
pǔ qǔ
  • compose music for;set (words) to music
谱曲 [pǔ qǔ]
  • [set words to music] 为歌词配曲

  1. 他因为给古老的宗教经书谱曲配乐而备受关注。

    He has attracted much interest by setting ancient religious texts to music .

  2. 凯尔也用电子键盘谱曲。

    Cale also uses electronic keyboards to compose .

  3. 他放弃了为吉他谱曲,决定把作品改编成钢琴曲。

    He gave up trying to write for the guitar and decided to transcribe the work for piano .

  4. 米兰达的谱曲包括了Destiny’sChild风格的节奏布鲁斯,当代百老汇合唱叙事曲,趾高气昂的乔治三世演唱的《你们会回来的》(You’llBeBack)散发着六十年代Brit-pop气息。

    Miranda 's score includes Destiny 's Child-style R & B , choral ballads in a contemporary Broadway vein and , in the case of " You 'll Be Back , " " sung by a haughty King George III , chiming " 60s Britpop .

  5. vt.组成,构成;调解;[印刷]排(字);使安定vt.&vi.创作(乐曲、诗歌等);为…谱曲vi.构图,构成由…组成组成全体的各部分使自己镇定下来调解争执写一首诗〔一篇演讲〕

    eg. be composed of the parts that compose the whole compose oneself compose a dispute compose a poem [ a speech ]

  6. 首先,你的能力,使重谱曲。

    First , you get the ability to render heavier comps .

  7. 回家之后他开始为它谱曲。

    Returning home , he began writing a melody for it .

  8. 他至少跟珍一样对谱曲很感兴趣。

    He is not less interested in composing music than jane .

  9. 他正全视贯注地为一首诗歌谱曲。

    He is concentrating on setting a poem to music .

  10. 在音乐剧里,人人不是应该都为谱曲家服务的么?

    In a musical , everyone works for the composer .

  11. 学生思考如何为这首歌谱曲。

    Think out how to write melody to the song .

  12. 男人会写诗或谱曲来荣耀女子并赞扬她们的纯洁。

    Men wrote poems and songs in honour of women and their purity .

  13. 汤尼写歌词,克丽丝谱曲。

    Tony wrote the words of the song and Kris wrote the tune .

  14. 在音乐学校里,他学会了怎样谱曲。

    At the conservatory , he learned how to score a musical composition .

  15. 一首仅能由我们自己谱曲,填词的歌?

    Only by one of our own music , lyrics of the song ?

  16. 我唱的歌自己谱曲,我也弹吉他。

    I write my own songs and I play the guitar as well .

  17. 她自己谱曲自己表演。

    She composes and performs her own music .

  18. 那鼓舞人心的音乐是贝多芬谱曲的。

    The inspiring music was composed by Beethoven .

  19. 我在谱曲的时候,写了一段关于它的故事。

    When I was writing it , I thought of a story for it .

  20. 所有你弹钢琴还谱曲。

    So you play piano and write songs .

  21. 查德负责作词,其他小伙子则一起谱曲。

    Chad Kroeger wrote lyrics while the rest of the guys worked together on the music .

  22. 歌:一种具有典型的音乐特征的抒情诗体,通常为谱曲而作。

    A short lyric poem with distinct musical qualities , normally written to be set to music .

  23. 在不进行广告演出的时候,我出于烦闷,开始为原创歌曲谱曲。

    During my breaks from ad work , I started composing original songs because I was bored .

  24. 我非常喜爱为您美丽的诗词谱曲,我觉得它就像您本人一样令人感动。

    I loved writing music to your lovely poetry as I found it as inspiring as you are .

  25. 假如诸声相配共调出谱曲其愉确实曾经干扰过你的清听,

    If the true concord of well tuned sounds , By unions married , do offend thine ear ,

  26. 他为他的歌剧作词谱曲。他的歌剧是以古代德国的故事为基础的。

    He wrote both the words and the music for his operas , which are based on ancient German stories .

  27. 他开始重新演绎记忆中那些不知名作者创作的歌曲,并为古老的哈萨克诗歌谱曲。

    He began performing songs of anonymous origin that he remembered , and creating melodies to go with ancient Kazakh poetry .

  28. 没错,我为宝莱坞谱曲,但你通常不会看到性感女郎在我的音乐声中起舞。

    Yes , I write scores for Bollywood , but you won 't often see sexy girls gyrating to my music .

  29. 现在全世界也将和她一样,永远地遗忘他的名字,珊莎突然明白,不会有人谱曲歌颂他了。

    And now the world would forget his name too , Sansa realized ; there would be no songs sung for him .

  30. 这意味着要减少在加勒比海度假的时间,减少花在我谱曲爱好上的时间,他说。

    It means less time in our Caribbean holiday home and less time for my hobby of composing music , he says .