
  • 网络Continuous;Continuity Method
  1. 该激光器可以单脉冲、重频或连续方式输出,并可实现输出脉冲频率的编码及波长调谐。

    This laser can work as behaviors of single pulse , repetition frequency or continuous and also realize the coding of pulse frequency and wavelength tuning .

  2. 采用间歇方式、连续方式进行了纳米镍制备的放大实验研究,在其基础上建立了纳米镍粉连续化生产装置。

    Amplification experiments of preparing nano-sized nickel were carried out with both batch process and continuous process , and a continuous production unit of nano-sized nickel was built .

  3. 发现在基于连续方式的仿真方法中,动态势能场的方法和气体动力学的方法在速度,密度的计算上有相似的地方,而且都是宏观控制的方法。

    Found in continuous mode based on simulation method , dynamic potential field method and gas dynamics method in speed , density is calculated to have similar place , but are macroscopic control method .

  4. 螺旋CT扫描通过快速连续扫描方式立体地采集数据,在肾脏应用方面,与常规CT比较,具有以下特点:①明显缩短检查时间,可进行肾脏多期扫描;

    Spiral CT can acquire the volumetric data in one continuous scan . quick ;

  5. 采用种子半连续加料方式有利于增大SBR的粒径。

    The particle diameter of SBR latex could be increased by semi-continuous loading method .

  6. 在内联SQLPL的上下文中,UNION用于以一种连续的方式派生出语句。

    In the context of inline SQL PL UNIONs are used to drive statements in a sequential fashion .

  7. 连续工作方式下掺Yb光纤放大器的增益与噪声特性研究

    Research on Gain and Noise Characteristics of Yb-doped Fiber Amplifier at Continuous-wave Operation

  8. LayoutandAnimationSystem&LayoutandAnimationSystem处理各种与动画相关的算法,使用户可以以视觉上连续的方式查看组件。

    The Layout and Animation System & The Layout and Animation System handles various animation-related algorithms , enabling the user to view components in a visually continuous manner .

  9. 扼要重述一下,当一个Linux系统引导时,它以一种连续的方式来运行所有的某个运行级所配置的所有服务&一个接一个地。

    To recap , when a Linux system boots , it runs all the services that have been configured to start for the runlevel in a serial fashion & one after the other .

  10. 采用SBR反应器,通过间歇曝气和连续曝气方式对活性污泥体系中好氧反硝化细菌的选择和富集效果作了比较。

    By adopting sequencing batch reactor , the different effects of selection and enrichment of aerobic denitrifiers in activated sludge system using intermittent aeration mode and continuous aeration mode were investigated .

  11. 结果表明,采用连续成型方式可使素坯密度提高56%、烧结时间缩短了3h、致密化温度降低200℃。

    The results show that green density is increased by 56 % , sintering time is decreased by 3 ! h and densification temperature is decreased by 200 ℃ after the continuous compaction process .

  12. 以醋酸乙烯(VAc)为主单体,丙烯酸(AA)为改性功能单体,以半连续加料方式进行无皂乳液共聚过程,得到了稳定且固含量为30%左右的乳液。

    This article has described the soap-free copolymerization with vinyl acetate ( VAc ) as basic monomer and acrylic acid ( AA ) as modification functional monomer , forming a stable emulsion with 30 % solid .

  13. 我们在患者中以连续性方式比较了在线血液滤过和高通量血液透析(HF-HD)的疗效。

    We compared on-line hemofiltration to high-flux hemodialysis ( HF-HD ) in patients in a sequential manner .

  14. 这种变换器工作在输入电流不连续导电方式(DCM),综合了电流谐振技术与PFC技术,具有控制简单、输入电流自动跟踪输入电压、功率因数较高的特点。

    It is a single-stage converter operated at discontinuous conduction mode ( DCM ) of an input current , and it combines the technique of current resonant and PFC. It has characteristics of easy control , input current automatically following input voltage , and higher power factor .

  15. 注意其他人是另一种保持连续的方式。

    Paying attention to others is another way to stay connected .

  16. 本文第三部分介绍了在连续加工方式下采用产量和约当量如何进行计算,同样是对广义在产品量的确定。

    Third , it also introduces the Consecutive Processing Method .

  17. 介绍了新研制成功的宽频带线性高功率全固态发射机,该发射机既可以连续波方式工作也可以脉冲方式工作。

    This paper introduces a new developed all solid-state transmitter .

  18. 锅炉房连续供暖方式在实际运行中的应用

    Application of boiler continuous providing heat in practice

  19. 河道稳定塘以连续出水方式运行时,对污染物具有较为明显的降解作用。

    There is obviously effect when riverway stable ponds run on continuous water release .

  20. 白茶日光连续萎凋方式及应用效果试验研究

    Experimental Study on Sunshine Continuous Withering Method of White Tea and Its Application Effect

  21. 它可以采用连续移动方式显示图形,亦可自动冻结。

    The oscilloscope is able to display continually changing pattern and freeze it automatically .

  22. 心理词汇按一种连续的方式发展。

    Mental lexicon develops in a continuous way .

  23. 采用连续铸造方式制备的梯度材料

    Gradient Material Produced by Continuous Casting

  24. 本-古里安还面对着成体系而又有力的反对,他们在具体环节和全面连续的方式之间不断摇摆。

    Ben-Gurion faced systematic and powerful opposition on the part of such figures as Kaplan , D.

  25. 在流媒体剧集中,编剧可以用连续的方式讲述故事和事件,相信观众不会忘记细节;

    You can pack a series with story and incident and trust viewers not to forget details ;

  26. 现场测井时,流量和含水率测量值均采用随不同深度连续测量方式。

    Measuring results of flow and water holdup adopt continuous measuring modes with different depths in the logging field .

  27. 采用分步连续加热方式,在温压釜内对盆地主力烃源岩的未成熟样品生烃特征进行热压模拟实验研究。

    The hydrocarbon-generating characteristics of immature samples about main source rock in basin are systemically studied through thermal simulation experiment under continual heating .

  28. 现场试验表明,采用连续加药方式,可减少洗井次数,提高油井产油量。

    It was shown in the oilfield experiment that it could decrease the times of washing well and improve the productivity of oil wells .

  29. 批处理和实用程序:批处理和实用程序通常处理大量的数据,并且常常以一种连续的方式处理数据。

    Batch and Utilities : Batch and utility programs typically deal with large amounts of data , often processing the data in a sequential manner .

  30. 中空纤维微滤膜置于好氧区,该区采用连续曝气方式实现硝化、过量吸磷及对膜污染的控制。

    The aerobic zone with an immersed hollow fiber MF membrane module is continuously aerated for nitrification and phosphorous uptake as well as fouling control .