
  • 网络Chaser
  1. 三个追球手,两个击球手还有守门员和找球手。

    Three Chasers , two Beaters , one Keeper and a Seeker .

  2. 三个追球手争取用鬼飞球得分;

    Three Chasers try and score with the Quaffle ;

  3. 其实我更像追寻者(追球手)

    I 'm more of a chaser , really .

  4. 还有姑娘们。追球手安吉利娜约翰逊说。

    And women , said Chaser Angelina Johnson .

  5. 每边七个人,其中三个被称为追球手。

    There are seven players on each side . Three of them are called Chasers .

  6. 3个追球手,2个击球手,1个守门员和1个找球手,就是你。

    Three Chasers , two Beaters , one Keeper and a Seeker . That 's you .

  7. 三个追球手,一个守门员。哈利说,决心把这些都记在心里。

    Three Chasers , one Keeper , said Harry , who was determined to remember it all .

  8. 追球手手持鬼飞球把它扔进三个中的一个铁环。

    The Chasers handle the Quaffle and try to put it through one of those three hoops .

  9. 追球手把鬼飞球投出去,让它穿过圆环,便可以得分了。哈利复述道。

    The Chasers throw the Quaffle and put it through the hoops to score , Harry recited .

  10. 另两名追球手,凯蒂贝尔和安吉利娜约翰逊坐在对面,连连打着哈欠。

    Her fellow Chasers , Katie Bell and Angelina Johnson , were yawning side by side opposite them .

  11. “斯莱特林队得球,”李乔丹说道,“追球手普塞低头躲过两只游走球,又躲过韦斯莱孪生兄弟和追球手贝尔,

    Slytherin in possession , Lee Jordan was saying , Chaser Pucey ducks two Bludgers , two Weasleys , and Chaser Bell ,

  12. 三个追球手。哈利重复道。这时伍德拿出一只足球那么大的鲜红的球。

    Three Chasers , Harry repeated , as Wood took out a bright red ball about the size of a soccer ball .

  13. 追球手互相传递鬼飞球,争取让它通过一个圆环,这样便可以得分。

    The Chasers throw the Quaffle to each other and try and get it through one of the hoops to score a goal .

  14. 比赛开始了。鬼飞球立刻被格兰芬多的安吉利娜约翰逊抢到了——那姑娘是一个多么出色的追球手,而且长得还很迷人……

    And the Quaffle is taken immediately by Angelina Johnson of Gryffindor - what an excellent Chaser that girl is , and rather attractive , too .

  15. 我得提醒你,你可是正在跟赢得了格利菲斯公园魁地奇球赛第三名的找球手、击球手、追球手和送水手说话呢。

    May I remind you that you 're talking to the seeker , beater , chaser and water boy of the third place Griffith Park Quidditch team .

  16. 你必须在追球手、击球手、游走球和鬼飞球之间来回穿梭,赶在对方找球手之前把它抓住。

    You 've got to weave in and out of the Chasers , Beaters , Bludgers , and Quaffle to get it before the other team 's Seeker ,

  17. 两人并排朝飞贼飞奔而去——追球手们似乎都忘记了他们自己应该做的事情,一个个悬停在空中,注视着。

    Neck and neck they hurtled toward the Snitch - all the Chasers seemed to have forgotten what they were supposed to be doing as they hung in midair to watch .

  18. 每个队有三名追球手把鬼飞球传来传去,设法使它穿过球场顶头的球门,就是三根顶上有圆环的长柱子。”

    Three Chasers on each team throw the Quaffle to each other and try and get it through the goal posts at the end of the pitch - they 're three long poles with hoops on the end . "