
  1. 他们已被迫将葡萄藤连根拔除,改种小麦。

    They had been forced to uproot their vines and plant wheat .

  2. 可连根销售的叶菜类无土栽培系统及Poly-A对水藻生长的抑制作用

    A Soilless Culture System Special for Leaf-vegetables Sold with Roots and the Effect of Poly-A on Algae Growth Inhibition

  3. 将一株树连根拔除需要一分钟左右。

    Time required to uproot a tree is about a minute .

  4. 他把表面一层厚土连根掀起,把铁铲发亮的一边深深埋下去,

    He rooted out tall tops , buried the bright edge deep

  5. 他不得不连根拔掉脚趾甲,具体是什么时候,他已经不记得了。

    He lost track of the times his toenails were uprooted .

  6. 他们把看得到的杂草都连根拔除了。

    They rooted out all the weeds they could see .

  7. 你能在冬天到来之前把花园认真翻挖一遍吗?园丁把园中的花草树木连根全挖了出来。

    Are you able to dig the whole garden over before winter ?

  8. 但多亏了他,我连根篱笆都买不起

    but thanks to him , I can 't afford a fence ,

  9. 他自己连根手指头都不必动。

    He himself did not have to lift a finger .

  10. 一类特殊连根式及其代数性质

    A special successive radical expressions and their algebraic properties

  11. 我们把地里的杂草连根除掉。

    We cut up the weeds in the fields .

  12. 我们将树连根挖起。

    We dug up the tree by its roots .

  13. 他将那棵树连根拨起。

    He pulled up a tree by the roots .

  14. 矩阵连根式序列的收敛性

    Convergence of the Sequence of Matrix Continued Roots

  15. 那么别担心,你连根手指头都不用动。

    Well don 't worry , you don 't have to lift a finger .

  16. 教室里鸦雀无声,静的连根针掉到地上都能听见。

    There was not a sound . One could have heard a pin drop .

  17. 是不是应该用暴力把它从希腊地土上连根拔除呢?

    Should it not , rather , be brutally uprooted from the Hellenic soil ?

  18. 把一棵树连根挖出。

    Dig a tree up by the roots .

  19. 为什么她此刻的境遇就像是一棵果实累累的大树被连根砍断。

    Why her existence now lies like a tree in full bearing struck at the root .

  20. 连根拔(连根)从地里拔除科举制废除后,传统的官员选拔体制出现断层。

    After the abolishment of imperial examination system , traditional officer selection and mechanism renewal appeared fault .

  21. 这位农民雇了一台巨大的挖掘机将两块地之间的树连根掘起。

    The farmer hired a huge mechanical digger to grub up the trees between the two fields .

  22. 同样地,经过非反应式地看见自己的瞋恚或贪爱,我们也会决心将之连根拔除。

    Likewise , through non-reactively witnessing our anger or greed , we may decide to uproot them .

  23. 早晨,他们从那里经过,看见无花果树连根都枯干了。

    20In the morning , as they went along , they saw the fig tree withered from the roots .

  24. 小孩把里头那株连根的小草种在盆栽里面,放在床边的窗户上。

    So it was planted in a flowerpot and placed in the window beside the little boy 's bed .

  25. 将具有控制和毁灭神通的新式武器置于靠不住的人手中,同时还动摇旧的价值观念,把原来的生活方式连根拔除。

    placing in uncertain hands new weapons for mastery and destruction , shaking old values , and uprooting old ways .

  26. 我得想法子在这个连根毛都没有的星球上种够吃三年的食物。

    I gotta figure out a way to grow three years worth of food on a planet where nothing grows .

  27. 如果我能知道你是什么,连根带花,一切一切,我就能知道上帝和人到底是什么。

    What you are , root and all , and all in all , I should know what God and man is .

  28. 风暴吹到甚至连根吹起许多大树和电线杆,导致多地区停电。

    The storm 's high winds had ripped off roots and downed trees and electric poles , leaving many areas without power .

  29. 她知道孩子们在做淘气的事情,果然,她发现他们在花园里把花连根掘起。

    She knew the children were up to some mischief , and she found them in the garden digging up the flowers .

  30. 在对参数放宽限制的条件下,利用简单方法,针对一类一般形式的连根式中一种特殊类型讨论了它的收敛性,并对其代数性质做了初步的研究。

    A special type of a general class of successive radical expressions are considered and the convergency and their algebraic properties are studied .