
  • 网络Physical beauty;body beauty
  1. 身体美:我国青少年理想身体自我特点

    The Bodily Beauty : Ideal Physical Self of Chinese Adolescents

  2. 当代社会是消费社会,女性的休闲主要以身体美消费为主要的休闲内容。

    Contemporary society is a consumer society , women of leisure to consumption-leisure physical beauty content .

  3. 大学生身体美、运动美和人格美认知的调查分析

    Research and Analysis of College Students ' Recognition of Physical Beauty , Sporting Beauty and Personality Beauty

  4. 因此生产身体美的空间就是这些女性休闲空间,其实质也是身体消费空间。

    Thus production of " physical beauty " of space that these women leisure space , and its essence is " Body consumer " space .

  5. 基于这一认识就体育运动美中的各要素,即身体美、运动美、人格美等对大学生进行了一定层面的认知调查。

    Based on such understandings , this paper makes some investigations of the elements of the beauty in sports , that is , physical beauty , sporting beauty and personality beauty .

  6. 美育价值失的因素有身体美的消失、教师动作美的消失以及学生服装美的消失。

    Aesthetic value of the " loss " of the United States and the disappearance of physical factors , the loss of teachers and students move the United States the loss of clothing beauty .

  7. 文章首先分析了秦汉时期的女性形象,指出封建伊始的女性身体美一是表现为向内容美倾斜的特征,二是在形式美上突出地体现了对楚文化的传承。

    It first analyzes the female images of Qin-Han period , pointing out that female beauty at the beginning of feudal society is characterized by the tendency to Content Beauty and on the other hand Form Beauty displayed a striking inheritance from Chu Culture .

  8. 她的身体很美,不是吗?

    She got a nice-looking body , doesn 't she ?

  9. 活动从周一晚上的裸体彩绘开始。参与者将裸体出席,并通过裸体彩绘来发现身体之美。

    The event kicks off Monday evening with nude body painting , in which naked participants will explore ' physical mediums in the nude through body painting . '

  10. 只用于人;身体上很美。

    Used of persons only ; having great physical beauty .

  11. 适度的钱瘾也许害处不四很大,一旦过度,总会对身体不利&美克拉伦斯。

    Proper money addiction may be not so harmful but once excessive , it is harmful to health .

  12. 有一次,他们在聊艺术和雕塑,就在这时,艾伦突然说了句让维克托很惊奇的话。他说他觉得男性的身体结构很美,而女性的身体则很丑陋。

    Once they were talking about art and sculpture and it was in this connection that Alan suddenly amazed Victor by saying that he found the male form beautiful , and the female unattractive .

  13. 如身体健康,形体美,气质优雅等。

    They should have healthy body , beautiful shape and elegant manners .

  14. 身体,是最美的语言。

    Body , is the most beautiful language .

  15. 她的身体失去其曲线美。

    Her body lost its roundness .

  16. 在身体形态方面,女大学生的体脂含量减少,腰臀围及比值缩小,身体更具曲线美;

    On the aspect of body shape , their body-fat has been reduced , the ratio of waistline and seat circumference has been lowered and their bodies look more curvaceous .

  17. 再次,身体与世界的一体同气关系,使理解人体成为理解世界的便捷方式,也使以身体为范式重构美的自然和艺术成为可能。

    Third , the unity between body and the world makes the understanding of body an easiest access to the world , and also makes possible the reconstruction of the natural beauty and art .