
  • 网络minor;Minor Program
  1. 你的专业和辅修专业是什么?以前学过和所申请的职位相关的课程吗?

    What 's your major and minor subjects ? Have you studied any courses related to the post you are applying for ?

  2. 然而目前辅修专业从师资配备到课程设置以及教学管理都存在着不少问题,形式大于内涵。

    However , the present minor system has many problems in the teacher , the lesson as well as the teaching management . The form is even more important than the connotation .

  3. 高师艺术主辅修专业课程设置研究

    A Study on Curriculum Design of Fine Music Arts Major and Subsidiary

  4. 辅修专业决策支持系统的研究性教学实践

    Practice of Inquiry Teaching on " Decision Support System "

  5. 第六部分:军医大学临床医学专业五年制本科计算机辅修专业课程构建方案的评价与完善。

    Part VI : The assessment and perfecting of the constructed minor-in-computer curriculum .

  6. 第三部分:军医大学临床医学专业五年制本科辅修专业需求调查。

    Part III : The minor-discipline demand investigation of major-minor system in military medical colleges .

  7. 依据辅修专业的特点,制定了教学计划和教学大纲。

    We drew up teaching plan and teaching outline according to the speciality of assistant subject .

  8. 前言:“珠宝鉴定与营销管理”跨校辅修专业开设二年来,得到了上海市东北片区高校学生的广泛欢迎,取得了较好的效果。

    The co-educational'Gem Identification and Business Management'Minor has obtained nice effects and extensive welcome since it was founded two years ago .

  9. 通过对相关概念的研究,界定本课题的研究范围和重点,定位辅修专业的培养目标。

    By studying relative conception , we ascertained the range and emphasis of this research and the objectives of major-minor system as well .

  10. 关于复合型人才培养模式的探索&商贸英语辅修专业的实践研究报告

    On the exploration of the educational pattern for qualified personnel with compound abilities & A research report on the practice in subsidiary speciality of business English

  11. 我是毕业于山东工商学院,拥有经济学和管理学的双学位,我的主修专业是金融,辅修专业是会计。

    I was graduated from Shandong Institute of business and technology , with a dual degree in economics and management , and my Major is finance subsidiary majors are accounting .

  12. 浙江医科大学根据麻醉学科发展的需要和浙江省麻醉学专业人员状况,在医学专业中开设了麻醉学辅修专业。

    According to the need of the anaesthesia development and the present situation of professional anaesthesia staff in Zhejiang Province , we set up assistant anaesthesia subject to medicine department in Zhejiang Medical University .

  13. 我叫齐好运,在天津大学学习,明年7月份毕业,主修专业是国际贸易,辅修专业是计算机。

    I am Qi haoyun , a student studying at Tianjin university . I 'll be graduating from the university next july . I major in international trade with a minor in computer science .

  14. 我现在是一名明尼苏达大学德卢斯校区传播专业的大四学生,辅修新闻专业。

    I am currently a senior student at University of Minnesota Duluth studying Communication with a minor in Journalism .

  15. 所以这是我的主要选择之一-,我还考虑学英语,最后英语是我辅修的专业。

    And so , that was a clear major for me to pick & I actually also was considering English and ended up being a minor in English .

  16. 那些主修教育、人文学科的学生,还可以通过辅修其它专业,比如经济学,来提升他们的就业前景。

    Those majoring in some subjects , such as education or one of the humanities , can sometimes improve their job situation by double majoring or earning a minor in , say , economics .

  17. 西安体院学生辅修非体育专业课程情况调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis of non sport courses in Our Institute

  18. 你辅修过什么专业吗?

    I : What subject did you minor in ?

  19. 她去美国留学,主修商科,辅修艺术历史专业。

    She went to the United States for college . She majored in business and minored in art history .

  20. 太阳能光合生物制氢光转化效率的影响因素研究主辅修制生物专业动物学实验教学规格初探

    Study on the influencing factors of light conversion efficiency in biological hydrogen production from solar energy A Fundamental Research on the Zoological Experiment Teaching

  21. 说明:辅修学位要在辅修专业课的基础上增加学位课并完成毕业设计(论文)。

    Note : A group of courses should be added and the graduation design ( paper ) has to be finished on the base of subsidiary curriculums for subsidiary major .