
  • 网络Negotiation Information
  1. 法律规制不完备契约首先要规制契约信息的公布,鼓励当事人及时公布相关的谈判信息。

    The first thing to do in regulation of incomplete contract is to regulate the disclosure of contract information to encourage the interested parties to timely disclose relevant bargaining information .

  2. 另外,根据游戏可能的结果,即买方和卖方在每个回合谈判的信息,建立了协商过程中相关的所有Agent的支付函数。

    In addition , based on the information set of the buyer and seller i.e. possible outcome of the game at each turn of negotiation , we establish the payoff function of each agent involved in negotiation .

  3. 谈判是信息的综合与较量。

    Negotiation is the integration and comparision of information .

  4. 谈判中信息交流的技巧

    Communication Skills in Negotiation

  5. 昨日,中国工商银行一位女发言人表示,她不知晓任何与北岩进行谈判的信息,也不知道有任何投资北岩的意向。

    Yesterday , a spokeswoman for ICBC said she was unaware of any discussions with , or interest in , investing in Northern Rock .

  6. 论文第五章分别就目标公司董事会对要约收购出具独立意见及披露相关信息的义务和对收购谈判的信息披露义务从比较分析的角度作了论述。

    Chapter five discusses information disclosure requirement of directorate in the objective corporation to offer independent opinion , correlative information and to disclose information about negotiation of company takeover respectively from a comparative perspective .

  7. 调查尽可能多地寻找关于谈判对手的信息,并确保自己已经有了最充分的准备。

    Research Try to find as much as you can about your counterpart and make sure you prepare properly .

  8. 这些策略包括虚假承诺、旨在巩固本方立场的虚假陈述、用不当方式收集有关对手谈判立场的信息、攻击对手的关系网等。

    These included false promises , misrepresentation to strengthen their position , inappropriate information-gathering about the counterparty 's negotiating position , attacking an opponent 's network , and " traditional " competitive bargaining such as inflated opening demands .

  9. 4名力拓员工被捕,是由于涉嫌非法获取与铁矿石谈判相关的敏感信息。

    The four Rio employees were arrested on allegations they had improperly obtained information sensitive to iron-ore price negotiation .

  10. 就多个议题与149个成员国进行谈判,需要共享信息、检验创造性的组合方案并互相帮助,而不是踌躇退缩。

    Instead of holding back , negotiating with 149 parties across multiple topics requires sharing information , testing creative combinations and assisting one another .

  11. 通过模型分析,①得到了影响首次投资水平的关键因素:投资双方的谈判力、双方信息不对称以及事后不确定性程度;

    With the analysis on the model , some conclusions are given . Firstly , the key factors on the initial investment level are given ;

  12. 然而,股票市场真的能使得公司提高投资效率吗?一方面,上市使公司得以进入公开资本市场,增强融资谈判能力,提升信息透明度,从而缓解融资约束问题。

    However , could the stock market really help to improve investment efficiency ? On the one hand , to be listed help firm access to public capital markets , increase financing negotiation skills , enhance information transparency , so as to ease the financial constraints .

  13. 非言语行为在跨文化商务谈判中的研究十分有意义,本文旨在帮助人们更好地了解谈判中非语言信息交流的重要作用,从而最终达到提高谈判效率的目的。

    This thesis aims to help the people to better understand the application of nonverbal communication in cross-cultural business negotiation and increase the negotiating efficiency .

  14. 谈判各方在每一轮协商结束后可以在电脑中输入关乎自身谈判地位的秘密信息。

    Negotiating parties would give the software confidential information on their bargaining positions after each round of talks .