- 名corporate body;juridical person;moneyed corporation

The corporate governing structure of hospitals of financial group corporate in Taiwan
Stiftung mainly present itself in continental law system .
The International Cooperation and Development Fund
The residential earthquake insurance fund referred to in the second paragraph shall be a foundation .
Finally , our results show the strongest income effect occurs for non-profit hospitals supported by enterprises .
Delivery of medical services through social financing and by corporate bodies ; The Theoretical Foundation of Corporation Crime
Outline on the Classification Cataloging of Japanese Books Donated by the Financial Group Legal Person Japan Scientific Association
A foundation established as a juristic person having total registered assets of NT $ 10 millions or more .
The source of property and realization of objective of incorporated foundation requires that it bear high social credit .
Stiftung is one of the most important and basic type of Juristische person in traditional civil law system .
In civil law of Germany , Switzerland and Italy all contains the prescripts of Stiftung and non profit FamilienStiftung .
Aichi Industry Promotion Organization , located in Nagoya Japan , is a public organization to support small & medium enterprises .
Certain principle should apply to one or some kinds of foundations , but should not apply to all kinds of foundations or incorporated corporation .
The stabilization funds referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be foundations , and their governing regulations shall be prescribed by the competent authority .
Private schools in countries of continental legal system fall usually into the type of contributions and take the form of a corporation body in property system .
The first innovation is that to divide many Taiwan non-profit organizations related to information industry into two categories , which are foundation and corporation , and to research them respectively .
The special compensation fund shall be a non-profit corporate entity , whose corporate donation articles and fund management rules shall be jointly regulated by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of transportation .
When we compile the Civil Code , we should introduce new ways to classify legal persons , such as public legal person and private legal person , financial legal person and social legal person .
Charity organization is mainly a kind of body and mechanism to distribute the fortune rather than to pursuit power , because it is a typical legal person of financial group rather than social group .
And some similarities of the public welfare donation contract , the gift contract and the third person interest from the contract , and some rules in public welfare Consortium Corporation , trust , and so on .
Foundation of China under the current legislation is defined as non-profit legal person and also be classified as the ranks of corporate social groups , which is different with a consortium of civil law legal systems .
The special examination referred to in the preceding Article shall be held on behalf of the MOF by the Insurance Institute of the Republic of china , or on behalf of the MOF by another mof-opproved insurance-related organization .
At the same time , the dissertation studies the rationales for institutional design of incorporated foundation , and makes constructive suggestions towards the concrete institutional arrangements in China , ranging from internal governance to external regulation and revenue administration .
Meanwhile , this chapter sums up the divergence on whether to accept or reject this classification in Chinese civil law theories and the debates about codification , and argues that the foundations and non-state nonprofit corporations are incorporated foundations in essential sense .