
  1. 这些工会现在已经开始展示其集体谈判实力。

    These unions are now beginning to flex their collective bargaining muscles .

  2. 然而,随着时间的推移,谈判实力的均势也会发生变化。

    With the passage of time , however , the balance of bargaining strength shifts .

  3. 和他在一起但不结婚似乎更明智一些,但如果他真的离开你,你的谈判实力将很有限;

    Staying with him seems more sensible , but if he does run off you will have limited negotiating power .

  4. 理论方面,传统纵向约束理论也随着产业链上下游控制关系的置换得到了很大的延伸,出现了以零售商谈判实力主导的买方势力理论。

    On theoretical aspect , the traditional vertical restraints theories have been extended because of the replacement of the chain control relationship , and buyer power theory arose .

  5. 本文认为,商业银行是一个关于组织准租的创造与分配的货币经营型市场契约,决定银行所有权配置的根本性条件是各签约人的“谈判实力”。

    First , this paper regards commercial banks as a monetary contract which creates and distributes organizational quasi-rent , thus the status-quo of each negotiator dominates ownership allocation .

  6. 在这一过程中,产业链上的金融机构、移动运营商和第三方支付商基于自身优势与谈判实力,形成复杂的利益关系。

    During the process , financial organization , telecom operator and the third party of the industrial chain have formed a complicated relation of interest based on advantage and capability of themselves .

  7. 其次,人力资本产权特性决定了人力资本权能在结合物资资本的同时能创造巨大的财富,同时,谈判实力的提高也要求对人力资本所有者的收益权加以重视。

    Second , the characteristics of human capital property rights determine that enormous wealth could be created when the human capital empowerment combines the material capital , as well as the bargaining power of human capital becomes stronger that also need to proceed the benefit right more seriously .

  8. 人力资本产权理论认为,企业由人力资本和物质资本构成,经营者作为一种特殊的、稀缺的人力资本的所有者,伴随着市场竞争的日趋激烈,在分享企业剩余索取权的谈判中实力不断增长。

    In the theory on property right of manpower capital , it is believed that an enterprise consists of the manpower capital and the material capital , while the manpower capital can increase the value .

  9. 相比于被迫调整正式的投票权比例,让大型经济体的崛起自动反映在谈判桌上的实力或许要更容易些。

    Allowing the emergence of giant economies automatically to be reflected in de facto power around the negotiating table may be easier than having to revise formal voting weights .

  10. 我们承认发展中国家往往缺乏在谈判中独当一面的实力背景,为此,我们现在的目标是增加他们技术支持方面的资源输入。

    We recognize that developing countries often do not have the resources to play a full part in the negotiations so we are aiming to increase the resources devoted to technical assistance .

  11. 提姆哈福德摈弃了教科书式的术语和方程式,将那些对整体经济和我们所做的选择都会产生推动作用的无声谈判潜规则、实力竞争和才智比拼机制揭示了出来。

    Leaving behind textbook jargon and equations , Tim Harford reveals the games of signals and negotiations , contests of strength and battles of wit that drive not only the economy at large but the everyday choices we make .