
  1. 研究确立了轻型输送带辊压压花成型非线性显式动力有限元分析的分析方法,并对仿真分析过程中的关键技术和关键参数设置进行了研究说明。

    It establishes nonlinear explicit dynamic FEM analysis method of light conveyor belt roller embossing forming , and studies the key technology and key parameters settings of the simulation analysis process .

  2. 目前,国内轻型输送带加工方法生产效率低下,加工成本高,对环境造成了一定的污染,对工人身体有较大的毒害。

    At present , the production of light conveyor belt is costly and inefficient , and it is polluting to the environment and has a poisonous effect on workers in China .

  3. 研究了不同填充剂、增塑剂对PVC轻型输送带覆盖胶性能的影响。

    Effects of different fillers , different plasticizers on the cover properties of light PVC conveyor belts were studied .

  4. 轻型输送带的发展现状

    The Developing Current Status of Light Duty Conveyor Belt

  5. 棉纺用轻型输送带的结构、制造及性能

    About the Structure , Manufacturing and Performance of the Light Belt for Cotton Spinning

  6. 3.轻工、纺织、包装工业;棉纺用轻型输送带的结构、制造及性能

    ( c ) Textile , packaging and other light industries ; About the Structure , Manufacturing and Performance of the Light Belt for Cotton Spinning

  7. 本文结合挤出复合生产技术和轻型输送带结构特点,将挤出复合技术应用到轻型输送带的生产上,研究开发出了国内第一条轻型输送带挤出复合生产线。

    This paper combines with extrusion-laminating production technology and the structure characteristics of light conveyor belt , applies the extrusion-laminating production technology in producing light conveyor belt , and studied out the first extrusion-laminating production line of light conveyor belt in China .