
  1. 抓紧海外资源落实、国内市场分析和技术资金合作谈判。

    We should quickly make the best use of foreign resources , accelerate analysis of the domestic market and speed up negotiations on technical and investment cooperation .

  2. 但部分谈判人员表示,如果发达国家不能正式承诺到2015年拿出600亿美元新资金,谈判就有破裂的风险。

    But they are at risk of collapse , according to some negotiators , unless developed countries formally agree to pledge as much as $ 60bn in fresh funding by 2015 .

  3. 这门课也会使创业者得到预备教育,以便妥善运用外面的顾问,并且与资金来源透过谈判达成有效率的长期关系。

    This course also prepares entrepreneurs to make the best use of outside advisors , and to negotiate effective long-term relationships with funding sources .

  4. 在美国银行本周可能出售建行股份以兑现丰厚利润之际,该银行与美国政府官员正就它需筹集多少新资金问题进行谈判。

    The possibility this week of a lucrative share sale comes as BofA is in talks with US government officials over how much new capital it will be required to raise .

  5. 至于我们能不能得到那么多资金,从目前谈判情况看,我觉得很难。

    Whether or not we can get that amount of money according to the current negotiation I think is difficult .

  6. 私募基金投资机构财力有限,如果谷歌为它们提供资金,即便最终谈判失败,谷歌依然可以得到这些数据。

    By backing some private equity investors who might otherwise have trouble raising money , Google can have access to all that data , even if the talks eventually fall through .

  7. 《京都议定书》为国际碳融资提供了稳定的基础机制,但是资金供给仍是国际谈判的争论焦点。

    All these factors together make the international carbon finance market inefficient . " Kyoto Protocol " provided stable base mechanism for international carbon finance , but the supply of capital is still the focus of debate in international negotiations .