
  • 网络foot care;pedicure;Foot treatment
  1. 半数以上患者对预防DM足的日常足部护理知识缺乏、足部护理行为不良;

    Half of the diabetic patients were deficiency of daily foot care knowledge and behavior .

  2. [结论]增强糖尿病病人防护意识,掌握有效的足部护理方法至关重要。

    Conclusion : It is very important for diabetes to strengthen their consciousness of self-protection and to master effective way of foot care .

  3. 我每周做一次指甲护理和足部护理。

    I have a manicure and a pedicure every week .

  4. Pawdicure(宠物美甲)指针对宠物进行的精致舒适的足部护理,包括足部按摩、指甲润泽、修剪、抛光及彩绘,程序与人类足部护理一样。

    Pawdicure refers to the elaborate pampering and moisturized and their nails clipped , polished and painted , just like a human pedicure .

  5. 另类天然美容--让鱼“啃”掉你的角质CNN主播:一种亚洲的足部护理方式已经远渡重洋到了美国。

    Fishy Feet Friendly Flesh Eaters Spell Relief for Tortured Toes CNNANCHOR : An Asian form of pedicure has made its way all the way to America .

  6. 结果:1.基线横断面分析:年龄的增长、糖尿病病史的增长、糖尿病相关知识的缺乏及足部护理的忽视是DF发生的危险因素。

    The baseline crosss sectional analysis shows that increasing of age and history of diabetes , lack of necessary knowledge of diabetes and neglect of foot tendance are risk factors of DF . 2 .

  7. 糖尿病;糖尿病足;糖尿病教育;足部护理;干预;

    Diabetes Diabetic Foot Diabetes Education Foot Care Intervention ;

  8. 结果30.4%的病人懂得足部护理;

    It was found that 30.4 % of the patients knew the foot nursing .

  9. 2型糖尿病病人足部护理及其影响因素调查

    Feet care of type 2 diabetes mellitus patients and survey of its influencing factors

  10. 她去做了一次足部护理。

    She treated herself to a pedicure .

  11. 不知名女子:这种感觉不太像是在做足部护理,更像是在接受按摩。

    UNID ENTlFlED FEMALE : It 's starting to feel like a massage more than a pedicure .

  12. 结果多于73.53%的病人对糖尿病足疽的概念不清楚,并未给予有效的足部护理;

    Results About 73.53 % patients had no clear concept of diabetic gangrene , and without effective foot nursing .

  13. 在五年前加入洛杉矶快船队后,乔丹才开始定期进行指甲和足部护理。

    The Clippers ' Mr. Jordan only began getting regular manicures and pedicures when he joined the league five years ago . '

  14. 生活方式呈负相关(P<0.05),与家人同住的病人容易忽视足部护理。

    Living style of patients may influence their feet nursing compliance ( P < 0.05 ) . Patients living with families are prone to ignore feet care .

  15. 可是现在,一些男人很愿意去修指甲、做足部护理,这让他们自我感觉良好。

    But now it seems that some men would appreciate the fact that hey they will go for a manicure or pedicure and feel good about themselves .

  16. 她带乔丹到沙龙进行了他有生以来的第一次指甲和足部护理(未涂指甲油),乔丹称,在沙龙工作的女人对于他17码的脚大笑不止。

    She took him to a salon for his first manicure and pedicure ( without polish ) and Mr. Jordan says the women working there laughed at his size-17 feet .

  17. 这种方法请来了世界上最小的足部护理师,他们叫做医生鱼或亲亲鱼。记者德瑞克·麦金提取得了第一手信息,或者该说是第一脚信息。

    It involves the world 's smallest pedicurists , and they 're called doctor fish or nibble fish , as reporter Derek McGinty found out firsthand , or first foot .

  18. 病人足部护理依从性与其年龄、经济条件、糖尿病知识、健康信念均呈正相关(P<0.01、P<0.05);

    Feet nursing care of patients had positive correlation with their age , economic conditions , knowledge about diabetes and health belief ( P < 0.01 , P < 0.05 ) .

  19. 建立足部护理教育计划,包括对皮肤的护理、鸡眼及胼胝的护理、下肢微循环障碍的护理、皮肤磨擦伤的护理及预防和治疗足部霉菌感染等有效措施。

    The education plans involving the nursing of skin , corn , callosity , dysfunctional micro-circulation of lower limbs and skin injuries as well as the prevention and treatment of foot mycotic infection were discussed and made .

  20. 结论:血糖的控制情况,合并下肢血管和神经病变是糖尿病足的独立高危因素,针对这些高危因素制定相应的治疗护理措施,进行正确的足部护理对防止糖尿病足的发生有重要的临床意义。

    Conclusion : Blood glucose control , complication with vasculopathy and neuropathy were the independent high risk factors of DF Nursing strategies to cope with these high risk factors and essential foot nursing are important to prevent DF from developing .

  21. 结论应加强及提高病人对糖尿病足的认识及足部护理能力,有效控制血糖,避免足部受损及感染,营养神经,从而降低糖尿病足的发生率。

    Conclusions Strengthening and raising the patients ' knowledge of diabetic foot and ability of nursing their feet , controlling blood sugar effectively , avoiding damage and infection of foot , nourishing peripheral nerve in order to reduce the occurrence rate of the diabetic foot .

  22. 结论引入足部按摩护理可提高产后护理质量。

    Conclusions It can improve postpartum nursing quality by using plantar massage .

  23. 培训后患者进行自我血糖、尿糖监测人数,自我足部检查护理人数均明显增多(P<0.01)。

    Knowledge on self care skills such as self monitoring of blood glucose , urine glucose and foot care , were improved ( P < 0.01 ) .

  24. 笔者报道20例糖尿病人患有不同程度的足部疾患的护理。

    In this paper , the nursing of 20 diabetics with foot diseases of different degrees was reported .

  25. 方法对352例DM患者的一般临床资料、实验室检查结果、足部状况、足部护理知识等与足溃疡相关的46项内容进行评估,分析筛选足溃疡的危险因素。

    Methods Cases analysis study , examination of foot conditions , knowledge score of diabetic foot care , and 46 related factors of diabetic foot ulceration were carried out and evaluated in 352 diabetic patients .

  26. 1例糖尿病足部溃疡病人的护理

    Nursing care of a case with diabetes foot developed into ulcer

  27. 足部按摩和心理护理结合治疗神经官能症10例

    Ten Patients With Neurosis Treated by Matching Foot Massage to Psychological Nursing