
  • 网络Connector;linker;connectome;interconnect
  1. 借助软件体系结构描述语言C2的表达能力,基于组件、连接体和体系结构配置3要素,研究适合于Agent规约和构造的组合方法。

    With the expressive power of the software architecture description language C2 , a compositional method of specifying and constructing agent is proposed , which is based on three elements of software architecture , such as component , connector and architecture topology .

  2. 基础设施关键节点(IKN)是基础设施网络中最重要的连接体,是引起基础设施系统不确定性、脆弱性的本质原因,也是基础设施系统复杂性的涌现点。

    Infrastructure Key Node ( IKN ) which is constructed as the most significant connector in the infrastructure network and as the point where the complexity of infrastructure system emerges . The IKN is highly regarded as the essential factors causing the uncertainty and vulnerability .

  3. 残余应力对Si3N4/S45C连接体强度的影响

    Influence of Joining Strength of Si_3N_4 / S45C on Residual Stress

  4. 中温平板式SOFC用合金连接体的表面改性研究

    Surface Modification Study of Interconnector Used in Reduced Planar-type SOFC

  5. LaCoO3涂层在SOFC金属连接体中的应用

    Application of LaCoO_3 coating on metallic interconnector of SOFC

  6. 中间层为Ni-Mo时,连接体具有最佳强度。

    The bonding body with a Ni-Mo interlayer had the best strength .

  7. 但在SOFC高的工作温度下,合金材料作为其连接体材料在合材料和结构设计等方面还存在着一系列问题。

    However , there are some serous problems for using alloys as interconnect materials at the high operating temperature of SOFC including the materials and the structure design .

  8. 依据人体的关节连接体层次结构,将各肢体抽象为简单的刚性几何实体,并运用VRML构建了人体骨骼模型的样本。

    This paper states the way to reconstruct human skeleton model by VRML technologies . It consides human 's limb 's as simple and abstract rigid geometric bodies based on human body 's arthrosis construction .

  9. Fe基合金因资源丰富,具有合适的热膨胀系数,高延展性,良好的加工性及低成本等优点,成为中温平板式固体氧化物燃料电池连接体材料研究的焦点。

    Based on the advantage of abound resources , proper coefficient of heat expansion , high tractility , excellent deformability and low cost , Fe based alloy which is for solid oxide fuel cell with medium temperature and flat type has become the focus of connection material research .

  10. IRAKs(Interleukin-1receptorassociatedkinases,IRAKs)作为TIR信号通路的重要连接体,在调节机体的自身免疫中起着重要的枢纽作用。

    Interleukin-1 receptor associated kinases ( IRAKs ) are pivotal adaptors in the TIR ( Toll / IL-1 receptor ) signaling pathway and play an central role in regulating innate immunity .

  11. 由于KegginPOM呈椭球体状,表面富氧,易形成氢键,因而13中的二维结构还可通过多阴离子上的氧原子与连接体的氢键作用,从而进一步扩展成另一种新的三维网络结构。

    Since Keggin anion looks like ellipsoid and has rich oxygen atoms , the 2D substructure of 13 can be extended into another new 3D structure through the hydrogen bonding interactions between the POM and the linker .

  12. Fe-Cr-1、2、3、4等四种合金材料的耐热温度均超过了1100℃,满足其作为SOFC连接体材料的温度要求。

    The heat-resistance temperature of sample Fe-Cr-1 、 2 、 3 、 4 was all above 1100 ℃, meeting the temperature requirement of being as interconnect material in SOFC .

  13. 方法:用三维有限元方法,通过改变基牙牙槽骨高度、基牙数目和桥体长度进行分析和计算基牙与桥体间的连接体部VONMISES的应力情况。

    Methods : Three dimensional finite element method ( 3-DFEM ) was utilized to analyze and calculate Von Mises stress of a cantilevered fixed partial denture around the connectors by changing alveolar bone support height , the numbers of splinted abutments and the length of the pontics .

  14. 人类学家Timura将这种环境冲突视为一种连接体:它将不同的群体凝聚到一起,共同参与问题的进一步界定和精炼化。

    Anthropologist Timura see this environmental conflict as a " boundary object ", it will unite the different groups together to participate in the problem of further defining and refining .

  15. 公司是一系列利益关系的连接体。

    Company is the connecting body of relationships among various entities .

  16. 采用图像轮廓的弹性连接体三维建模与运动估计

    Three-dimensional Modeling and Motion Estimation of Elastic Articulated Objects from Image Contours

  17. 高层大跨连接体结构的动力计算和抗震分析

    Dynamic Calculation and Seismic analysis of High-rise Building with Long-Span Connected Structure

  18. 超高层建筑姊妹楼连接体劲性结构施工技术

    Construction Technology for Connected Rigid Structure of Twin Sister Super Tall Buildings

  19. 连接体支座处阻尼对连体结构抗震性能的影响

    Seismic Behavior Influence of the Connector Damping Support on the Connected Structure

  20. 固体氧化物燃料电池合金连接体涂层材料研究进展

    Development of Coating Materials on Alloy Interconnect in Solid Oxide Fuel Cell

  21. 鸿山大厦连接体工程抗浮锚杆的施工

    Construction of Anti-Floating Anchor Bar in the Connection Structure of Hongshan Buildings

  22. 目的:研究固定义齿连接体的受力情况。

    Objective : To study the stress on the connector of fixed bridge .

  23. 下颌后牙固定义齿连接体受力的三维有限元分析

    Three-dimentional finite element analysis of stress in connector of mandibular posterior fixed bridge

  24. 有机硅连接体在固相有机合成中的应用

    Application of Silicon Linkers in Sol id-Phase Organic Synthesis

  25. 大跨高层连接体建筑结构动力分析

    Dynamic analysis of long span connecting structure between buildings

  26. 郑大新校区学院建筑群中的连接体设计研究

    Connector design research of the college building group in Zhengzhou University new school district

  27. 功能价值是价值体系的中间层,是文化意蕴层与属性价值层的连接体。

    Function value is the connection of cultural implication of value and the function value .

  28. 高温超导电缆本体绝缘及终端和中间连接体绝缘研究

    Research in the Insulation of the Cryostat , Terminator and Cryostat Connecter of HTS Cable

  29. 预制分支电缆连接体的制作及组合模具设计

    Manufacture of the connector for the pre-fab branched cables and design of the assembled molding die

  30. 对连接体材料进行能谱分析可知,在接头的界面处均发生不同程度的元素扩散。

    Energy spectrum analysis shows that different degrees of element mutual diffusion occurred in the interface .