
shú jīn
  • ransom;ransom money
赎金 [shú jīn]
  • [ransom] 赎回抵押品所用的钱

赎金[shú jīn]
  1. 2004年上映的电影《寻宝假期》(WithoutaPaddle)描述了三名友人深入林野搜寻失落的赎金,最终他们找到了库珀的遗骸。

    The 2004 movie " Without a Paddle " was about three friends who headed into the wilderness in search of the lost ransom money and ended up finding his skeleton .

  2. Ade说,如果是来自Hobyo的海盗,他们会把自己分到的赎金用于帮助当地社区。

    Ade says if the pirates were from Hobyo , they would be spending their share of the ransom money to help the community .

  3. 劫持者索要100万元赎金。

    The kidnappers are demanding a ransom of $ 1 million .

  4. 他们把她劫持了,并索要巨额赎金。

    They are holding her prisoner and demanding a large ransom .

  5. 被绑架的儿童在交付了赎金后均安然回到家中。

    The kidnapped children were all ransomed and returned home unharmed .

  6. 他们拒绝支付赎金来解救她。

    They are refusing to pay ransom for her release .

  7. 绑架者向他的家人索要赎金5万英镑。

    The kidnappers demanded a ransom of £ 50 000 from his family .

  8. 如果你付赎金,可能就要了你儿子的命。

    If you pay the ransom , you may be signing your son 's death warrant .

  9. 绑架者索要75,000英镑赎金才肯放她。

    Her kidnapper extorted a £ 75,000 ransom for her release .

  10. 赎金是通过电话索要的。

    The ransom demand was made by telephone .

  11. 总统称美国永远不会为这些人质支付赎金。

    The president has said the United States will never pay ransom for the hostages

  12. 警察抓住了那个企图拐走这男孩以便勒索赎金的家伙。

    The police caught the man who tried to abduct the boy for ransom .

  13. 酒店:富有的俘虏们要住在酒店等待足够的赎金以回家。

    Hotel : Wealthy captives sleep at the hotel for an increase in their ransoms .

  14. 另外这一部分还包括通过《美国法典》第18编867-877条所禁止的利用美国邮政系统(UnitedStatesPostalService)以进行敲诈勒索赎金的行为。

    This section additionally includes extortionate demands through the use of the United States Postal Service , behavior proscribed by18 U.S.C. §§ 876-877 .

  15. 同时,HBO也要求黑客延长赎金的交付时间,时间大约至一周。

    HBO also requested the hackers to extend a ransom payment deadline by one week .

  16. 1980年,一个男孩在哥伦比亚河(ColumbiaRiver)河畔发现一袋腐烂的20美元钞票,总额5800美元,与赎金上的序列号相符。

    In 1980 , a boy found a rotting package of twenty-dollar bills along the Columbia River worth $ 5800 that matched the ransom money serial numbers .

  17. 英国外交办公室表示,他们不会满足海盗的要求,不会支付赎金来换取Rachel和PaulChandler的释放。

    The British Foreign Office says it will not meet the pirates " demand for money the release of Rachel and Paul Chandler .

  18. 当CDUniverse拒绝支付赎金时,Maxus就公开张贴了这些信用卡号-这损害了CDUniverse的顾客并使这些顾客有合理的理由转而光顾其它商店。

    When CD Universe refused to pay , Maxus publicly posted the numbers & harming CD Universe 's customers and giving them a good reason to shop elsewhere .

  19. 这位警官将菲利克斯丢在了Zeta集团的一个藏身处。接下来的一周里他被毒打、被用枪把殴打,并在他们向他家里打电话索要赎金时被反复电击。

    The officer left Felix at a Zeta cartel safe house , and for the next week he was beaten , pistol whipped and shocked while repeated calls were made to his family for ransom .

  20. 根据Variety报道,这些消息是HBO旗下的时代华纳有线电视公司主动支付“赎金”作为正义的黑客找到网络漏洞的奖励金。而该电视公司播放的就是《权利的游侠》剧集。

    The message from HBO , the Time Warner Inc cable unit that broadcasts ' Game of Thrones , ' offers the money as part of a program in which ' white-hat professionals ' are rewarded for identifying cyber security flaws , according to Variety .

  21. 据Mwangura说,为了从船主那里获得最多的赎金,海盗现在已经延长了对船只的劫持时间。

    According to Mwangura , ships are now being held longer to extract the maximum payment from their owners .

  22. n.科学或艺术方面所使用的一套号在算术方面我们用阿拉伯符号(1,2,3等),或有时用罗马符号(I,II,III,等)n.赎金,赎回一笔庞大的赎金被要求作为小孩安全归来的费用。

    notation In arithmetic we use the Arabic noatation ( 1 , 2 , 3 , and to on ) or sometimes the Roman notation ( I , II , III , and so on ) . ransom A large ransom was asked for the safe return of the child .

  23. 但是在海盗与船主进行协商,并且交了赎金之后,RodellBoretta和同船水手终于得以返回。

    But after negotiations between the pirates and the ship 's owners , reportedly with ransom paid , Rodell Boretta and his shipmates are returning home .

  24. 有报道称,德国HansaStavanger舰队付了250万美圆的赎金,虽然这个消息还没有得到公司证实。

    There are reports that the owners of the German vessel , the Hansa Stavanger , paid about $ 2.5 million in ransom , although the company has not confirmed this .

  25. 在上周六的一则视频中,后藤健二表示,另一名日本人质汤川遥菜(HarunaYukawa)已被杀害,此前索要2亿美元赎金的最后期限已过。

    In an earlier video on Saturday , Mr Goto said another Japanese hostage , Haruna Yukawa , had been killed after the deadline for a $ 200m ransom had passed .

  26. 我们要赎金,不要逼我们杀你。

    We want ransom . don 't make us kill you .

  27. 绑架的歹徒索要100万英镑赎金才放他。

    The kidnappers have demanded 1 million for his safe release .

  28. 绑架者向这家人家勒索10000英镑的赎金。

    The kidnappers exacted a ransom of 10000 from the family .

  29. 那那个你叫你姐姐打电话索赎金是怎么回事?

    How about the ransom call you had your sister make ?

  30. 他们劫持男孩勒索赎金。

    They take away the boy and hold him to ransom .