
  1. 谋求连任的三名现任董事全部败北,被批评前述超级保护措施的人所取代。

    all three incumbents up for re-election were defeated , replaced by critics of the superprotect measures .

  2. 价格:$14.45及有资格免费超级保护程序航运和自由返回命令就超过25美元。

    Price : $ 14.45 & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping and free returns on orders over $ 25 .

  3. 基金会不顾资深编辑的意愿,安装了一种查看多媒体内容的新方式,后来又设置了一种听起来颇具奥威尔气息的“超级保护”功能,阻止那些不愿屈服的管理员改回从前版本。

    Against the wishes of veteran editors , the foundation installed a new way to view multimedia content and then set up an Orwellian-sounding " superprotect " feature to block obstinate administrators from changing it back .

  4. 健全的超级节点保护能力确保了模型的健壮性,增加了cache表来利用数据共享的时间局部性问题从而减少了分组网络间频繁的访问,并且提高了热门下载的效率和查找命中率。

    Creating the super node protection can ensure the robustness of the model . Increasing the cache table to take advantage of temporal locality of data sharing to reduce the problem of frequent access to packet networks , while improved download speeds and locate hot shooting .

  5. 美国已形成了以非关税壁垒和经济区域化为主要特征的超级贸易保护网。

    The U.S. has formed a super trade protection network characterized by non-tariff barrier and regionalized economy .

  6. 很多国人将每年的这个时候看作一个尤其危险的时段,需要采取一些超级手段来保护全家免于病灾。

    Many Chinese consider this time of year an especially dangerous time when extra efforts must be made to protect their family from illness .