
  • 网络Vehicle management;Fleet Management
  1. 基于GPS的车辆管理系统的应用研究

    Research on Vehicle Management System Based on GPS

  2. 基于Bluetooth和半GPS定位算法的车域网智能车辆管理系统

    Intelligentized vehicle management system over VAN based on Bluetooth and half GPS location

  3. 加州机动车辆管理局(CaliforniaDepartmentofMotorVehicles)从4月份开始发放许可证,允许公司在公共道路上测试真正的自动驾驶汽车。

    The California Department of Motor Vehicles began giving permits in April for companies to test truly self-driving cars on public roads .

  4. 面向对象数据库建模在基于GIS的车辆管理中的应用

    Application of Object-Oriented Database Modeling in Management System Based on GIS

  5. GPS机动车辆管理系统实现方案分析

    Scheme for Mobile Management System based on GPS

  6. GPS定位系统在车辆管理系统中的应用日益广泛。

    The appliance of GPS location system is more and more abroad in the vehicles supervisory system .

  7. 充分利用计算机技术和Internet技术,开展车辆管理和网上服务已成为一种发展趋势。

    Making full use of computer technology and Internet technology , carrying out vehicles management and Internet service have been a developing trend .

  8. 本文描述了我部队基于RFID的车辆管理系统的开发过程。

    This paper describes the process development of the troops based RFID vehicle management system .

  9. 今年4月,Drive.ai成为第13家获得加州机动车辆管理局(DepartmentofMotorVehicles)批准进行自动驾驶测试的公司。

    In April , Drive.ai became the 13th company to be approved for autonomous testing in California by the state 's Department of Motor Vehicles .

  10. 全球卫星定位系统在车辆管理中的应用GPS全球卫星定位静态测量数据处理探讨

    The Application of Global Positioning System in the Positioning Management of Automobile ; Static Measurement Error of Short Side GPS Control Network and Countermeasure Discussion

  11. 结合3S技术的现代矿山生产车辆管理系统

    Moden mine productive vehicle MIS combining 3S technology

  12. 结合GPS、GIS等技术,开发管理信息系统以改善车辆管理问题并提高管理效率,对于车辆信息加以分析及管理。

    Combination of GPS , GIS technology , developing management information systems to improve traffic management and improve management efficiency , the vehicle information to be analyzed and managed .

  13. 本论文主要介绍了GPS技术在车辆管理系统中的开发,重点解决了无线通信和车载移动终端的实现。

    The thesis introduces the GPS technology in the development of the vehicle management system , focuses on the solutions for implementing the wireless communication and vehicle mobile terminal .

  14. 为了适应现时特种车辆管理系统对车辆GPS定位的精度的需要,并考虑到未来的发展趋势,对差分GPS方案进行了介绍。

    To meet the requirement of precise GPS positioning in vehicle management system , and also to consider the development in the future , this paper introduces differential GPS projects .

  15. 百度自动驾驶事业部总经理王劲表示,美国加州机动车辆管理局(DepartmentofMotorVehicles)已向百度美国(BaiduUSA)发放自动驾驶汽车上路测试牌照。

    Wang Jing , general manager of Baidu 's Autonomous Driving Unit , said the California Department of Motor Vehicles had issued Baidu USA an autonomous vehicle testing permit .

  16. 利用车牌识别(licenseplaterecognition,LPR)系统,对汽车牌照进行自动识别,可以实现园区车辆管理自动化、智能化,具有广阔的市场前景。

    Using the License Plate Recognition ( LPR ) system to recognize he license plate , may realize the management automation and the intellectualization , which has the broad market prospect .

  17. 车牌识别系统(LicensePlateRecognitionSystem简称LPRS)是ITS的重要环节,在交通监管、交通控制和车辆管理等方面发挥了重要的作用。

    License Plate Recognition System ( LPRS ) is the most important link in ITS . It plays a very important role in the traffic supervision , traffic control , and vehicle management and so on .

  18. 基于CDPD的智能车辆管理系统

    CDPD-based Intelligent Vehicle Management System

  19. RFID技术已经逐步应用到交通管制、车辆管理、企业生产、货物跟踪、资产管理、智能家居、仓储管理等众多领域。

    RFID technologies have been gradually applied to the traffic control , vehicle management , enterprise production , cargo tracking , asset management , intelligent household , warehouse management , and many other fields .

  20. 它会要求DMV(机动车辆管理部)询问你是否愿意成为器官捐献者。

    It will simply require the DMV to ask you if you 'd like to become an organ donor .

  21. 只有依托先进的RFID技术,才能够实现港口车辆管理系统、集装箱管理系统以及人员管理系统的智能化、高效性,从而提高港口的国际竞争力。

    Only by relying on advanced RFID technology could the ports achieve the intelligence and efficiency of the vehicle management system , container management systems , and personnel management system , thereby enhancing the international competitiveness of the ports .

  22. 针对DSP技术和射频识别技术的发展,本文设计了一种基于DSP平台、利用射频识别技术的小区智能车辆管理系统并对系统进行了硬件和软件的架构。

    Thanks to the development of DSP technology and RF recognition technology , this thesis will design a smart cars management system within a court which is based on DSP platform and utilizes RF recognition technology , and besides , set the software and hardware framework .

  23. 针对这种状况,很多物流公司提出了车辆管理系统建设要求,希望通过系统建设实现有效的车辆档案管理、车辆申请和审批调度管理、作业管理及智能预警、车辆进出控制、GPS监控等。

    In view of this situation , many logistics companies put forward vehicle management system construction requirements , hope that through the system construction to realize effective vehicle files management , vehicle application and approval management , operations management and intelligent early warning , vehicle access control .

  24. 介绍RFID在物流各领域的应用,并对其在应用中存在的问题加以讨论.以集装箱码头或货场车辆管理为例,阐述RFID技术在物流领域对提高物流运作效率所发挥的作用。

    The applications of RFID technology in logistics are introduced . Some problems occurred in these applications are discussed . An application example on the freight vehicle management of terminal or freight station is provided to demonstrate the enhancement of logistics operation efficiency via the RFID technology .

  25. 基于有源RFID技术的小区车辆管理系统,实现了车辆出入的自动化控制,方案合理、先进,对停车场、机关单位等场所的车辆进出控制和智能化管理有着重要的意义。

    The vehicle management system of community based on the active RFID makes vehicle access automatic . The Solution is reasonable and advanced . It is highly significant to vehicle access control and intelligent management for a lot of places , such as parking lot , department and unit .

  26. 目前,至少5家中国或中资入股的公司(包括百度)获得了加州机动车辆管理局(DMV)颁发的在硅谷进行无人驾驶汽车路测的牌照,作为一个试验项目的一部分。

    Currently at least five Chinese or Chinese-invested companies , including Baidu , have licences to test driverless cars on public roads in Silicon Valley , given out by the California Department of Motor Vehicles as part of an experimental programme .

  27. 加州机动车辆管理局已经就此举行了听证会。

    California 's Department of Motor Vehicles has been holding hearings .

  28. 应急运输车辆管理体系及其管理信息系统研究

    Study on the Emergency Management System of Road Transport Vehicles

  29. 车辆管理信息系统异构数据库集成方法研究

    Study on the Integrity of Isomerism Database in Vehicle Management Information System

  30. 提出了一种新型的基于智能里程表的公交车辆管理系统。

    Presented a new bus-supervised system based on intelligent odometer .