首页 / 词典 / good


zàn xǔ
  • praise;commend;applaud;favorable;pat on the back;speak favourably of
赞许 [zàn xǔ]
  • [favorable] 认为好而称赞;赞赏

  • 以赞许的眼光看待一个企业

赞许[zàn xǔ]
  1. Ajax应用程序由于其丰富的功能、交互性以及快速的响应能力而得到人们的普遍赞许。

    Ajax applications because of its rich functional , interactive and rapid response capacity to be a widespread praise .

  2. 《Vogue》对苹果手表的赞许与乔纳森首次尝试设计一部电话之时已不可同日而语,那是上世纪80年代末他在英国的时候。

    Vogue 's praise for the Watch is a far cry from Sir Jonathan 's first attempt at designing a phone , in the UK in the late 1980s .

  3. 他为改善状况所作的努力应该受到赞许。

    His efforts to improve the situation are to be applauded .

  4. 她渴望得到父母的赞许。

    She is eager for her parents ' approval .

  5. 他的母亲探身向前,对他投以赞许的目光。

    His mother leaned forward and gave him an approving look .

  6. 首相的新方案有不少令人赞许之处。

    The Prime Minister 's initiative has much to commend it .

  7. 他们在宣传新思想,对此她表示赞许。

    She applauds the fact that they are promoting new ideas .

  8. 对一些基本工作权利的承诺引来一片低声的赞许。

    The promise of some basic working rights draws murmurs of approval

  9. 我对奥思太太写出内容如此翔实的文章表示赞许。

    I commend Ms. Orth on writing such an informative article

  10. 金诺克先生的演讲风格令人赞许。

    The tone of Mr Kinnock 's speech was commendable .

  11. 莉薇微笑着,雷切尔的赞许令她如沐春风。

    Livy smiled and basked in Rachel 's approval .

  12. 他的所作所为受到了陪审团的赞许。

    His actions were commended by the Jury .

  13. 他回头看那个女人以求得到赞许,但是她的表情让人读不懂。

    He looked back at the woman for approval , but her face was unreadable .

  14. 她的宽宏大量应当受到赞许。

    She should be applauded for her generosity .

  15. 他的作品受到读者的赞许。

    His works won the enthusiastic approval of his readers .

  16. 这本书得到几家主要报纸的赞许和好评。

    The book was kindly and favourably reviewed in the principal papers .

  17. 观众们赞许这出戏。

    The audience applauded the play .

  18. 从比喻来讲,它含有一种令人赞许的能量的意思。

    Metaphorically it implied a sort of admirable energy .

  19. 应该赞许的是,众议院法案提出成立“消费者金融保护局”(consumerfinancialprotectionagency),来保护债务人抵御掠夺性放贷行为。

    To its credit , the House bill does create a consumer financial protection agency to protect borrowers from predatory lending .

  20. 为了提交对该改变后需求的赞许,点击Approval以添加一个新行。

    To submit your updated requirement for approval , click Approval to add a new row .

  21. 在ted网站、twitter和facebook上,网民们的赞许之声如潮水般汹涌:我喜欢!

    On the Ted website , on Twitter and on Facebook the crowd roared its approval : love it !

  22. 亨利•福特曾率先设计出大规模生产标准化产品的系统,从而闻名于世。他可能会对戴尔在PC业务取得的成绩表示赞许。

    Henry Ford , famous for designing the first system capable of mass-producing a standardised product , would have approved of what Dell has already done to the PC business .

  23. 国际海洋哺乳动物项目在地球岛学院的助理署长MarkBerman赞许这个释放。

    Mark Berman , assistant director of the International Marine Mammal Project at the Earth Island Institute , applauded the release .

  24. 所以我对iPad保持欢迎和赞许的态度,至少我们可以一同为繁荣壮大数字出版业出力。

    So we actually welcome the iPad & we think it s going to be a joint force with us in creating a stronger digital publishing industry .

  25. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)驻香港的中国经济学家梁红表示,扩大人民币汇率浮动区间,是中国汇率改革过程中一个具有象征意义、但值得赞许的进展。

    Hong Liang , Goldman Sachs ' China economist in Hong Kong , says the band widening is a symbolic but laudable development in China 's foreign exchange reform .

  26. 最近我与心理学家、社会评论员奥利弗詹姆斯(OliverJames)进行了一场辩论。他宣称,斯堪的纳维亚民族精神中一些值得赞许的特质,使他们免遭银行业危机的冲击。

    I recently debated with the psychologist and social commentator Oliver James , who announced that the commendable qualities of the Scandinavian psyche had insulated them from the banking crisis .

  27. 瑞银(ubs)认为,来自智利和巴西的赞许声将鼓励澳大利亚政府,而刚果、赞比亚和蒙古等国也可能效仿澳大利亚的举动。

    The Australian government will have been encouraged by appreciative noises from Chile and Brazil ; Congo , Zambia and Mongolia are also likely to follow suit , says UBS .

  28. 纽约地铁上的iPod使用者以赞许的眼光相互对望,察觉到独特的白色和容易缠绕的耳机,这标志着他们又遇到了一位使用iPod的伙伴。

    IPod users on the New York subway eye one another approvingly , spotting the distinctive white and tangleprone earphones that mark another member of the club .

  29. Cheshire先生很赞许政府简化福利体系和劳有所得的目标,但也担心这一政策只是为2008年的劳动力市场设计的。

    Mr Cheshire applauds the government 's goal to simplify welfare and make work pay , but worries that the policy was designed for the labour market of2008 .

  30. 曾几何时,他曾强烈地抨击保时捷的多元化举措,即从跑车转向SUV()和四门轿跑领域,然而如今,他却对这家公司“不懈的关注”和“无与伦比”的执行表示赞许。

    At one time a ferocious opponent of Porsche 's diversification away from sports cars into SUVs and four-doors , he now praises the company for being " relentlessly focused " and " peerless " in its execution .