- 网络The discount window

The Fed also shortened the term of some discount window loans and raised the minimum bid in the term auction facilities it uses to supply overnight funds to banks .
Those include discount window and Term Auction Facility loans to banks , currency swaps with other central banks , purchases of commercial paper and financing for investors in asset-backed securities .
But once here , why would they not expand into commercial banking , to gain full access to the public safety net of deposit insurance and the Federal Reserve discount window ?
After the euro came into force , commercial banks could refinance their holdings of government bonds at the discount window of the European Central Bank and regulators treated such bonds as riskless .
The 2007-08 crisis destroyed that delicate balance , not only making European governments rescue large banks but leading to the US Federal Reserve extending the protection of its discount window to Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley .
That was why the Fed offered to swap up to $ 200bn of mortgage securities for Treasuries last week and then took the historic step on Sunday of offering to lend to investment banks through its discount window .
Lenders queued up at their central banks'discount windows , clamouring for funds .
Discount window [ central Bank ]
What the PDCF is it 's really an extension of the discount window beyond member banks .
The Fed lends at its discount window in its capacity as a lender of last resort .
Their discount windows , which lend to solvent institutions at a penalty rate , have been idle .
Hundreds of banks took advantage of the discount lending window on many occasions during the 2008 crisis .
The traditional opinion of borrowing from the so-called discount window was that it represented a sign of weakness .
It could close its discount window to , and the governments could seize , the banks that refuse to co-operate .
Instead , it reduced the cost for banks to borrow from the Fed 's discount window and injected liquidity into the system .
On Sunday the Fed also expanded the list of collateral it will accept for loans at its discount window , to include even equities ;
What 's essential about the Primary Dealer Credit Facility is that they 're opening up the discount window of lending beyond the member bank to primary dealers .
That would halve the interest penalty on discount window borrowing compared to the main interest rate , the Fed funds rate , which is currently 4.5 per cent .
The banks , however , did not receive any warning that they could no longer assume access to the discount window in the event of trouble in 2013 plans .
There is no reason , in the US constitution or elsewhere , why an insurance company is entitled to swap assets at the Fed discount window for temporary loans to keep its balance sheet liquid .
Mr Dodd said Mr Bernanke also indicated that he was not satisfied with the market 's response to the Fed 's decision last Friday to make direct loans available to banks on attractive terms through its discount window .
Left to their devices , banks with implicit government backing and ambitious shareholders will over-leverage themselves , relying on a thin layer of capital , the discount window and other taxpayer-backed forms of asset backing to remain afloat when times are tough .