
  1. 到这时候便是天大的力量,也赶他们不动了。

    There would be no compulsion for them to keep moving .

  2. 把他们甩掉快点赶他们下去

    Get rid of ' em ! Get him off of there !

  3. 就能开始赶他们回营地附近。

    We can start driving them back closer to camp .

  4. 他就赶他们走,或者开始说他们的坏话。

    He gets rid of them or starts to say bad things about them .

  5. 我赶他们的时候把脚扭了。

    I sprained my Ankie chasing them away .

  6. 护士回到房间里,开始以事务性的方式发出嘘声赶他们出去。

    The nurse came back into the room and started shooing them out in a very matter-of-fact way .

  7. 耶和华说,以色列人在我所赶他们到的各国中,也必这样吃不洁净的食物。

    And the LORD said , Even thus shall the children of Israel eat their defiled bread among the Gentiles , whither I will drive them .

  8. 我要将我羊群中所馀剩的,从我赶他们到的各国内招聚出来,领他们归回本圈。他们也必生养众多。

    And I will gather the remnant of my flock out of all countries whither I have driven them , and will bring them again to their folds ; and they shall be fruitful and increase .

  9. 并且这恶族所剩下的民在我所赶他们到的各处,宁可拣死不拣生。这是万军之耶和华说的。

    And death shall be chosen rather than life by all the residue of them that remain of this evil family , which remain in all the places whither I have driven them , saith the LORD of hosts .

  10. 我必用刀剑、饥荒、瘟疫、追赶他们、使他们在天下万国抛来抛去、在我所赶他们到的各国中、令人咒诅、惊骇、嗤笑、羞辱。

    Thus saith the LORD of hosts ; Behold , I will send upon them the sword , the famine , and the pestilence , and will make them like vile figs , that cannot be eaten , they are so evil .

  11. 却要指着那领以色列家的后裔从北方和赶他们到的各国中上来,永生的耶和华起誓。他们必住在本地。

    But , by the living lord , who took up the seed of israel , and made them come out of the North country , and from all the countries where I had sent them ; and they will be living in the land which is theirs .

  12. 这头神奇的小猪的消息也传进了山里,那些农场主们都赶着他们各式的马车来了,一小时接一小时地在威伯的猪圈里艳羡地看着这头神奇的动物。

    The news of the wonderful pig spread clear up into the hills , and farmers came rattling down in buggies and buckboards , to stand hour after hour at Wilbur 's pen admiring the miraculous animal .

  13. 她毫不犹豫的转身跑出了仓库,希望还有足够的时间赶在他们离开之前回到SUV上。

    Without hesitation , she turned and ran out of the warehouse , hoping there was enough time to reach the SUV before they left .

  14. 我们必须赶在他们出发前面。

    We should grab a taxi before they take off .

  15. 嗯,我最好赶在他们打破什么之前过去。

    I better get out there before they break something .

  16. 想赶在他们之前到医院

    Look , if you want to get to the hospital before them ,

  17. 然后赶在他们之前抵达

    and try to get there ahead of them .

  18. 我要赶在他们之前送你和人质出去。

    I need to get you all out of here before they come in .

  19. 提利昂赶在他们两个一起被剁成肉块前抓住杰克的胳膊。

    Tyrion wrenched down Jyck 's arm hurriedly , before he got them both hacked to pieces .

  20. 放牧人赶者他们的牛、羊、羊、牛在雪山山坡上吃草。

    Herders take their cattle , goats , sheep , and yaks to graze on its slopes .

  21. 我也必须赶在他们放行集装箱前将费用以特快传递的方式寄到纽约。

    Also , I have to express courier the fee to NY before they will release the container .

  22. 愿他们像风前的糠,有耶和华的使者赶逐他们。

    May they be like chaff before the wind , with the angel of the Lord driving them away ;

  23. 强硬的统治,他们认为,甚至将把温和的泰米尔人也赶至他们的麾下,从而有助于他们的事业。

    Hardline governments , they reckon , end up helping their cause by driving even moderate Tamils into their clutches .

  24. 天啊希望他们快点我们就能赶在他们重复使用针头之前进去了

    God , I hope they hurry up , so we can get inside before they start reusing the needles .

  25. 游牧民赶着他们的羊群和马群往山上走,山上可以供给充足的马和羊营养丰富的草。

    Nomads drive their flocks of sheep and herds of horses upland to allow them to replenish their energy with nutrient rich grass .

  26. 但是没时间和她他们打个招呼,因为我的那个队早已经走远了,我得马上赶去找他们。

    But I had no time to say hello to you because my team had gone so far and I had to run for my them .

  27. 在很久很久以前,牧童都是游牧者,赶着他们的牧群到处寻找青草和水源。

    A long , long time ago , cowboys were wanderers , driving their herd from place to place , looking for fresh grass and water .

  28. 一定要赶在他们之前找到蒂耶鲁!只有这样才能找到消灭卡勒贝斯的办法!否则所有亚山的战士也不足以保卫艾罗兰!蒂耶鲁需要你的帮助。

    Find Tieru before they do ! Learn how to destroy kha-beleth ! If not , all the warriors on Ashan will not suffice to defend irollan ! Tieru needs your help .

  29. 我有两个孩子,分别是6岁和8岁,我常常觉得现在是时候向他们灌输我的价值观了,要赶在他们长到十几岁之前。

    My kids are6 and8 , and I often feel that now is the time to instill my values in them , before they are teens ( or pre-teens ) and peer pressure takes over .

  30. 我必使他们成为地上万国所惊恐、所讨厌的;在我赶逐他们到的各地方,成为被人羞辱、讥笑、嘲弄、咒诅的对象。

    And I will deliver them to be removed into all the kingdoms of the earth for their hurt , to be a reproach and a proverb , a taunt and a curse , in all places whither I shall drive them .