
  • 网络FUGUE;Fuga
  1. 你能把这个赋格曲转换成G大调吗。

    Can you transpose this fugue into G major ?

  2. 演奏家用两副键盘和踏板演奏了一首赋格曲。

    The organist played a fugue using two keyboards and the pedals .

  3. DP由于和表场所的短语构成一个主谓短语做谓语,所以,它就不存在赋格的问题。

    The DP in question will not be subject to the case filter , due to its being part of the inner small clause which functions as a predicate for the expletive there .

  4. 管约论认为ECM受NP格的驱动推导而成,赋格主要允准条件为管辖和邻近,其结果往往因限制过于严格而无法达到完全解释。

    In GB theory , derivation of ECM is case - driven , case assignment is licensed on the bases of Government and Adjacency , which result in the failure of Full Interpretation , together with numerous constraints .

  5. 大气磅礴的三重赋格&朱践耳第九交响曲大赋格段分析

    To Analyze The Grande Fuge Section of Zhu Jian'er Symphony No.9

  6. 这点尤其反映在这首钢琴杰作《巴赫主题变奏与赋格》中。

    This is particularly true of the'Bach'Variations , Reger 's piano masterpiece .

  7. 亨利·浦塞尔戏剧音乐中的赋格原则

    The Fugue Principle in Henry Purcell 's Drama Music

  8. 赋格曲前面或引入歌剧一幕的音乐。

    Music that precedes a fugue or introduces an act in an opera .

  9. 其次,对西洋复调音乐体裁&《序曲与赋格》作了一些必要的介绍。

    The next , introduced the Preludes and Fugues .

  10. 这部钢琴套曲其中包括了五首前奏曲与赋格。

    This piano melody including five preludes and fugues .

  11. 威尔第歌剧《法尔斯塔夫》赋格终曲研究

    Research on the Finale Fugue in Falstaff by Verdi

  12. 第三乐章,运用了复调写作的最高形式&赋格。

    The third movement , the use of the highest form of polyphonic writing-Fugue .

  13. 精彩纷呈的密接和应&肖斯塔柯维奇《24首序曲与赋格》研究札记

    Research Notes Of Shostakovich 24 Prelude And Fugue

  14. 尤其是在复调技法方面,最集中的体现是在赋格的应用上。

    Especially in Fugue , the concentrated expression is the application of the Fugue .

  15. 前奏曲与赋格套曲的写作(上)

    Writing of the Suite Prelude and Fugue (ⅰ);

  16. 赋格是一种用对位法写作的作品体裁,有特定数量的声部。句中的。

    Fugue is a type of contrapuntal compositions for particular number of parts or voices .

  17. 平均律钢琴集24首,收集的前奏曲和赋格,第2册。

    The Well-Tempered Clavier ( 24 ), collection of preludes & fugues , Book II .

  18. 激越情感中的赋格精神&论贝多芬第九交响乐中赋格段的使用

    Spirit of Fugue in Exaltation Feelings & On the usage of Fugue in Beethoven Symphony No.9

  19. 第四章,对贝多芬晚期作品中赋格应用的主要特征进行深入的探讨。

    The fourth chapter deeply discusses the main characteristics of fugue application in his late works .

  20. 五首乐曲都建立在五声调式体系之中,使用前奏曲与赋格连接而成。

    Five songs are based on five of this system , use preludes and fugues connected to .

  21. 前苏联作曲家谢德林的《24首前奏曲与赋格》,是20世纪钢琴复调音乐中的重要文献。

    That Shchedrin 's 24 Prelude and Fugue is an important work of the counterpoint music in 20th century .

  22. 在这个终曲里他把赋格的传统和新奇手法结合起来,共同制造了一个复调的胜利。

    In the Finale Fugue , he combined the traditional and original methods to arrive at a victory of polyphony .

  23. 赋格写作是作曲技术理论专业学生的一门必修课,它有自身完整的理论体系和技术规范。

    Fugue Composition , which is a required course for composition major , has its own integrated theory system and technical standard .

  24. 一切写得美好的音乐作品,即使它没有赋格曲的特征和形式,但至少应该具有赋格曲的精神。

    All beautiful music pieces , even though it contains no features and forms of fugue , it should possess spirit of fugue .

  25. 目前研究的焦点主要集中在动词作格的赋格,动词作格的诊断句式,句法结构和语义。

    At present , the researches mainly focus on the case of ergative verbs , ergative diagnostics , syntax-based approach and the semantic-based approach .

  26. 第二章详细分析了赋格终曲的音乐本体以及它在整个歌剧中的意义。

    In chapter Two , there is a detailed musical analysis of the Finale Fugue itself and its place in the whole comic opera .

  27. 第三章,详细论述贝多芬晚期作品中赋格的应用。主要体现在晚期的钢琴奏鸣曲、弦乐四重奏、交响乐以及庄严弥撒曲等作品中。

    The third chapter details fugue in his late works , which mainly reflects in late piano sonatas , string quartets , symphony and solemn works .

  28. 通过全文的分析,我们可以得知,《法尔斯塔夫》赋格终曲是统领该喜剧音乐和戏剧的灵魂。

    From the whole analysis we can know that the Finale Fugue in Falstaff is the soul of music and drama which presides in the opera .

  29. 门德尔松的赋格曲是浪漫时期音乐转型过程中的产物,是作曲家在古典形式下表达内心情感的作品。

    Mendelssohn fugue is a romantic musical product of the transition process is the composer in the classical form of the expression of inner emotional work .

  30. 他将赋格这种复杂的技术继承并进行新的创新与发展,为后来的作曲家在赋格创作上开辟了新局面。

    He inherited the complex technology on fugue and made further innovation and development , which opened up a new situation for later composers to create fugue .