
yuǎn chénɡ fǎnɡ wèn
  • remote access
  1. Web服务通常用来远程访问现有的服务组件。

    Web services are often used to enable remote access to existing service components .

  2. WEB访问管理极大地方便了远程访问,提供了系统的工作效率。

    WEB access management greatly facilitates remote access , and efficiency of the system .

  3. 没有找到用于远程访问的IP适配器。

    Cannot find an IP adapter bound to Remote Access .

  4. WINDOWSnt远程访问服务中数据压缩方法分析

    Analysis of Data Compression Methods in Windows NT Remote Access Service

  5. 远程访问系统中Radius的应用

    The application of Radius in remote access system

  6. XML/Java技术实现Oracle数据远程访问的探讨

    Discussing data remote access to oracle DB with XML and java

  7. 要限制远程访问,建议使用IP防火墙来进行访问限制。

    To selective restrict remote access , it is recommend that an IP Firewall be used to restrict access .

  8. 少数先决条件:您可以用尽可能少的对运行的Web应用程序的远程访问和登陆证明来进行测试。

    Very few prerequisites : You can perform tests with as little as remote access to a working Web application , and preferably login credentials .

  9. 在这个虚拟实验台架上,异地的实验者可以通过Internet/Intranet远程访问,完成液压系统节流调速实验,基本上达到了远程教学的要求。

    In this virtual experiment , the remote operators can do their experiment through the Internet / Intranet .

  10. 文章仔细分析了现有电子商务系统在构架上存在的不足和远程访问协议上存在的局限性,创设了基于WEBService的分布式构架。

    The existing shortcomings of the frame of the present E-Commerce system is analyzed carefully and a distributed frame based on Web Service technology is put forward .

  11. 基于VPN的电子资源远程访问系统的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of VPN-Based Remote Access Electronic Resources System

  12. 基于电子钥匙的远程访问VPN身份鉴别方案

    Authentication Scheme of Remote Access VPN Based on Electronic Key

  13. 基于INTERNET的远程访问控制中AAA问题的研究及实现

    The Research and Realization of AAA Problem Based on The Control of Remote Access in Internet

  14. 利用开源软件实现基于SSLVPN的图书馆远程访问

    Remote Access to Library Based on SSL VPN Using Open Source Software

  15. 基于Windows2000的远程访问VPN实现

    The Implementation of Remote Access VPN on Windows 2000

  16. 本文最后对利用MicrosoftADO技术实现数据库远程访问进行了阐述。

    In the last , database remote accessing based on Microsoft ADO is described .

  17. RADIUS协议为远程访问系统提供重要的安全服务,即认证、授权和记账。

    RADIUS protocol provides very important services for remote access system , including authentication , authorization and accounting .

  18. 服务器端还能把已完成的实验发布在Web上,使得用户随时随地远程访问,并下载自己的实验数据。

    On the server side , managers publish the experiments in the Web page , enabling users anywhere and anytime remote access , and download experimental data .

  19. 嵌入式Web服务器是通过互联网远程访问嵌入式家庭网关,并通过网关对家居网络设备进行监控和管理的重要手段。

    Embedded Web Server is the key method that access embedded residential gateway through Internet , and monitor and manage devices in residential network through residential gateway .

  20. SSLVPN及其在安全远程访问中的应用

    SSL VPN and Its Application in Secure Remote Access

  21. ORACLE数据库远程访问能力的扩展

    An Expansion of ORACLE 's Remote Accessibility

  22. 远程访问可能不够快,或者您可能没有一个便于使用的X服务器。

    Remote access just may not be fast enough , or you may not have a convenient X server to use .

  23. VPN技术在高校图书馆电子资源远程访问中的应用

    The Application of VPN Technology in Remote Access to Electronic Resources of University Library

  24. 利用2003远程访问服务加VPN远程调用打印机

    Using 2003 remote access service to recall the installation of the printer through VPN

  25. 论文以ARMCPU为核心设计了住宅控制中心,实现了对远程访问的响应以及对住宅内设备的控制。

    The control center is carried out based on the ARM CPU , and takes on the home gateway function .

  26. 该网关支持TCP/IP协议,运行Web服务程序,形成一个用户可以通过网络浏览器进行远程访问的服务器。

    The gateway supports TCP / IP , runs a Web Server , acts as a remote server which can be easily accessed by end user through a browser .

  27. 路由器cache可以减少远程访问的响应时间,减少主存的目录开销。

    In this way , router-cache can reduce the response time of remote access and the costs of memory directory .

  28. IPSec远程访问模式下客户端的自动配置

    Automatic Host Configuration of IPSec Remote Access Client

  29. JDBC是一个应用程序编程接口(API),Java应用程序使用它本地或远程访问关系数据库。

    JDBC is an application programming interface ( API ) that Java applications use to access relational databases locally or remotely .

  30. 在数字图书馆中,用实践证明应用反向代理技术既能实现图书馆Web服务器缓冲代理,又可以通过认证实现远程访问图书馆数据库。

    It is proved that the reverse proxy server program not only support the Web server caching proxy in digital libraries , but also realize long-distance access databases after authentication in libraries .