- 网络Asset valuation

It requires a logical theory to resolve practicality of GAS in assets valuation .
Study on The Reason and The Improvements of Weakened Accounting Information in View of Assets Valuation
CAPM [ capital asset pricing model ] constant percentage growth mode
Enhancing the management of weaponry assets and optimizing troops resources allocation
How Assets Measurement Meets The Need of Knowledge based Economy
Discussion on the Pricing and Accounting of Self-created Assets
A Discussion on the Changes of Asset Evaluation Basis
A Research on the Base of Assets Measurement
I also put forward the defects and suggestions of our methods to the measurement .
Research on Governmental Assets Measurement
Difference between Chinese and International Accounting Principles in Oil / Gas Asset Valuation and Depreciation / Depletion
The Nature of Valuation On the Valuation and Re-e valuation of Intangible Assets & Disclosing of Account Information
It is the long-term trend to discard the traditional measurement model and seek for a scientific basis of asset measurement .
Asset measurement is one of the core issues of Financial Accounting , and it is also among the most controversial ones .
Till now , historical cost is still the dominant measurement attribution , with various measurement attribution exiting at the same time .
Accounting attributes is a reasonable choice and effective use of asset valuation and revenue accounting to determine completion of the two missions critically .
The objects of the valuation only include public assets , public resource assets , investment assets , heritage assets and right assets of the government .
Whether asset evaluation is a measure of value or price is not so important because there is no contradiction between asset value measurement and price reflection .
The basic work is the assets accounting and the difficulty is how to solve problems of multiple benefits , rise in value of natural growth and risk of forest trees assets management .
The essence of stock-option differences os over-valued ( low-valued ) to net assets of investee , or exists in positive good will ( negative goodwill ), as the differences of stock-option investment are calculated .
Mineral resources assets pricing methods under the historical cost measurement foundation is adopted , whether the successful efforts method or the full cost method , is determined according to the different characteristics of mineral resources .
Regarded as a difficult problem of governmental accounting reform , assets measurement still restricts governmental accounting development not only in China but also in foreign countries that are leading the way in governmental accounting reform .
This recognition about fair value accounting reveals two important points : the first one , the measurement of asset must adhere to objective value measurement , and price should reflect the real objective value of asset .
The second section includes five parts : introduction , the theoretical basis of measurement and accounting of forest assets , methodology of forest assets measurement , accounting system in forest assets and disclosure of forest assets information .
Chapter 2 illustrates that governmental accounting is an inevitable tendency of budgetary accounting reform in China , then defines accounting basis of assets measurement study , and finally it shows the necessity of governmental assets measurement research .
With the new Accounting Standards spreading out , our laws are increasingly more similar with the International Accounting Standards , both in the capitalization of exploding expenses of immaterial assets and in the application of the Fair Value .
It is widely assumed that the practice of marking assets to market prices and not reserving for expected losses on loan portfolios added to the woes of the financial system by deepening losses at a point when banks and other institutions could least afford it .
This paper intends to study the problem of governmental assets measurement based on governmental accounting of accrual basis , defines the scope of governmental assets according to the contents of state assets , and then explores measurement issues of various governmental assets based on governmental assets classification .
The valuation of fixed assets shall be based on the original cost .
Study on Assets Valuation Method for Forest Assets