
zàn zhù shānɡ
  • sponsor
  1. 本周,C罗、保罗·博格巴和曼努埃尔·洛卡特利在官方新闻发布会上落座时均把赞助商饮料挪到镜头之外。

    Ronaldo , Paul Pogba and Manuel Locatelli all removed sponsor bottles away from the view of cameras when taking their seats at official media sessions this week .

  2. 可口可乐是比利时足球协会的官方赞助商。

    Coca-Cola is an official sponsor of the Belgian soccer federation .

  3. 那家机构摆脱了赞助商。

    The organization broke loose from its sponsors .

  4. 任何改变都要等找到赞助商之后再作决定。

    Any changes will have to wait until sponsors can be found .

  5. 又有许多赞助商找上门来,这要归功于这个委员会。

    It is thanks to this committee that many new sponsors have come forward

  6. 我知道可口可乐公司将在本周晚些时候被指定为联赛杯的新赞助商。

    I understand Coca-Cola are to be named as the new sponsors of the League Cup later this week

  7. 商业主义的危险就是教会最终可能会被大赞助商牵着鼻子走。

    The danger of commercialism is that the churches end up dancing to the tune of their big business sponsors .

  8. 柯达公司决定不寻求成为1984年洛杉矾奥运会的官方胶片赞助商是一个重大的决策失误。

    Kodak 's decision not to pursue the role of official film for the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics was a major miscalculation .

  9. 赞助商一般在网站上有永久性广告。

    The sponsor has permanent ad on the website commonly .

  10. 更有可能的是他们的运动鞋赞助商告诉他们这是个好买卖。

    More likely , their sneaker sponsors are telling them it 's good business .

  11. 一些有事业心的伴侣结婚时不仅邀请亲朋好友,还邀请赞助商。

    Some enterprising couples have invited more than close friends and relatives to their weddings -- they 've also welcomed corporate1 sponsors .

  12. 这促使欧足联向各参赛球队的官员发出警告,指出球员应该尊重赞助商以及他们对欧洲足球做出的贡献。

    It prompted UEFA to remind officials with the teams that players should respect the sponsors and the contributions they make to European soccer .

  13. 个体赞助商的合同价值没有公开,但是在2016法国欧洲杯上欧足联从10个赞助商那里得到了4.83亿欧元的赞助收入。

    The values of individual sponsor deals are not published , but UEFA got 483 million euros in sponsor deals from 10 partners at Euro 2016 in France .

  14. 参加欧洲杯的全部24个球队将会由可口可乐、喜力和其他10家顶级赞助商支付一部分奖金,而这些赞助商也是欧足联近20亿欧元(约合人民币154亿元)欧洲杯总收入的来源。

    All 24 teams will get some of the money paid by Coca-Cola , Heineken and 10 other top-tier sponsors that contribute to UEFA ’ s total tournament revenue of almost 2 billion euros .

  15. 赞助结婚近年来日渐风行,赞助商提供免费或打折的婚庆服务,作为交换,新人婚礼的请柬、婚礼流程、和婚宴桌牌等上面要为赞助商打广告。

    Sponsored weddings have really started to gain popularity in recent years , where vendors2 provide free or discounted services in exchange for ads in the couples ’ wedding invitations , programs , placecards , etc.

  16. 训练运动衫,“v”型领,有队标及赞助商标志。

    Training jersey . " V " neck , team logo and sponsor .

  17. 在每一商业类别中只允许有一家TOP赞助商:软饮料方面是可口可乐,电视方面是松下,等等。

    Only one TOP sponsor is allowed in each commercial category : Coca-Cola for soft drinks , Panasonic for televisions and so on .

  18. 每个小组还能从GM和其他赞助商那里得到25000美元的部件和软件。

    Each team can also get $ 25,000 in parts and software from GM and other sponsors .

  19. 他的sir制片公司已经获得了越来越多的赞助商,并且从创办之日就开始盈利。

    He has secured a growing list of sponsors for Sir and was in the black from day one .

  20. 莱斯银行(Lloydsbank)等赞助商正在进行抢购以分发礼品。

    Sponsors such as Lloyds Bank are snapping them up to hand out as gifts .

  21. 此外,作为商学院消费者观察及营销解决方案中心(CenterforCustomerInsightMarketingSolutions)的六家赞助商之一,公司要支付25000美元。

    In addition , the company pays $ 25,000 as one of a half-dozen sponsors of the school 's Center for Customer Insight Marketing Solutions .

  22. 结果证明这20位非专家都倾向于这些图画与赞助商的logo有关。

    Turns out the non-experts were partial to paintings that were paired with the sponsors logo .

  23. 此外,作为商学院消费者观察及营销解决方案中心(CenterforCustomerInsight&MarketingSolutions)的六家赞助商之一,公司要支付25000美元。

    In addition , the company pays $ 25000 as one of a half-dozen sponsors of the school 's Center for Customer Insight & Marketing Solutions .

  24. 十一家全球赞助商(称为顶级奥运合作伙伴,即TOP)向国际奥委会支付大笔金钱以获取奥运商标使用权。

    Eleven global sponsors ( known as top Olympic partners , or TOPs ) pay fat sums to the IOC for the right to use the Olympic brand .

  25. 分析了企业作为奥运会赞助商的起源及发展进程,介绍奥运TOP计划和企业赞助奥运的赞助策略。

    The origin and development process of enterprises as the Olympic sponsors were analyzed and the Olympic TOP , the Olympic sponsorship strategies of the enterprises were introduced .

  26. 有人推测此平台也可能在另一赞助商的支持下继续发展;这就是,Google。

    Some have also speculated that the platform could continue to evolve under the backing of another corporate sponsor ; namely , Google .

  27. 要求参赛者授权Ballistic及赞助商以任何形式发表提交作品的优先权利。

    The entrant grants Ballistic Media and sponsor first right to publish their submitted work in any media .

  28. 于是,三人决定召开一次草根会议,并吸引了谷歌和雅虎(Yahoo)等赞助商。

    The trio decided to host a grassroots conference that year and attracted sponsors like Google and Yahoo .

  29. 在全球赞助商下面还有国内赞助商:约有44家公司与伦敦奥组委签署了只覆盖英国本土的交易协议,包括英国石油公司(BP)和吉百利等。

    Below the global sponsors are the domestic ones : some 44 companies , from BP to Cadbury , have signed deals with LOCOG that cover only Britain .

  30. 阿迪达斯在中国市场上仍有增长空间,它也是明年巴西世界杯(FifaWorldCup)多数主要球队的赞助商。

    The latter still has room to grow in China , and it is sponsoring most of the big teams in next year 's Fifa World Cup in Brazil .