
  1. 应用WEB技术构造货运计划信息系统

    Constructing the Information System of Freight Transport Plan By Use of WEB Technology

  2. 深化铁路货运计划改革的思考

    Considerations on Deepening Reform of Railway Freight Traffic Plan

  3. 铁路货运计划智能决策支持系统研究

    The Study on the Intelligent Decision Support System of the Railway Freight Transportation Planning

  4. 介绍了人工模式制定货运计划过程,并对铁路运输收入清算方法作了详细介绍。

    It introduces manual way of making freight plan , and talks a lot about the way of railway revenue clearance .

  5. 文中阐述了货运计划改革的现状,并从货运计划的管理方式、管理内容和管理手段等方面介绍了深化货运改革的做法。

    The paper expounds the present condition of freight traffic plan and introduces the practice of deepening freight traffic reform in the fields of management form , contents and means .

  6. 当前如何提高港口企业的运作效率、库场占有率,提高港口企业的计划、调度信息准确性,合理安排港口货运计划、生产运作,已成为港口企业管理者共同关注的课题。

    Currently how to improve the operational efficiency of the ports , library field share , to strengthen information accuracy of port enterprise planning and scheduling , reasonable arrange port cargo plan has become the common subject of port enterprise managers .

  7. 本文通过对铁路货运计划的制定过程研究,提出使用智能决策支持系统支持货运计划的制定过程,解决单纯的专家系统所不能解决的调整策略量化问题,使计划制定过程更加高效。

    The intelligent decision support system was elaborated in this paper that solved the problem of the quantification of the adjustment strategy of the Sino-railway transportation planning . The process of the plan making is becoming more efficient by the help of the IDSS .

  8. 基于效益机制的分局调度货运日计划优化模型

    Optimal Model of Daily Freight Plan of Railway Sub-administration Dispatch Based on Benefit Mechanism

  9. 在此研究的基础上设计开发了货运日班计划编制系统。

    Based on this study , freight daily plan preparation system is designed and developed .

  10. 货运日班计划编制系统需要解决的核心问题是请求车计划的自动审批。

    The core problem which railway freight cargo daily plan system needs to solve is the automatic approval request car program .

  11. 铁路货物货运日班计划的编制是货运工作的基础,为提高编制效率和优化平衡各种影响因素有必要建立货运日班计划编制智能决策支持系统,为计划和管理人员提供辅助决策信息。

    Railway freight cargo plan preparation is the foundation work for railway cargo transportation . To improve the efficiency and to optimize the preparation of freight cargo daily plan requires an intelligent decision support system .

  12. 研究了铁路编制货运技术计划的业务过程,对铁路货运技术计划管理信息系统进行了详细的系统分析和系统设计,最后说明了系统的关键技术以及创新部分。

    The operation business of railway freight technique plan was studied , the analysis and design of Railway Technique Plan Management Information System were put forward in detail . Finally , the key technology and innovation of the System were narrated .

  13. 双方的合作包括建立一家合资货运公司的计划,但这种合作关系成效如何仍需拭目以待。

    Quite how that co-operation , including a planned air cargo joint venture , will work remains to be seen .

  14. 多年以来,铁路货运站一直按照计划经济体制下形成的铁路传统管理模式运作。

    Railway freight station has been in operation under the traditional management mode of planned economy for many years .

  15. 采用智能化计算机辅助决策工具来提高货运调度承认车计划的水平,是铁路局调度信息化、现代化过程中的一个重要基础性环节,具有重要的理论意义和应用价值。

    It is an important and basic element to apply intelligent computer aided decision making tool to improve the freight car approving of freight dispatching in the process of railway bureau dispatcher office modernization , thus it possesses a great significance in theory and application .

  16. 系统实现了货运收入统计分析、货运吸引区电子地图、基于货运计划、货票和重点货主的营销分析等功能,并结合客户关系管理(CRM)理念,着重体现了对重点货主的营销分析。

    The function of the System included analysis and statistics of freight income , digital map of freight domain and marketing analysis based on freight plan and freight tickets . Combined with the idea of CRM-Customer Relationship Management , the System was emphasized on the marketing analysis of consignors .