- 名time limit for commencement of action;time limit for prosecution

The time limit for commencement of action for administrative contract should be different , basing on whether an administrative contract is effective or ineffective .
Research of the Application of Limitation of Actions in Administrative Procedure
The defects and perfection of the due-time system of the administrative prosecution
On the Addition of Time Limit for Private Prosecution
Second , expand the administrative omission litigation plaintiff qualification , clear administrative omission litigation prosecution deadline .
This part analysis the differences between suspension and the extension system and prosecution deadline interrupt system .
Thirdly , the citizens don 't exceed the term to sac or she term of litigation pause ;
In addition to this , criticizes two points affecting the limitation period established in the suspension , termination system .
Through elaborating the value and theoretical basis of the Limitation of Actions , to explain the Positive meaning of improve the limitation of action system .
Though it has been made some rules for the Limitation of Actions in Administrative Litigation system , there are still some shortcomings in the process of legislation and practice .
The period of administrative proceedings is an important legal system of our Administrative Procedure Law , which played a main role on protecting the legitimate rights of the relative .
The Limitation of Actions for Administrative Litigation System is the system that the party sues the court of justice to protect his rights when the Administrative infringed upon his lawful rights .
The existing system of limitation period established foundation exists uncertainty , calculation period is not clear , scope of application divided unscientific , obstruct system is imperfect and so many other issues .
There 're some problems existing in the current system of time limits for administrative prosecution : indefinite contents of the rules , conflicting contents among rules , imperfect fundamental systems and legislation .
In order to make the invalid affirmation litigation system have real value of independent existence , invalid affirmation litigation must be separated from general administrative litigation : firstly , invalid affirmation litigation should exempt from time limit ;
This part points out the division of existing limitation period is just a single type and no basis , resulting in overly broad scope of the limitation period , and the function of the limitation period can not get to play .