
  • 网络Baylor College;Baylor College of Medicine
  1. 贝勒医学院(BaylorCollegeofMedicine)的心理医生及教授格伦·O·加巴德(GlenO.Gabbard)博士称,向患者公开病历,可能会让医生不愿表达看法。

    Dr. Glen O. Gabbard , a psychiatrist and professor at Baylor College of Medicine , said that opening notes to patients might have a chilling effect on doctors .

  2. 这是贝勒医学院霍夫顿衰老研究中心的网站。

    This is the website of The Huffington Center on Aging of Baylor College of Medicine in USA.

  3. 贝勒医学院的研究人员发现,为期12周适度的锻炼能够改善原先整天坐着不活动的儿童胰岛素敏感度。

    Researchers at the Baylor College of Medicine found that a12-week program of moderate exercise improved insulin sensitivity in previously sedentary teens .

  4. 贝勒医学院的研究人员偶然发现,饲养在玉米棒子作为草垫的大鼠“既不繁殖也不展示生殖行为。”

    Researchers at Baylor College of Medicine accidentally discovered that rats raised on corncob bedding " neither breed nor exhibit reproductive behavior . "

  5. 大卫·伊格曼是休斯顿贝勒医学院的神经科专家。他曾经花费大量的时间来考虑这个问题。

    David Eagleman , a neuroscientist at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston , has had plenty of time to think about the issue .

  6. 热带疾病专家彼得·霍特兹博士在德克萨斯州贝勒医学院创立了国家热带医学学院。

    Dr.Peter Hotez is an expert on tropical diseases . He founded the National School of Tropical Medicine at the Baylor College of Medicine in Texas .

  7. “那只是你睾丸周围的一个静脉曲张血管,”休斯顿贝勒医学院男性的生殖医学与外科主任,医学博士拉里利浦舒尔茨说道。

    " This is nothing more than a varicose vein around your testicle ," says Larry Lipschultz , M.D. , chief of male reproductive medicine and surgery at Baylor college of medicine in Houston .

  8. “自身免疫性内耳病,贝勒大学医学院”(1993年)。

    " Autoimmune Inner Ear Disease , Baylor College of Medicine "( 1993 ) .