
  • 网络rotor spinning
  1. 关于低成本转杯纺纱的生产技术探讨

    Discuss on the Technology of Low-cost Rotor Spinning Production

  2. 转杯纺纱的产品质量及可纺性的研讨

    Spinnability of Rotor Spinning and Its Yarn Quality

  3. RU-11型转杯纺纱机适纺支数范围的初步探讨

    Preliminary Study of Spinning count Range Adaptable for RU-II Rotor Spinning Frame

  4. 原料配比、纱号与单强CV值的关系;转杯纺纱机分梳辊、纺杯等关键工艺部件对单强CV值的影响。

    The relationship between the ratio of material blending , yarn count and single fibre strength CV value , the influence of combing key parts such as combing roller , rotor of rotor spinning machine on strand strength CV value are discussed .

  5. R40转杯纺纱机结构合理,纺纱稳定性好,生产效率高。

    The R40 rotor spinning machine offers considerably enhanced potential for very high productivity by virture of improved spinning stability and maximum length .

  6. 本文介绍了CR2型转杯纺纱机卷绕防叠原理,对横动凸轮运动特性、导纱变速系数、卷绕角、防叠周期作了分析。

    Abstract The paper introduces the principle of winding fold-proof mechanism on CR2 rotor spinning frame , and analyses the traverse earn motion , coefficient of yarn delivery variable speed , winding angle , fold-proof cycle .

  7. BT903EY型抽气式转杯纺纱机是BT902型转杯纺纱机的改进机型,速度高,纺纱质量稳定。

    BT903EY rotor spinning frame is the innovative frame of BT902 rotor frame , the innovative frame has high speed and stable spinning quality .

  8. 转杯纺纱在绢纺中的应用研究

    Research on the Application of Rotor Spinning to Waste Silk Spinning

  9. 关于制订我国转杯纺纱线质量标准的几点建议

    Some Suggestions on Setting Up National Quality Standards for Rotor-spun Yarn

  10. 转杯纺纱卷绕系统的发展和经济分析

    Development of Winding System of Rotor Spinner end its Economic Analysis

  11. 使用国产自排风转杯纺纱机的生产实践

    Production Practice in using homemade rotor spinning frame with automatic air-exhauster

  12. 我国自排风式转杯纺纱机的发展与现状

    Development and Status-quo of Domestic Self Air Exhaust Open-end Spinning Machine

  13. 低捻转杯纺纱张力与断头分析

    Rotor Spun Tension and End Breakage Rate for Low Twist

  14. 落绵转杯纺纱的研究

    Research on the Spinning Silk Droppings Using Rotor Spinning Machine

  15. 转杯纺纱接头关键技术分析

    Analysis of the Key Technology of Piecing in Rotor Spinning

  16. 转杯纺纱工艺参数对转杯纱强度的影响

    Influence of Technological Parameters on Yarn Strength of Rotor Spinning

  17. 转杯纺纱关键件与其材料技术的探讨

    Discussion of Key Rotor Spinning Parts and Relative Material Technology

  18. BD380&半自动转杯纺纱厂的王牌

    BD380 : The Wild Card for Semi-automatic Rotor Spinning Mills

  19. 优化转杯纺纱接头质量的研究

    A Study on Optimization of Piecing Quality in Rotor Spinning

  20. 转杯纺纱机是一种比较新型的纺纱机。

    Rotor Spinning Machine is a relatively new type of spinning machine .

  21. 转杯纺纱器输棉管道的实验研究

    A study on test of the transport tube on OE-spun

  22. 自排风式转杯纺纱机除尘系统节能设计

    Energy Saving Design of Dusting System of Automatic Air-exhauster Rotor Spinning Frame

  23. RU11型转杯纺纱机适纺原棉的探讨

    Investigation on Usage of Suitable Cotton on Rotor Spinning Frame

  24. 转杯纺纱中纤维滑移所需时间的探讨

    Study of the Time for Fibers Moving in Rotor Spinning

  25. 提高自排风式转杯纺纱机成纱质量的探讨

    Discussion on improving yarn forming quality on open-end spinning frame featuring auto-fanning

  26. 转杯纺纱机的分梳罗拉速度低。

    Lower opening roller speeds in open end spinning machine .

  27. 转杯纺纱速度有潜力达到180000r/min

    Potentials for rotor spinning at speeds up to 180000 r / min

  28. 我国抽气式转杯纺纱机发展的研讨

    Discussion of Development of Domestic Air Suction Open - end Spinning Machine

  29. 转杯纺纱机纺棉氨纶包芯纱的试验研究

    Test Research on Cotton & Urethane Elastic Core-spun Yarn in Rotor Spinning Machine

  30. 转杯纺纱机引纱胶辊起槽原因及解决方法

    Reason and Solution of Yarn Guide Top Roller Abrasion on Rotor Spinning Frame