
gǔ dì
  • valley;wady;valley floor;valley bottom
谷地 [gǔ dì]
  • [wady] 地面低洼并向某一方向倾斜的山谷、河谷等

谷地[gǔ dì]
  1. 那快速的景象,惊人的MonumentValley全景(犹他州的纪念谷地)

    The sweeping vision , the amazing panoramas of Monument Valley .

  2. 一种基于谷地填充的DEM综合方法

    The DEM Generalization Based on the Filling Valley Coverage

  3. 有1,000多人围着约克谷地骑行了100英里。

    Over 1000 riders cycled 100 miles around the Vale of York .

  4. 霍顿向外望去,肥沃的谷地和平缓的丘陵尽收眼底。

    Horton looked out over a panorama of fertile valleys and gentle hills .

  5. 朱莉·赫顿�约克郡谷地国家公园管理局(YorkshireDalesNationalParkAuthority)

    Julie Hutton , Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority

  6. 这些绝美的图片,展现了银河在夜幕下一泻千里。这些照片拍摄于约克郡谷地国家公园和北约克沼泽国家公园,两地均被列为“黑暗天空保护区”。

    These photos have been taken from the Yorkshire Dales and the North York Moors – two national parks which have now been designated Dark Sky Reserves .

  7. 圆弧形沉积谷地对平面SV波三维散射解析解

    3D scattering of plane SV waves by a circular-arc alluvial valley

  8. SH波入射时浅埋圆形结构附近半圆形沉积谷地的地震动

    Ground motion of semi-cylindrical alluvial valley above subsurface circular structure impacted by SH waves

  9. SH波入射时多个半圆形沉积谷地附近浅埋圆形孔洞的动力分析

    Dynamic response of shallow-embedded cylindrical lining structure below semi-cylindrical alluvial valleys to incident SH waves

  10. 基于Delaunay三角网模型的等高线地形特征提取及谷地树结构化组织

    Extraction of Landform Features and Organization of Valley Tree Structure Based on Delaunay Triangulation Model

  11. 在取消了四月份科切拉谷地音乐节的表演后,Reed进行了肝脏移植手术。

    After canceling a scheduled appearance at April 's Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival in Indio , Reed underwent a liver transplant .

  12. 分别设计了基于等高线结构化综合和基于DEM结构化综合两种方法,提出了一种抛物线双向拟合的方法用于谷地删除。

    Structured generalization method based on contour lines and DEM are designed separately and a parabolic two-way fitting method used in deleting valley is proposed .

  13. 冰芯记录揭示Lambert冰川谷地是东南极洲重要的气候分界线

    Ice-core Record Revealed that the Lambert Glacier Valley is an Important Boundary of Climate in East Antarctica

  14. 在接下来的一个小时里,我们将沿着不丹雄伟壮丽的富毕卡谷地(PhobjikhaValley)一路飘游,从空中欣赏绵延不绝的喜马拉雅山(Himalayan)的壮美景色。

    For the next hour we drift down Bhutan 's majestic Phobjikha Valley , savouring a bird 's-eye view of the Himalayan scenery unfolding around us .

  15. 本文采用辅助函数的思想,利用复变函数和多级坐标的方法给出了SH波入射条件下多个半圆形沉积谷地附近浅埋圆形孔洞动力分析问题的解答。

    Dynamic response of a shallow-embedded cylindrical lining cavity below semi-cylindrical alluvial valleys to incident SH waves is studied by using complex function .

  16. 根据pH值、阳离子代换量、营养元素、微生物数量及云杉根部着生小斑块的大小等,分析了黑龙江省东部山区谷地云冷杉林的衰退原因。

    The decline mechanism of spruce-fir forests was analysed in terms of soil pH value , cation exchange capacity , nutrient elements , number of microorganism , and patch size in spruce-fir forest in low-lying land .

  17. 加州中央谷地(CentralValley)农业今年将面临17亿美元的损失,原因在于该地区遭遇了据称是500年以来最严重的旱灾。

    The state 's Central Valley agriculture industry , for example , stands to lose $ 1.7 billion this year as a result of what some believe is the worst drought to affect the region in 500 years .

  18. 分析指出,川西高原绝大部分滑坡主要发生在河流V型谷地中,并受深切河谷地形地貌形态特征的控制。

    It is pointed out that the great majority of the landslides on the western Sichuan Plateau occur in deep-incised " V " - shaped valleys and are mainly controlled by the morphological features of the river valleys .

  19. 通过与Lambert冰川流域西侧有关研究结果的对比,揭示了该冰川谷地为东南极洲重要气候分界线的特征。

    Comparison with the results in west side of the basin shows that the Lambert Glacier valley is an important boundary of climate in East Antarctica .

  20. SH波入射多个半圆形谷地浅埋圆孔的动力分析最后通过具体算例,讨论了半圆形凸起地形表面上的地震动、浅埋圆孔周边位移及动应力集中系数。

    Dynamic analysis of multiple semi-cylindrical alluvial valleys with multiple subsurface circular cavities under SH waves Numerical examples and a relative discussion on ground motion and dynamic stress concentration factors ( DSCF ) are provided .

  21. 在中央谷地东部丘陵地带的卡拉韦拉斯县——马克·吐温(MarkTwain)让当地的跳蛙出了名——可以看到连续多周晴朗无云的天气对新梅洛内斯湖的影响。

    You can see the result of endless weeks of cloudless skies in New Melones Lake , here in Calaveras County in the foothills east of the Central Valley , where Mark Twain made a legend of a jumping frog .

  22. 研究结果表明,谷地一般放大了入射的地面运动,同时,位移的放大和复杂性决定于入射Rayleigh波的频率以及谷地的形状。

    The results show that in general the valley amplifies the incident ground motion and that the amplification and the complexity of the displacement pattern depend on the frequency of the incident Rayleigh waves and on the shape of the valley .

  23. 将岩溶盆地划分为谷地、台地、残丘、沟槽、浅洼5种三级地貌单元类型,东部发育3个水平岩溶带,第三水平岩溶带距夷平面70~85m。

    This karst basin is divided into 5 types of palaeogeography units : mesa , remnant hillock , karren , groove and shallow depression . Three level leached zones are found , and the third zone is 70-85 m below the karst base level .

  24. 今天,城市的扩展不受自然山川的限制,已延伸至周边地区,其中包括东北的Glatt谷地和北部的利马特河河谷。

    Today the incorporated city stretches somewhat beyond the natural hydrographic confines of the hills and includes some neighborhoods to the northeast in the Glatt Valley and to the north in the Limmat Valley .

  25. 常见于谷地的一种一年生欧洲罂粟,通常为人工栽培。

    Annual European poppy common in grain fields and often cultivated .

  26. 湘江谷地土壤中稀土元素含量及分布特征

    Concentrations and distributions of REE in the soils from Xiangjiang Valley

  27. 英国伦敦下里亚谷地重建及奥运村总体规划

    Lower Lea Valley regeneration and Olympic Games masterplan london , England

  28. 尼泊尔的种姓制度源于印度。随着梨查维人进入加德满都谷地并建立王朝,种姓制度在尼泊尔开始萌芽。

    The caste system of Nepal had its origins in India .

  29. 因为宛如被干燥中空的谷地隔离开来的巨大蛋盒般

    like giant upturned egg carton seperated by dry empty valleys .

  30. 伊犁谷地盐渍土的类型和特性

    Types and Characteristics of Saline Soils in the Yili Valley