
  • 网络recycle;resource;reuse
  1. 铝废渣在建筑陶瓷中资源化利用技术的研究

    Research for Recycle Using Aluminum Profile Residue in Building Ceramics

  2. 论城市化进程中的垃圾资源化问题

    Study on recycle of rubbish during the course of urbanization

  3. 资源化网络OA的安全模型

    A Model of Security on Resource for Network OA

  4. 微生物燃料电池(microbialfuelcell,MFC)可以将废水中的有机物转化成电能,在降解废水的同时实现废水的资源化。

    Microbial fuel cell ( MFC ) can convert the organic in wastewater into electrical energy while achieving the degradation of wastewater .

  5. 玉米淀粉黄浆水PSB法资源化开发的应用前景

    Exploitation Prospects of Yellow Slurry from Corn Starch Factory by PSB Method

  6. 该工艺草甘膦回收率达到95%,废水COD去除率大于95%,实现了草甘膦废水的资源化。

    In this techniques , high recovery efficiency of glyphosate as much as 95 % was obtained and removal rate of COD was above 95 % .

  7. 提出了制备活性碳纤维是实现废旧PVC无害化、资源化的切实可行的方法之一。

    Converting the waste PVC plastic into activated carbon fibers was one of the most practicable methods to reuse , resource and recycle the waste PVC plastic with harmlessness .

  8. 从技术上分析整个工艺流程可实现在注汽锅炉尾部烟气中捕集CO2,并且得到的多种副产品进行资源化利用,实现污染物一体化协同脱除。

    It can capture carbon dioxide from tail gas of the steam-injection boiler and get a variety of by-product for the comprehensive utilization and realize pollutant integration collaborative removal .

  9. 从厌氧养猪废水中去除和回收磷(P)元素,对该废水的污染控制和资源化利用具有重要意义,其中磷酸钙(calciumphosphate,CP)结晶法是一种主要的工艺。

    Phosphorus ( P ) removal and recovery from anaerobic swine wastewater is very important for the pollution control and utilization of this kind of wastewater , and the crystallization of calcium phosphate ( CP ) is a main process for this purpose .

  10. T-50石油酯含酚废水的治理及资源化

    Treatment and Reuse of Industrial Wastewater Containing Phenol from T 50 Alkyl Phenyl Sulfonate Production

  11. 废旧电子电气设备的资源化与无害化技术

    Techniques for Recycling and Disposal of Scrape Electrical and Electronic Equipment

  12. 废电池的环境污染及资源化价值分析

    Analysis on Pollution and Recycling Value of Waste Battery Resources Recycling

  13. 黄土高原住区污水资源化问题的研究

    Study on the sewage reusing in loessial plateau 's living quarter

  14. 我国煤矸石资源化再生利用途径的分析

    Analysis of regenerative utilization ways of coal gangue resource in China

  15. 关于黑河流域洪水资源化问题的分析探讨

    Analysis and Exploration on Flood Water Resources in Heihe River Basin

  16. 区域雨水资源化潜力计算方法与利用规划评价

    Calculation method and utilization planning evaluation on regional rainwater resources potential

  17. 造纸废水治理工程实践与污泥资源化利用技术研究

    Industrial Treatment of Papermaking Wastewater and Experiment on Utilization of Mud

  18. 垃圾围城城市环境质量不可回避的一道坎石家庄城市垃圾资源化处理的几点思考

    Garbage-surrounded city & the unavoidable pit of environment quality in cities

  19. 我国城市污水资源化的制约因素与对策探讨

    Restricting factors and countermeasure of urban wastewater reuse in our country

  20. 湿法破碎在废弃线路板资源化中的应用

    Application of wet crushing in reutilization of discarded printed circuit boards

  21. 滇池农田废弃物生物处理及资源化利用研究

    Utilization of Agricultural Residues with Biological Treatment in Dianchi Lake Basin

  22. 电镀污泥中铜和镍的回收和资源化技术

    Study on the Technology of Reclaiming Copper & Nickel from Electroplating Sludge

  23. 废印刷线路板资源化分离过程研究

    Study on the Separation Process of the Waste Printed Circuit Board Recycling

  24. 电镀污泥焚烧渣资源化及无害化处理研究

    Study on Metal Recovery and Innoxious Diposal of Electroplating Sludge Using Incineration

  25. 废旧塑料资源化路线的优化分析方法及原理

    Optimum Seeking Method and Principle for Converting Waste Plastics into Useful Materials

  26. 铜镍电镀污泥的资源化与无害化处理试验研究

    Experimental study of resource reuse and innocent treatment of copper-nickel electroplating sludge

  27. 利用垃圾填埋沼气发电走垃圾资源化道路

    Generate Electricity with Methane From Rubbish Field and Realized Rubbish becoming Resource

  28. 钢铁渣的农业资源化利用

    Utilization of Ferrous Metallurgical Slags as Resource Materials in Agriculture

  29. 畜禽粪便资源化处理利用技术及工艺研究

    The study on the resourceful treatment technology of animal manure

  30. 环境资源化对会计核算变革的要求

    The Demand of Environmental Resources to Reform of Accounting Transformation