
  • 网络Remote service;Teleservice
  1. 移动Agent在复杂设备远程服务中的应用研究

    Application Research of Mobile Agent in Complicated Equipment Remote Service

  2. 远程服务绑定中指定的用户的id。

    ID for the user specified in the remote service binding .

  3. 基于Web的查询服务器在复杂设备远程服务中的应用

    Application of lookup-server based on Web in long-distance cooperative service

  4. PLC接入远程服务系统的方案及其实现

    The-Schemes and Realization of the Link between PLC & Tele Service System

  5. 接口不由Java类定义的服务不是远程服务。

    A service whose interface is defined by a Java class is not Remotable .

  6. 本文以快速成型制造中心为对象,研究了基于WEB的快速成型制造远程服务系统。

    In this article , we study the remote RP service system based on Web around a RP manufacturing center .

  7. SOAP和REST都是与远程服务进行通信所使用的与平台无关的协议。

    Both SOAP and REST are platform neutral protocols for communicating with remote services .

  8. 利用Internet开展远程服务正逐渐成为制造企业适应市场竞争和赢得客户的迫切需求。

    Owing to the competitive market and customers , to develop teleservice on Internet environment becomes the urgent demands for manufacturing enterprises .

  9. 在此实现中,通过远程服务交换的所有参数都是服务数据对象(ServiceDataObjects,SDO)类型的数据。

    In this implementation , all parameters exchanged via remote services are of type Service Data Objects ( SDO ) .

  10. 以下将对带@RemotableAnnotation的远程服务的Java接口进行说明

    The following explains the Java interface for a remotable service with its @ Remotable annotation

  11. 但是,Web服务转换器stage同时具有输入链接和输出链接,可以在数据事务中与远程服务交互。

    However , the Web services transformer stage has both input and output links and can interact with remote services in a sense of data transaction .

  12. 从Notes为远程服务所进行的必需的配置,到如何使移动用户远程访问数据库。

    From the Notes necessary configure for long-distance service to how to let the long-distance users visiting the database .

  13. 从技术上说,RPC远程服务是一个servlet。

    The RPC remote service is technically a servlet .

  14. 面向远程服务的CBR框架及其应用研究

    Architecture of Case-Based Reasoning And Its Application in Teleservice

  15. 然后,通过为输出的远程服务应用方面(aspects),可以实现安全检查、加密、压缩等超级酷炫的事儿。

    You can then do very cool things to the exported remote service by applying aspects to it that will do things such as security checks , encryption , compression , etc.

  16. 在这些封装器的Java类实现中,需要编写执行程序,利用适当的协议来访问远程服务。

    In the Java class implementation of these wrappers , you need to write the implementation to access the remote services , using the appropriate protocols .

  17. 由于Ajax天生就具有异步性,因此GWT定义了一个异步接口来访问远程服务。

    Because Ajax is inherently asynchronous , GWT defines an asynchronous interface for accessing remote services .

  18. 基于COE的制造业远程服务体系的研究

    Research on the COE-based remote service system of manufacturing enterprises

  19. 这种灵活性是SOA的首要价值,而这种挑战可以通过了解借助远程服务策略获得灵活性的步骤来克服。

    This flexibility , which is the primary value of SOA , is overcome by understanding the steps in achieving flexibility through a remote service strategy .

  20. 文章介绍了制造业远程服务系统的功能,提出了通过J2EE平台集成现有企业信息系统。

    This paper introduces the function of teleservice system of manufacturing enterprises , and puts forward the integration of existing EISs based on J2EE platform .

  21. 在传统应用体系的基础上,提出了一种新的基于J2EE平台的制造业远程服务系统集成体系。

    On the base of the traditional application system , we puts forward a new teleservice system of manufacturing enterprises based on the J2EE platform .

  22. 在SCA中,使用会话来维护有关客户机和远程服务间的单个对话的信息。

    In SCA , a session is used to maintain information about a single conversation between a client and a remotable service .

  23. SCA通过在远程服务接口上使用@CallbackAnnotation来提供回调服务(接受接口的JavaClass对象作为参数)。

    SCA provides callback services by using @ Callback annotation on a remotable service interface , which takes the Java Class object of the interface as a parameter .

  24. 支持portlet单元测试和远程服务环境:该功能更有利于你进行测试和调试。

    Support for portal unit test and remote server environments : This functionality allows you greater flexibility for testing and debugging .

  25. 回调告诉GWT应用程序远程服务调用是否成功地执行了。

    The callback informs the GWT application of whether the remote service call has been executed successfully .

  26. DCOM在远程服务管理中的应用

    Remote Service Manager with DCOM

  27. 还有一个称为“SCA(默认)绑定”的非标准绑定,它提供一种简单的方式来连接远程服务。

    There is also a non-standard binding called the " SCA ( default ) binding ", which provides an easy way to connect remote-able services .

  28. Restlet包含一个客户端API,支持轻松使用任何基于HTTP的远程服务,而不仅仅是JAX-RS服务。

    Restlet includes a client API that makes it easy to consume any remote HTTP-based services , not just JAX-RS services .

  29. J2ME应用程序通过JSR172存根和运行时调用远程服务,通常要通过HTTP和SOAP来进行传输。

    J2ME applications invoke remote services through the JSR172 stub ( s ) and runtime , and typically over HTTP and SOAP .

  30. 上面一行把具体远程服务类的全限定类名与实质上为此服务URL的路径名组成一对。

    The above line pairs the fully qualified class name of the concrete remote service class with a path name that is essentially the URL for this service .