
  • 网络Asset Acquisition;Acquisition of assets
  1. 控制权转移、资产收购与公司业绩敌意收购

    Takeovers , Asset Acquisition and Corporate Performance Hostile Takeover

  2. 股权收购的绩效表现不购稳定,而资产收购样本的绩效值保持稳定且缓慢的上升。

    However , share acquisition shows an unstable performance and asset acquisition has a steady but slow-growing performance .

  3. 星展唯高达(DBSVickers)指出,到2016年底,该公司必须筹集60亿美元的资金,以支付其最近一笔大规模资产收购和偿还债务。

    By the end of 2016 it must find $ 6bn to pay for its most recent big asset purchase and repay debt , DBS Vickers points out .

  4. 阿布扎比的taqa是近年来最为活跃的能源资产收购者之一,该公司雄心勃勃,意欲通过收购进行扩张。

    Taqa of Abu Dhabi , which has an ambitious strategy of expanding through acquisitions , has been one of the most active buyers of energy assets in recent years .

  5. 公司价值、资产收购与控制权转移方式

    Company 's Value , Assets Purchase and the Ways of Control Right Transfer

  6. 本文研究了以资产收购为主的并购事件中,并购类型与并购方式对收购方企业绩效的影响,以期为企业与政府提供参考意见。

    This paper studies the effect of merger type and acquisition mode in the merger of assets .

  7. 日本央行也出手干预日圆升值,再度提升资产收购量。

    The BOJ intervened to combat JPY strength and increased the amount of its asset purchases yet again .

  8. 中国远洋的新股发行计划已经获得监管部门批准,分析师预计发行所得将被用于将来的资产收购。

    Cosco Holdings received regulatory approval to issue new shares , which analysts expect will be used to acquire assets .

  9. 它震惊了印度的企业界,因为它们已习惯于由自己的领先企业在美国和欧洲进行资产收购。

    It has shocked corporate India , which has become used to its leading companies acquiring assets in the US and Europe .

  10. 终极控制人、金字塔控制与控股股东的掏空行为研究重大资产收购关联交易中的大股东掏空行为研究

    The Ultimate Controller , Pyramidal Structure and Tunneling : Evidence from China 's Listed Companies Largest Shareholder 's Tunneling in Related Assets Buying Transactions

  11. 鉴于我们对不良资产收购计划的已有了解,我非常怀疑他能够扭转局势。

    Given what we already know about the toxic asset purchase plan I very much doubt he is going to turn this situation around .

  12. 上市公司并购包括上市公司合并、资产收购、股权收购三种行为。

    Listed company merger and acquisition includes three kinds of acts , namely , listed company consolidation , asset acquisition , stock right acquisition .

  13. 虽然预计央行不会采取大动作,但小规模的扩大资产收购工具还是可能的。

    While the Bank of Japan is not expected to take any drastic measures , a small expansion of its asset purchase facilities may be likely .

  14. 首先,介绍了我国关于资产收购中潜在侵权债权人利益保护相关立法的现状。

    Firstly , it outlines the present situation of the legislation on the protection of the interests of future and contingent tort creditors in asset acquisitions .

  15. 在近期,这种系统性方案必须包括三个要素:流动性供应;不良资产收购;以及向金融机构注资。

    For the near-term , such an approach must include three elements : liquidity provision ; purchase of distressed assets ; and capital injections into financial institutions .

  16. 第二部分为税务处理方式选择的税收筹划。分股权收购、资产收购和企业合并三种情况进行讨论,分别对应第三、四、五章内容。

    It is devided into three cases , share acquisition , asset acquisition and enterprises merger , corresponding to the third , fourth , and fifth chapters .

  17. 本文还根据并购重组的方式的不同,将其分类,重点研究了资产收购和资产剥离两种重组方式下的样本公司在重组前后绩效的变化。

    The article gave the samples classification according to the way of M A R , and focused on researching the samples under asset acquisitions and asset divestitures .

  18. 反之,如果美联储宣布不再延长其资产收购计划的期限,并就美国经济发表更为乐观的看法,美元可能会继续走强。

    Conversely , it might continue to strengthen if the central bank announces no extension to its asset purchase programme and sounds more upbeat on the US economy .

  19. 当今跨国并购方式纷繁复杂,本文以六个标准论述不同的分类,并特别论述了目前我国法律规定的两种方式&资产收购与股权收购。

    This paper introduced six kinds of classification and especially discusses two kinds of transnational M & A regulated in China-Equity Merger and Acquisition and Asset Merger and Acquisition .

  20. 首先,英国央行应该像它暗示的那样,马上实行新一轮定量宽松政策,同时还应扩大其资产收购范围,而不仅仅限于购买传统国债。

    First , the Bank of England should announce immediately the extra quantitative easing at which it is already hinting , but widen its asset purchases beyond the conventional gilts .

  21. 小调整不会导致汇市有大的反应,但如果大幅扩大资产收购步伐则可能打压日圆。

    Small tweaks are not likely to see much of a reaction in the currency markets with the risk of a large increase in additional purchases which may weigh on the yen .

  22. 第二章,介绍了外资并购的模式问题。我国现有的并购法律只规定了股权收购和资产收购两种方式,可是实践中还存在诸多其它并购模式。

    Chapter 2 introduces the modes of foreign capital M A. Chinese existing laws only stipulate two modes , equity acquisition and assets acquisition . However , in practices , there are others .

  23. 和预期一样,联邦公开市场委员会放弃了之前在2014年10月结束其资产收购计划后采取的说法,即该行的指引与在相当长时间内将利率保持在低水平一致。

    As expected , the FOMC discarded previous language saying that its guidance was consistent with keeping rates at their low level for a considerable time following the October end of its asset purchase programme .

  24. 塔伯特补充说,他的公司更注重单一资产收购,可能有4-7年历史的全盘收购基金小型投资组合(与尾端基金及/或僵尸基金有显著差别)。

    Talbot adds that his firm is focused more on single-asset purchases or small portfolios of buyout funds that are 4-7 years into their lives ( which is distinct from tail-end and / or zombie funds ) .

  25. 第三个层次是企业内部业务单元的价值链各环节,位于个价值链环节的资产收购,会进一步完善业务单元内部的产业链条,从而提升企业的资源利用效率。

    The third level is the value chain level of business units , where the asset merger would improve the industrial chain insides a business unit and then improve the efficiency of resource usage of an enterprise .

  26. 本文在考虑控制权转移之后的资产收购行为的基础上,立足中国独特的制度背景,对中国特有的上市公司控制权转移方式进行研究。

    Based on contemplation of the behavior of assets purchase after CRT and on China 's distinctive system background , we in this paper will make a study of China 's specific way of CRT of listed companies .

  27. 盖特纳上月最初公布的不良资产收购计划令市场失望,他已成为华盛顿和华尔街严厉批评的目标,一些人质疑他能否胜任。

    Mr Geithner , whose initial announcement last month on the troubled asset purchase plan disappointed the market , has become the target of harsh criticism in Washington and on Wall Street with some questioning whether he can deliver .

  28. 第四个层次为价值链上各资源要素节点,各资源要素上的资产收购,可以在短期内对于资源的短缺或冗余做出快速反应,从而很快的提高企业的经营绩效。

    The forth level is composed of the resource nodes in a value chain , where the asset merger on resource elements could response rapidly to the lack or redundancy so that it can sharply improve the enterprise performance .

  29. 佩洛西还面临众议院一批民主党议员的压力,他们坚持要求财政部采取的行动要受到法庭的审议,超过10亿美元的资产收购要得到一个由两党议员组成的三人委员会的批准。

    She also faces pressure from a group of House Democrats who insist that actions by the Treasury Secretary be reviewable by the courts , and that a three-member bipartisan board approve asset purchases of more than $ 1 billion .

  30. 首先,极低的名义利率,加上央行的资产收购计划,已导致债券市场出现了巨大的泡沫,如果名义利率继续维持在接近零的水平,泡沫可能会进一步膨胀。

    The first is that the extremely low level of nominal interest rates in combination with central bank asset purchase programmes has led to a mighty bond market bubble that could inflate further if nominal interest rates remain at levels close to zero .