
huò piào
  • waybill;copies of way-bill;cargo list
货票 [huò piào]
  • [waybill;cargo list] 运输企业开给托运人作为提货凭证的票据

货票[huò piào]
  1. 货票信息综合应用系统几个问题的解决方案

    Solution on problems of Composite Application System of Waybill Information

  2. 货票信息综合应用系统前台开发研究与应用

    Research and Application of Development Solution on Client of Waybill Information Integrated Application System

  3. ATIS与货票系统数据的匹配算法为本系统的重点、难点。

    Therefore , the challenge of this paper is the matching algorithm between ATIS and data from the Freight Bill System .

  4. 是以铁路车号自动识别系统(ATIS)、铁路货票信息管理系统数据为基础数据源,以径路系统为基础技术支持而研究开发的全新的信息系统。

    Its data source is based on Automatic Train Identification System ( ATIS ), Freight Bill System . It is supported by Railway Routing System as the basic technique .

  5. 系统实现了货运收入统计分析、货运吸引区电子地图、基于货运计划、货票和重点货主的营销分析等功能,并结合客户关系管理(CRM)理念,着重体现了对重点货主的营销分析。

    The function of the System included analysis and statistics of freight income , digital map of freight domain and marketing analysis based on freight plan and freight tickets . Combined with the idea of CRM-Customer Relationship Management , the System was emphasized on the marketing analysis of consignors .

  6. 您可以按合同价格扣除佣金开发货票。

    You may invoice the goods at contract price less commission .

  7. 货票信息传输审核系统的应用研究

    Application Study on the Transmission and Examination System for Freight Invoice Information

  8. 货票相关信息采集系列软件设计

    Series software design on waybill interrelated information collection

  9. 铁路货票信息综合应用的研究

    Study on integrative application of waybill information

  10. 铁路货票蕴含着极为丰富的信息资源,它是铁路生产经营管理的重要基础数据。

    It is important and basic data for the prosecution and management of the railway production .

  11. 介绍铁路货票系统运行维护工作的组织机制、功能架构和职责范围等内容,并对采用的技术方法进行描述。

    It was summarized the mechanism , function and responsibility of maintenance of Railway Waybill System , described the techniques and methods adopted .

  12. 对铁路货票信息管理系统从功能、结构和组成、方案设计以及技术措施等方面进行了概述。

    This paper generalizes the function 、 structure 、 composition 、 program design and technological measure of information management system on rail freight transport waybill .

  13. 随着铁路信息化技术的发展,作为铁路信息系统子系统的货票系统已经积累了丰富的数据。

    With the development of the railway informatization , plentiful data has collected and stored in the freight bill information system which acts as the sub-system of the railway information system .

  14. 如何以较少的人力和技术成本,合理利用现有的货票信息资源获取有价值的决策信息,成为货运营销和信息技术部门的一个工作重点。

    How to use the current resource reasonably and acquire valuable decision-making information with a little labor and technique cost , has become an important portion of the work of the marketing department and IT department .

  15. 从铁路运输信息的复杂性着手,分析货票相关信息采集系列软件的重要性和必要性,并分述该系列软件的设计思路和实现方案。

    From the complexity of railway transportation information , it was analyzed the importance and the necessity of waybill interrelated information collection , and respectively discussed the design idea and realization scheme of the series software .

  16. 本文介绍了货票微机处理系统的设计及其实现。阐述了数据处理系统设计的基本进程,着重研究了汉字输入、数据压缩、表达式识别和数据检索等问题;

    The design and realization of the waybill processing system on microcomputers is described , With special studies on the problems of the inputting of Chinese characters , data compressing , expression recognizing , data examining and seeking , etc.

  17. 运用聚类方法对货票数据进行聚类,描述了聚类的步骤,对某公司2000年度的运距和收入进行聚类,分析聚类结果对铁路生产经营、市场营销的启示;

    The freight invoice data is analyzed by means of clustering method . We processed the data of a certain railway corporation in 2000 of the kilometers of haul and the revenue , analyzed the effect of the clustering method on marketing and production operation .

  18. 但是海量货票数据采集后并未得到充分的应用和开发,信息含量高、内容丰富的货票数据库成为无人问津的数据坟墓,造成资源的极大浪费。

    But the magnanimity Waybill data is not full used and exploited after being colleted , and the Waybill database which is full of useful information becomes a data tomb no body to make inquire on any more , which is an enormous waste of resource .

  19. 通过分析铁路货票信息综合应用的需求,研究系统的相关数据及信息流程,进行系统的运行环境与功能设计,并阐述系统实现中的技术关键,描述系统的应用情况。

    It was analyzed the requirements of the integrative application of waybill information , studied the relative data and the information flow , described the system running environment and function design , discussed the key technology applied in the system realization process and introduced the actual application of the System .