
  • 网络Tigris
  1. 土耳其计划利用底格里斯河和幼发拉底河的河水开发大型水电项目。

    Turkey plans to harness the waters of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers for big hydro-electric power projects .

  2. 记者这座桥通向底格里斯河。

    CORRESPONDENT This bridge leads down to the Tigris River .

  3. 举止典雅的前国家安全顾问Muwafaqal-Rubaie在底格里斯河旁戒备深严的别墅里展示了绞死萨达姆的绳套,他坚信伊拉克的轨道前进上升的,而非大起大落,很容易辨认。

    Muwafaq al-Rubaie , a former national security adviser of courtly demeanour who displays the noose that hanged Saddam in his heavily guarded villa beside the Tigris , insists that Iraq 's trajectory is generally upwards , not steeply so but recognisably .

  4. 伊拉克首都及最大城市;位于底格里斯河沿岸。

    Capital and largest city of Iraq ; located on the Tigris River .

  5. 这座桥通向底格里斯河。

    This bridge leads down to the Tigris River .

  6. 还要横渡像底格里斯和幼发拉底般广阔的河流。

    There were broad rivers like the Tigress and Euphrates to be crossed .

  7. 来自高卢的传奇的底格里斯!

    The legendary tigris * Of gaul !

  8. 同一幕在上个月曾在底格里斯河大坝上演。

    The same scenario played out last month at a dam in the Tigris River .

  9. 这项水坝计画是数十年策略的一部份,以善用底格里斯河及幼发拉底河。

    The dam project is part of a decades-old strategy to harness the Tigris and Euphrates rivers .

  10. 伊拉克一对新婚的夫妇信步走在底格里斯河畔的照片后,冒充。

    A newly married Iraqi couple walks away from the banks of the Tigris River after posing for photographs .

  11. 贝尔畅游于底格里斯河而且经常披着日出的霞光骑行穿越城市。

    Bell swam in the Tigris River and often started her morning with a horseback ride through the city .

  12. 与叙利亚及伊朗进行的战争将使伊拉克战争看起来像是沿着底格里斯河悠闲地漫步。

    War with Syria and Iran would make the Iraq War look like a leisurely stroll along the Tigris .

  13. 但我们到达那里时,看到的却是一个垃圾场:底格里斯河畔堆满了发臭的垃圾。

    But when we got there , it was a rubbish tip : piles of stinking refuse along the Tigris .

  14. 伊拉克士兵沿底格里斯河岸搜查他们认为被击落的美军飞行员。

    Iraqi soldiers search for what they thought was a downed American pilot along the banks of the Tigris River .

  15. 这里的土地由两条大河携带的泥沙构成,它们就是底格里斯河和幼发拉底河。

    The land was built up of mud and clay deposited by two great rivers , the Tigris and the Euphrates .

  16. 夜幕降临后,街上空无一人,在底格里斯河西岸还有坦克和火炮开火的隆隆声。

    As night fell , the streets emptied and tank and artillery fire boomed on the western bank of the Tigris river .

  17. 美索不达米亚古文明,底格里斯河与幼发拉底河之间,是某个文明引入的太空殖民地。

    The ancient civilization of Mesopotamia , between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers , was a space colony where a certain civilization was introduced .

  18. 很久以前,底格里斯河上就建造了一个大水坝,伊拉克还建筑了很多水渠灌溉田地。

    There was another across the river Tigris very long ago , and large number of irrigation canals were made in Iraq to irrigate the land .

  19. 中央指挥部的声明没有具体说明在什么地方展开突袭。不过声明说,美军相信,对美军的袭击一般发生在萨马拉和巴格达之间的底格里斯河周围。

    The CENTCOM statement did not say precisely where the raids took place , but it did say that American forces believe paramilitary activity centers on the Tigris River between Saamara and Baghdad .

  20. 苏伊士运河,北起塞得港,南亚苏伊士港,全程173公里.伊拉克首都及最大城市;位于底格里斯河沿岸。

    Suez Canal , with Port Said and Suez at its north and south ends respectively , is 173 kilometers long . capital and largest city of Iraq ; located on the Tigris River .

  21. 2007年4月12号,一个开著卡车的自杀袭击者袭击了大桥,炸毁了180米长的桥面,桥上的汽车纷纷掉进了底格里斯河,十多人死亡。

    On April 12 , 2007 , a suicide truck bomber targeted the bridge , destroying 180 meters of its length , sending cars into the Tigris below and killing more than 10 people .

  22. 当记者当晚从国家博物馆返回他们在底格里斯河边上的饭店的时候,正在守卫宾馆的海军陆战队员正在与河对岸的伊拉克人激烈交火。

    As reporters returned from the National Museum to their hotels beside the Tigris tonight , marines guarding the hotels were caught in a heavy firefight with Iraqis across the river , and the neighborhoods erupted with tank and heavy machine-gun fire .

  23. 从1546年港口城市巴士拉被奥斯曼帝国占领到2003年美军入侵,逊尼派领导的政府一直统治着底格里斯河和幼发拉底河流域,尽管伊拉克大部分人口稠密的地区,如巴格达南部,逊尼派是主体。

    From 1546 , when the port city of Basra was captured by the Ottoman empire , to the invasion of 2003 , Sunni-led states held sway over the Tigris and Euphrates valleys , although the most thickly populated part of the country , south of Baghdad , is largely Shia ( see map ) .

  24. 水污染不仅影响了幼发拉底河和底格里斯河,同时也影响了整个波斯湾地区。

    The water pollution is affecting not only the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers , but also the wider Persian Gulf region .

  25. 幼发拉底河失去了往日的青春,默默地在哭泣;底格里斯河在呻吟,在挣扎。

    The Euphrates River has vanished its past youth and it is weeping with soundless voice ; the Tigris River is groaning and struggling .

  26. 这片灌木丛中,问题十分严重。在这里,幼发拉底即将走完1730英里的全长,与盐分相对较少的底格里斯河交汇,并最终流入波斯湾。

    In the marshes , where the Euphrates nears the end of its1,730-mile journey and mingles with the less salty waters of the Tigris before emptying into the Persian Gulf , the situation is grave .