
kuà dù
  • span;fly-past;skip distance;cut bay
跨度 [kuà dù]
  • [span] 建筑物中,梁、拱券两端的承重结构之间的距离

跨度[kuà dù]
  1. 那个拱的跨度为70米。

    That arch has a span of 70 metres .

  2. 人生的跨度充其量百年而已。

    The time span of one human life covers at most a hundred years .

  3. 这部时间跨度将近四分之一世纪的影片讲述的是亨利·希尔的故事。

    The film , spanning almost a quarter-century , tells the story of Henry Hill

  4. 随着跨度的增加,这种做法对于内部房间是势在必行的。

    As spans increase this will become unavoidable for the internal rooms .

  5. 这些文件的时间跨度为1954年至2009年。

    The time span of these documents from 1954 to 2009 .

  6. 这些文物时间跨度从春秋到清代,质地多为陶瓷,地域分布江西、安徽、福建、河南、陕西、河北、贵州等。

    The cultural relics . They are from provinces including Jiangxi , Anhui , Fujian , Henan , Shaanxi , Hebei and Guizhou .

  7. 嫦娥五号任务作为我国复杂度最高、技术跨度最大的航天系统工程,首次实现了我国地外天体采样返回。

    As China 's most complicated space project , the Chang'e-5 mission has achieved the extraterrestrial sampling and returning for the first time .

  8. 大跨度PC连续刚构桥合拢施工措施

    A closure method of the large span PC concrete continuous rigid frame bridge

  9. 大跨度预应力V形折板屋盖

    Large-span prestressed V-shape folded-plate roofs

  10. 反射面结构是FAST最主要部分,其本质上是一个轻型的跨度超大、形式复杂、形状实时可调的高精度索网结构。

    The reflector structure as the main part of FAST is essentially a lightweight and complex cable-net structure with a super-long span and a real-time adjustable shape .

  11. 大跨度悬索桥振动控制的双向TMD参数研究

    Parameters of TMD for vibration control of long-span suspension bridge

  12. 图G的带宽问题的一般提法是:将图G嵌入于主图H,使得G的边的最大跨度达到最小。

    The bandwidth problem of a graph G is to embed G into a host graph H such that the maximum stretch of the edges of G is minimized .

  13. 新加坡MEGA会展中心大跨度钢结构施工技术

    The Constructional Techniques of the Large Span Steel Structure in the Singapore MEGA Meeting and Exhibition Center

  14. 跨度40m的预应力弧形箱梁设计与施工

    Design and Construction of a Bonded Prestressed Arc Box Beam with 40m Long

  15. 大射电望远镜FAST(FivehundredmeterApertureSphericaltelescope)方案是通过六根大跨度悬索驱动馈源舱完成馈源的大范围运动,馈源支撑及指向跟踪测量是其中两项关键技术。

    In the project of FAST ( Five hundred meter Aperture Spherical Telescope ) , the feed cabin is carried by six big span suspend cables to move in large area .

  16. GRC薄壁筒芯是一种有发展前景的应用于小跨度桥梁的内模。

    The GRC tube filler used as internal mold has prospect in small span bridge .

  17. 通过引入两个调节变量,改进后的SVM可根据训练样本与预测样本之间的时间跨度,对不同样本的训练误差采取不同的惩罚力度。

    By inducting two variables , empirical error of the training sample is treated differently based on the time span between the forecasting sample and the training sample .

  18. GBF空心楼盖在大跨度结构中的施工技术

    Construction technology for GBF hollow roof in BIG-SPANNED structure

  19. 与其它陆地古环境信息载体相比,洞穴滴石石笋具有分布广、时间跨度大、生长机制对环境敏感、适用于U系测年等特点。

    Compared with other paleo-environment information media on land , cave dripstone-stalagmite has many superiorities including wide-ranging distribution , long-time span , sensitive to outside environment , suitable for U-series dating etc.

  20. GBF高强薄壁复合管在大跨度楼板结构中的应用

    The high - strength thin - wall GBF tube in big span floor slab structure

  21. 而现行的规范仅能指导跨度在15m以内的隧道的设计和施工。

    The existing specifications can only direct the design and construction of tunnels within the span of 15m .

  22. 行为功能上,数字跨度、数字译码分值、正确打点数和总打点数均明显低于对照组(P0.01)。

    The average scores of digit span , digit symbol test , correct tapping and total tapping number of welders were all lower than those of controls ( P 0.01 ) .

  23. 引水隧洞跨度大,现场量测、观察难度较大,尤其是TBM施工掘进速度快,支护跟进迅速。

    Diversion tunnels ' span are large , on-site measurements and observations are difficult , especially in the construction of TBM driving fast and supporting up quickly .

  24. 目的提出在频域内分析大跨度屋盖结构风致动力响应的新方法&Ritz-POD法,克服传统Ritz向量叠加法的不足,完善Ritz向量叠加法在大跨度屋盖结构风振响应分析中的应用问题。

    A new load-dependent Ritz vector method is presented for wind-induced response analysis of large span roofs which is denoted as the Ritz-POD method .

  25. 总跨度36m预应力屋面梁事故分析与加固处理

    Analyses of cracks on prestressed concrete roof beams and strengthening measures about 36m of total spans

  26. 炮兵C3I系统属网络分布式复杂装备,具有专业跨度大、技术含量高、检测维修难等特点。

    Artillery C ~ 3I system is the distributed network complicated equipment which has characteristics such as wide profession span , high-tech application , abstruse-maintenance .

  27. 总结并探索了桥梁震害的预测方法,包括经验统计法、规范校校法、Pushover法和大跨度桥梁震害预测方法。

    Seismic damage assessment methods for bridges including cable - stayed / suspension bridges are summarized and improved with experience of earthquake damage , seismic code and pushover analysis .

  28. 第十一届亚运会运动员村嬉水乐园工程,采用了60m跨度的胶合木结构屋盖。

    A glued laminated wood dome with 60m in diameter is used for the roof of water park in the 11th Asian Game 's Village .

  29. 在分析皇帝、国别、年号等相关概念的基础上,利用OWL本体描述语言,建立了三国时期(含东汉末年到西晋初年这一历史跨度)的历史年代本体。

    After analyzing the relationship among the concepts of the emperors , the states and the titles of the regimes , a historical ontology about the period of three kingdoms has been made in OWL .

  30. 结合工程实例,对大跨度PC连续刚构桥在悬臂浇筑过程中的挠度控制因素及处理方法进行了探讨,并对理论抛高公式做出适当的修正,供相关问题参考借鉴。

    Combined with practical engineering , this paper discusses controlling factor and treatment method of deflection in the process of cantilever construction of large-span PC continuous rigid frame bridge , and carries out proper amendment of theoretical height formula , which to offer a reference for relevant problems .