 states and the District of Columbia have filed lawsuits against S & P. California said it filed a suit on behalf of Calpers , the largest US public pension fund .

  12. 通常的做法是以退休基金账户为抵押,借入贷款。

    This usually involves taking out loans against their retirement accounts .

  13. 那些会大量吞掉你们退休基金的佣金。

    Commissions that can take a bite out of your retirement funds .

  14. 退休基金的相关法律有明显的漏洞。

    There is an obvious hole in the law covering pension funds .

  15. 百分之五十薪资的公司相对退休基金,

    company matching retirement fund to 50 % of salary ,

  16. 这个公司的退休基金计划是不缴纳费用。

    The company pension scheme is non - contributory .

  17. 养老保险制度可以由自愿的私人保险和退休基金提供必要的补充。

    The endowment insurance system should consist of voluntary private insurance and retirement funds .

  18. 我必须把钱交入退休基金。

    We 've gotta P into the pensions .

  19. 他说:我认为,目前更大规模的债券持有人是保险公司和退休基金。

    I think the bigger holders now of securitisations are insurance companies and pension funds .

  20. 退休基金成为全球经济的动力源泉,因为它们拥有资金。

    Pension funds became the powerhouses of the global economy because they had the money .

  21. 是澳大利亚的一家退休基金,服务于医疗和社区服务人员。

    Hesta is a retirement fund for health . and community services employees in Australia ,

  22. 该基金的资金主要来自银行、保险商、经纪机构和退休基金。

    The fund is to be collected from banks , insurers , brokerages and pension funds .

  23. 他们不是讨论物权,环境政策或退休基金,而是讨论空域。

    They were not talking about property rights , environmental policy or pensions , but about airspace .

  24. 非盈利性良种退休基金会从事可能被忽视,虐待和屠杀的前赛马服务。

    The non-profit Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation saves former race horses from possible neglect , abuse and slaughter .

  25. 该退休金不够应付生活费。这个公司的退休基金计划是不缴纳费用。

    The pension is not sufficient for living expenses . The company pension scheme is non - contributory .

  26. 如果你很难为自己积攒退休基金,你可以选择定期从你工资中自动转存的方式来存钱。

    If you have trouble saving for retirement , you can have money automatically deducted from your paycheck .

  27. 客户还需同意,场外保证金外汇交易并不适合退休基金。

    As such , they further agree that margined OTC Foreign Exchange trading is not suitable for Retirement Funds .

  28. 拿福特来说吧,德国和日本的退休基金拥有福特公司的很多股票。

    Take Ford-I 'm sure some German and Japanese pension funds own large blocks of shares in that firm .

  29. 良种退休基金会的安斯克称威尔首先也发生了一些变化。

    Ann Ticker , of the Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation , says Will also had some behavior issues at first .

  30. 基建资产是一项理想的选择,因为他具有长线以及回报不受通胀影响的特点,和退休基金的债务结构相似。

    Infrastructure assets look ideal , because they are long-term with revenues that tend to be linked to inflation .