
  1. 农业生产的弱质性、加入WTO后国外农产品可能带来的冲击以及几十年实际上对农业的负保护决定了我国进行农业保护的必要性和紧迫性。

    Because of the weakness nature and foreign agricultural products may bring about impact to China 's agricultural products after entering WTO and the negative protection for agriculture for several years determined the necessity and the sense of urgency concerning adopting suitable measures to protect the agriculture of China .

  2. 中国虽是农业大国,但过去一直对农业实施负保护政策,剥削农业剩余为工业服务。

    China exploited agriculture for industry in the past .

  3. 在文明社会中,国家负保护人身和财产之责。

    In civilized society the state assumes the protection of person and of property .

  4. 国外发达国家都有悠久的农业保护历史,而我国对农业却一直是负保护状态。

    Foreign developed country all have a long history of agriculture protection , while in our country agriculture protection is always negative .

  5. 目前,山东省的农业支持与保护仍然处在负保护状态。

    Based on the investigation in Shandong province , it is argued that agricultural support and protection in Shandong province is still negative .

  6. 结果表明:从总体上看,吉林省农业仍处于负保护状态,并且保护水平与价格干预程度密切相关;

    The results show that , in the whole , the level of agricultural support and protection is negative , which is relevant to the price intervention .

  7. 引起特高压输电线路雷击故障的主要因素是雷电绕击,建议特高压输电线路采用负保护角运行。

    The principal cause of lightning stroke failures occurred in UHV transmission lines is the shielding failure , so it is suggested to adopt the negative protecting angle for UHVDC transmission lines .

  8. 对于山区,因地形影响(山坡、峡谷),避雷线的保护可能要取负保护角,这些有待于进一步研究,从而保证我国特高压输电线路具有较好的雷电性能。

    For mountainous areas , because of the influence of landform , especially hilltop and gorge , shielding angles may be negative angle , which needs further research to ensure the great lightning performance of UHV overhead transmission lines in China .

  9. 发电机负序保护动作的分析

    An Analysis on Tripping of Generator ′ s Negative Sequence Protection Relay

  10. 法院已负起保护伤痕累累的孩子之责。

    The court has taken custody of the battered child .

  11. 将负序保护应用于低压隔爆电动机综合保护中,不仅可以降低保护装置的成本,还能提高保护装置的可靠性。

    The application of negative sequence protection in LV flameproof motor comprehensive protection reduces equipment cost and improves its reliability .

  12. 其后超过半小时,霍华德一人负起保护那些重轰炸机的责任,或攀升或急降,不断向敌机攻击。

    For more than a half hour , Howard single-handedly defended the heavy bombers , making furious climbing and diving attacks .

  13. 从电源电压严重不平衡故障、断相故障和两相短路故障三方面介绍了负序保护方案设计;

    The design of negative sequence protection is mainly introduced with seriously unbalanced power supply voltage fault , open phase fault and two-phase short circuit fault .

  14. 通过分析低压隔爆电动机的主要故障类型,针对不对称性短路故障和断相故障提出了采用负序保护原理进行保护的方案。

    Based on the analysis of main fault types of LV ( Low Voltage ) flameproof motor , the negative sequence protection principle is proposed for its asymmetric short circuit fault and open phase fault .

  15. 它们觅食的森林地面危机四伏银背公猩猩要负起保护它们的责任体型庞大的银背公猩猩一天要吃三十公斤的食物才会饱

    He has the responsibility of protecting them from the dangers that abound on the forest floor where they feed . To sustain his huge size , he must consume up to thirty kilos a day .

  16. 微机反时限负序电流保护和事故追忆装置

    Microcomputer based inverse time negative sequence current protection and fault recorder

  17. 故障分量负序方向保护算法的改进

    An improvement of algorithm for fault component negative-sequence directional protection

  18. 发电机故障分量负序方向保护的新判据

    A new criterion for negative sequence directional protection against generator fault component

  19. 故障分量负序方向保护研究

    Study on negative sequence directional protection against fault component

  20. 变压器负序差动保护的研究

    Research of Negative-Sequence Current Differential Protection Algorithm

  21. 为实现远后备保护功能,应配置过电流保护和负序电流保护。

    Over current protection and negative sequence current protection are adopted to realize remote back-up protection .

  22. 本装置配有过流保护、负序电流保护、零序电路保护、起动时间过长保护、低电压保护。

    Over current protection , negative current protection , zero sequence current protection , over time of start protection and low voltage protection is configured in the device .

  23. 根据这个特征,提出了零序和负序方向保护的改进措施,以提高方向保护的安全性。

    Based on all of the above , a new method on the zero-sequence and negative-sequence direction relay is put forward to improve the security of direction protection .

  24. 随着全球环保意识的高涨以及绿色消费观念的兴起,绿色壁垒逐渐取代关税壁垒,缺乏可持续发展概念的经济形态将被取代,企业势将负起环境保护的社会责任。

    With the surge of global environmental consciousness and view of green consumption , tariff barrier being replaced by green barrier , enterprises would accountable for environmental protection , instead of the default of the economic status for sustainable development idea .

  25. 介绍了故障分量负序方向保护的原理与应用,讨论了该保护在辅助判据的设计、定值整定、工程设计及如何避免暂态过程方向误判别等问题。

    The principle and application of negative sequence directional relay against fault component are presented in this paper . And design on the auxiliary criteria , setting value set , engineering design and how to prevent the directional relay from miss-discrimination during transient of the protection are also discussed .

  26. CVT对零序(负序)方向保护影响的研究

    Research of CVT ′ s influence on zero-sequence ( negative-sequence ) direction protection

  27. 在生理条件下,PKG通过松弛平滑肌细胞、抑制内皮细胞通透性、抑制血小板活化以及对心肌细胞的负性肌力作用保护心血管系统。

    Under physiological conditions , PKG exerts a beneficial influence on the cardiovascular system through relaxation of smooth muscle cells , inhibition of endothelial permeability , inhibition of platelet activation , and negative inotropic effect on cardiomyocytes .

  28. 特高压串补线路负序方向高频保护行为分析

    Performance of negative sequence directional protection on series compensated ultra-high-voltage transmission line

  29. 负责任的父母保护他们的子女。你呢?

    Responsible parents defend their children wouldn 't you ?

  30. 电铁谐波和负序对发电机保护影响的研究

    Research of Effects on Generator Protection by Harmonics and Negative Sequence of Electric Railway