
  • Operations Director;Director of Operations;COO
  1. 去年的时候,斯托尔夫妇手下最出色的几名服务员和运营总监跳槽去了旧金山的Twitter和Airbnb。

    In the last year , the Stolls have lost several of their best servers and their director of operations to Twitter and Airbnb in San Francisco .

  2. Foursquare的运营总监NathanFolkman写了一篇博客,一方面向用户道歉,一方面提供了事故发生的一些技术细节。

    Nathan Folkman , Foursquare 's Director of Operations , wrote a blog entry that both apologized to their users and provided some technical details about what happened .

  3. 苹果运营总监JeffWilliams曾在五月份称汽车是“终极的可移动设备”。

    And Jeff Williams , Apple 's head of operations , in May called the car " the ultimate mobile device . "

  4. 对此,NBA联赛和篮球运营总监李特文强调,目前我们并不觉得我们的市场运行状况出现警告信号。

    " We are a absolutely not alarmed right now about any of our markets ," said Joel Litvin , the NBA 's president for league and basketball operations .

  5. 纽约州运营总监霍华德格莱瑟(howardglaser)表示,港口正恢复作业,引入200艘运载燃油的驳船缓解短缺状况。

    Howard Glaser , New York State operations director , said the port was reopening , bringing in 200 fuel barges to ease conditions .

  6. “我认为人们在将泡沫塑料和纸比较时存在许多误解,”行业协会美国化学理事会(AmericanChemistryCouncil)塑料市场运营总监基思?克里斯特曼(KeithChristman)说。

    I think there are a lot of misconceptions around polystyrene foam versus paper , ' said Keith Christman , managing director for plastics markets at American Chemistry Council , which represents the industry .

  7. 我认为人们在将泡沫塑料和纸比较时存在许多误解,行业协会美国化学理事会(AmericanChemistryCouncil)塑料市场运营总监基思&12539;克里斯特曼(KeithChristman)说。

    ' I think there are a lot of misconceptions around polystyrene foam versus paper , ' said Keith Christman , managing director for plastics markets at American Chemistry Council , which represents the industry .

  8. 或者,如HM的北美运营总监丹尼尔·库勒(DanielKulle)所说,昆斯的情况是,他们不知道这个人,但他们知道他设计的标志性作品,人们对他的了解比以前更多了。

    Or if , as in the case of Mr. Koons , they do not know the man , they know the iconic things he has done , said Daniel Kulle , the president for North American operations at HM. People are more well informed than they used to be .

  9. UME华星国际影城的运营总监张小缤说,“4月和5月的票房收入总额为9千万人民币,但是,只有2千万人民币是国产影片产生的票房收入。这一数字是让人失望的。”

    Zhang Xiaobing , operation director of UME 's Huaxing Int'l Cineplex , said , " The total box office gross in April and May was more than 90 million yuan , but only 20 million was generated from domestic movies . It 's quite disappointing . "

  10. 财富管理软件提供商Addepar公司的运营总监亚当•劳伦斯表示,他的公司已经使用Asana两年了,而且他总是把Asana的图标“和我的Gmaill一起放在一个单独的标签里。”

    Take Adam Lawrence , director of operations at wealth management software provider addepar , who says his company has been using asana for two years and that he always has the web-based task management tool " up next to my Gmail in a separate tab . "

  11. 蒂姆弗里曼是运营总监弗里曼技术。

    Tim Freeman is Director of Operations at Freeman Technology .

  12. 今天,罗恩·梅耶尔是环球影域的总裁和运营总监。

    Today , Meyer is the president and COO of Universal Studios .

  13. 伦敦地铁公司运营总监皮特•麦克诺特说:“我十分期待这项新规。”

    LU operations director Peter McNaught said : ' I look forward to this new pilot .

  14. 在来到青岛之前,舒迪凡先生就任上海希尔顿酒店运营总监一职。

    Prior to his new appointment in Qingdao , he was the Director of Operations of Hilton Shanghai .

  15. 担任运营总监20年后,人们认为我将永远留在这里。

    Man : After twenty years as Operations Director , people thought I was going to stay forever .

  16. 香港迪士尼运营总监金民豪将收入减少归结为成本上升和不断增加的竞争压力。

    Andrew Kam , its managing director , blamed the figures on increased costs and growing competition from other destinations .

  17. 佐治亚电力公司紧急运营总监亚伦·斯特里克兰表示,这场冰雪风暴具有潜在的毁坏性。

    Aaron Strickland , the emergency operation director of Georgia Power says the storm of ice and snow has potentially devastating .

  18. 伊利诺伊州州长帕特·奎恩的运营总监杰克·莱文表示,把汤姆森惩戒中心卖给美国监狱管理局有助于创造就业机会。

    Illinois Governor Pat Quinn 's Chief Operating Officer Jack Lavin said selling Thomson to the U.S. Bureau of Prisons would help create jobs .

  19. 我们今天的演播嘉宾是国家气象中心的运营总监贾尔斯·弥尔顿,贾尔斯,欢迎你。

    Woman : ... And our studio guest today is Giles Milton , Operations Director at the National Weather Centre . Giles , welcome .

  20. 前几天,我的一个部下,一个运营总监找我,谈季度考核时候,谈了他的心理不平衡。

    A few days ago , one of my subordinates , I look for a Chief Operating Officer , quarterly assessment on time , to talk about his mental imbalance .

  21. 集团的运营总监史志坚一直计划在香港开店,并在一年前香港政府取消葡萄酒进口关税后付诸行动。

    See , the group 's operations director , had been planning a venture in Hong Kong and sprang into action a year ago when the government abolished the import duty on wine .

  22. 林江是北京新富,在北京一家IT公司担任运营总监,但他放弃去装修华丽的百货公司购物。每个星期,他都会去逛北京火车站附近的一家小店寻找古董首饰。

    BEIJING , Oct.3 ( Xinhua ) & A chief executive officer at an IT company , Lin Jiang is one of Beijing 's new rich , but he spurns flash department stores .

  23. 捷豹路虎全球运营总监安迪o高斯在底特律表示,捷豹路虎必须挑战奥迪、宝马和奔驰建立的现有秩序。

    Andy Goss , worldwide head of sales , said in Detroit this month the brands have to challenge the established order the way Audi had to do with BMW and Mercedes not so long ago .

  24. 列车运营公司总监负责监控和定期汇报系统质量保证计划的效果。

    The TOC director will be responsible for monitoring and regularly reporting on the effectiveness of the system quality assurance program .

  25. 2000年加入携程,历任携程酒店预订部经理、酒店预订部总监、服务运营高级总监、服务运营副总裁。

    She joined Ctrip in2000.These roles include manager and director of hotel reservations , as well as senior director and VP of customer service .

  26. 新浪网运营部技术总监王涂勇说出双方合作的意图。

    The intent that sina net carries king of battalion headquarters CTO besmears brave speaks bilateral collaboration .

  27. “任仕达美国”营销与运营部的营销总监埃里克•邦汀说:“年长员工对年轻员工抱有一种成见,他们认为年轻员工不够称职,职业道德欠缺;

    " Older workers stereotypically view younger workers as not as competent and not having such a work ethic ," said Eric Buntin , managing director of marketing and operations for Randstad USA.