
  • 网络it education;information education
  1. 香港资讯教育城是教育署于二零零零年八月推出的大型教育基建项目。

    The Hong Kong Education City ( HKEdCity ) web site , a large-scale education infrastructure project , was launched by the Education Department in August 2000 .

  2. 来年,香港资讯教育城会全面推行“数码新一代文化推广计划”,向教师、家长、学生和公众推介“阅读学习、写作沟通、思考解难、科技创意及服务生活”。

    In the coming year , the hkedcity will organise the'digital age culture campaign'for teachers , parents , students and the public to promote reading towards learning , writing towards communications , thinking towards problem solving , it towards creativity , and services towards a quality life .

  3. BBC以其出色的资讯、教育和娱乐节目和广播丰富着人们的生活。

    The BBC exists to enrich people 's lives with great programmes and services that inform , educate and entertain .

  4. 交换有关爱滋病毒爱滋病资讯和教育的印制资料;

    Exchange printed materials on HIV AIDS information and education ;

  5. 我们可以提供他们资讯,教育他们,也可以提供训练。

    We can inform , we can educate , we can offer training .

  6. 台湾地区的图书资讯学教育

    Library and Information Science Education in Taiwan

  7. 该署亦举办研讨会及工作坊,推广资讯科技教育的良好实践模式,让学校和教师分享经验。

    Seminars and workshops are organised to disseminate knowledge of good practices and to facilitate the sharing of experience .

  8. 约200名中、小学校长于二零零一年七月参加了领袖资讯科技教育&校长训练课程;

    About 200 primary and secondary school heads attended the IT in Education Leadership Programme for School Heads in July .

  9. 来年第八届行政长官卓越教学奖(2011/2012)的对象是任教「艺术教育学习领域」、「学前教育」及「资讯科技教育」的教师。

    The eighth CEATE ( 2011 / 2012 ) is open to teachers of Arts Education Key Learning Area , Pre-primary Education and Information Technology in Education .

  10. 香港电台虽以公帑经营,但编辑方针独立,在资讯、教育及娱乐方面,为市民提供取材客观、分量均衡的广播节目。

    RTHK is a publicly-funded , editorially independent broadcaster whose mission is to inform , educate and entertain people through the provision of balanced and objective programmes .

  11. 除了在本地学校提供资讯科技教育外,政府还与资讯科技界合作,为中学生提供资讯科技的专业训练。

    In addition to delivering it education through local schools , the government also collaborates with the IT industry in providing professional IT training to students at secondary level .

  12. 教育署人员定期到学校探访,实地就资讯科技教育事宜向学校提供协助和意见。

    On a day-to-day basis , the Education Department conducts school visits to offer on-site help and advice on issues related to IT in education . Office Assistant ( CAC )

  13. 其他课程例如公民教育、药物教育、环保教育、性教育及资讯科技教育,则以跨课程方式或独立选修科目教授。

    Other learning programmes such as civic education , drug education , environmental education , sex education and information technology education are offered on a cross-curricular basis or as separate optional subjects .

  14. 本文从系统科学理论的观点出发,分析了学科网站应满足五大维度,1、应满足对学、教、学科资讯、教育科研需要;

    According to the views of systematic and scientific theory , this article analyses five conditions that subject websites need to satisfy : 1 . they should satisfy materials of studying , teaching and subject information and educational research .

  15. 21世纪的资讯管理人才教育

    The education of Information management talent in the 21st century

  16. 香港公开大学是一所开放和远程大学,非常注意资讯技术在教育中的有效运用。

    The effective application of information technology in open and distance learning ( ODL ) is of primary concern in the Open University of Hong Kong .

  17. 优质教育基金继续为各项一次过的计划和具创意的计划提供另一个资助途径。这些计划涵盖的范畴包括提高学习成效、校本管理、均衡教育、资讯科技及教育研究。

    The quality education fund has continued to provide an additional source of resources for one-off projects and innovation in the areas of effective learning , school-based management , all-round education , information technology and education research .

  18. 致力于获得准确的资讯并研究英国教育的先进理念,为学生提供与之相匹配的留学方案,协助学生撰写独特的文书,最终顺利进入满意的学校。

    With accurate and rich information , she cordially choose the proper school for every student and assist them to apply the UK visa , contributing to help them study in a satisfied school eventually .

  19. 随着全球各地以迅速的步伐迈进资讯年代,我们会在资讯基建、教育和资讯专业知识方面作出大量的投资。

    As the world moves rapidly into the information era , we will be investing heavily in our information infrastructure , our education and our expertise in this field .