
  1. 哲学的新方向与终极关怀新解&兼就拙著《进入澄明之境》答梁志学先生问意识与无意识关系新解

    The New Orientation of Philosophy and a New Interpretation of Final Care A New Interpretation of the Relation Between Consciousness and Unconsciousness

  2. 第五部分:通过对以上几个维度的意义遮蔽的归因,尝试以反思与批判、理解与对话、体验与生成这几种途径进入意义澄明之境&一个充满意义的教育世界。

    Part 5 : to try to enter a meaning-world by the way of understanding and conversation ; reflecting and criticizing ; experiencing and creating after having found the reason of the crises .