
  • 网络Capital Chain Rupture
  1. 企业客户资金链断裂会引发一连串的多米诺骨牌效应,商业银行更是首当其冲的受害者,这一效应直接导致信贷资金安全受到严重的威胁。

    Capital chain rupture of firm could lead to " dominos ", specially , the bank is the first victim , suffering the threat of losing its credit property .

  2. 通过分析平台公司内部运行机制、项目资金借贷流程等,发现贷款资金风险传递机制,对预防平台公司风险,防止其资金链断裂以至引发整个金融体系动荡有着极其重要的意义。

    Through the analysis of the Platform Co internal operation mechanism , project fund loan process , found that the credit risk transfer mechanism , for the prevention of risk of the Platform Co , to prevent capital chain rupture and cause the financial turmoil has its significance .

  3. 成长型企业资金链断裂的成因分析

    Analysis of Fund Chain Break Origin in the Growth Enterprise

  4. 导致中国证券公司破产与股市资金链断裂的重要原因之一是国债回购业务。

    One of key factors that causes the bankruptcy of the security company and the rupture of cash chain is the business of state owned bond repurchase .

  5. 由于没有找到合适的赢利方式,在资金链断裂后,许多闻名一时的网站轰然倒闭,电子商务进入了网络寒冬。

    With the rupture of the capital chain , many famous websites closes down without suitable profit mode , the electronic commerce entered the cold winter in network .

  6. 对一些准备不足的企业,由于金融危机影响导致资金链断裂而清算倒闭。

    The impact of financial crisis , the lack of preparation led to a number of enterprises and the liquidation of strand breaks as a result of the closure of the funds .

  7. 2008年的金融危机造成资金链断裂成了企业破产的主因,资金链的断裂主要是与企业营运资金的管理方法的应用有着直接的联系。

    The financial crisis in 2008 lead to the bankrupt of the capital strand , the capital strand breaks are mainly for the use of the application of working capital and business management .

  8. 中小企业如何在这次金融海啸中求生存、保发展?本人认为首要条件是防止资金链断裂,保证供血充足。

    How can small and medium enterprises survive the current financial crisis , Paul development ? I think that the first condition is to prevent money-strand breaks , to ensure an adequate blood supply .

  9. 很多偏远地区和贫困人口得不到金融服务,中小企业也难于在商业银行融资而导致资金链断裂。

    Many remote areas and poor people are not covered by financial services , and the SMEs have difficulty getting credit from the commercial banks , which caused the breaking of the funding strand .

  10. 他们不仅对防止基建基金资金链断裂这一问题无动于衷,还在提议将已经得到批准的创造就业的大型项目的资金削减80%,这些项目在50个州都是高优先级的交通基建项目。

    Not only have they neglected to prevent this funding from running out , their proposal would actually cut by 80 % a job-creating grant program that has funded high-priority transportation projects in all 50 states .

  11. 随着一系列由内部控制失效暴露出的公司经营、资金链断裂、舞弊等问题的出现,2002年,美国出台了《萨班斯-奥克斯利法案》规范内部控制制度的建立。

    As a series of internal control failure due to exposure of the company management , cash chain rupture and financial fraud arise , 2002 , the United States launched the Sarbanes-Oxley Act to regulate the establishment of internal control system .

  12. 这不仅容易造成中小房地产企业资金链断裂,也容易使得房地产开发的风险向商业银行集中,对整个国民经济的平稳运行造成潜在威胁。

    This will not only easily break up the capital chain of the SMEs , but also force the real estate risks to concentrate on the commercial banks , thus , it poses potential threat to the smooth development of the national economy .

  13. 近年来,因受国际金融危机和世界经济衰退影响,诸多公司资金链断裂、经营严重困难,在公司大量解散的背景下,债权人、股东和公司的利益纷争不断加剧。

    In recent years , for the affects of global financial crisis and degradation of the world economy , many companies face difficulties in capital and management . On the background of company bankruptcy , Creditors , shareholders and company are seriously involved in interest disputes .

  14. 目前,国内ShoppingMall还处于初步试验发展阶段,且由于市场进入壁垒较高,资金链容易断裂等问题的存在。

    At present , domestic Shopping Mall is at the test development phase . It exists some problems , for example , the market entry barrier is high , the fund chain is easy to break and so on .

  15. 企业资金链的断裂会使企业陷入困境甚至破产。

    Enterprise will be stuck in stagnation and even bankruptcy if capital chain is broken .

  16. 如果选择不恰当的财务行为,很容易造成资金链的断裂,使企业走向衰退。

    If you choose to inappropriate financial behavior , it is likely to cause capital chain rupture and make enterprises move toward a recession .

  17. 第五,在金融危机情况下,市场风险陡增,企业资金链濒临断裂,控制采购风险成为企业应对金融危机的重点,提出了采购风险控制策略及解决企业资金保障的方案。

    Fifthly , in the face of the financial crisis , the market risk increased sharply , corporate finance verge of breaking , it proposed purchasing strategy and risk control programs to solve the financial security company .

  18. 当前的问题是,如果国会在今年夏天之前不行动,联邦交通项目基金的资金链就将断裂。

    Here 's the problem : If Congress doesn 't act by the end of this summer , federal funding for transportation projects will run out .

  19. 中小企业由于资本较为薄弱,受市场环境影响较大,因此资金链极易断裂,因此急需通过贷款筹措资金。

    Small and medium-sized enterprise as capital are weak , influenced by the market environment , so easily capital chain rupture , so need through the loans raise capital .

  20. 应收账款的处理关系到企业资金的流入,应付账款则关联着企业资金的流出,如果处理不当,可能面临资金链断裂的风险。

    Processing accounts receivable related to the influx of corporate funds , corporate accounts payable are linked to the outflow of funds , if handled properly , could face the risk of money-strand breaks .