
tiáo zhěng
  • adjust;tune-up;trim;readjust;regulate;restructure;balance;coordinate;modify;reset;fiddle;adj
调整 [tiáo zhěng]
  • [adjust;readjust;regulate;restructure;balance;coordinate] 重新调配整顿,使适应新的情况和要求

  • 调整价格

调整[tiáo zhěng]
  1. 当心急转弯并相应调整车速。

    Watch out for sharp bends and adjust your speed accordingly .

  2. 这把椅子下面有棘轮调整高度。

    The chair has a ratchet below it to adjust the height

  3. 该系统已装配好,但需要一些细小调整。

    The system is set up but it needs some fine-tuning .

  4. 国内价格已调整到与世界市场一致。

    Domestic prices have been aligned with those in world markets .

  5. 这项工作使我能够调整工作时间。

    The job enables me to vary the hours I work .

  6. 你需要把表调整到当地时间。

    You need to reset your watch to local time .

  7. 我已对设计作了几处调整。

    I 've made a few adjustments to the design .

  8. 这些背带可进行调整以适合使用者。

    The straps can be adjusted to suit the wearer .

  9. 公司被迫对这一领域的经营进行了调整。

    The company has been forced to realign its operations in the area .

  10. 可能需要调整一下镜头。

    Some adjustment of the lens may be necessary .

  11. 因有两名队员受伤,这个队将队员做了些位置上的调整。

    The team has made some positional changes because two players are injured .

  12. 课程已作调整,以满足学员的特别需要。

    The course had been geared towards the specific needs of its members .

  13. 婚姻破裂后,她熬过了一段感情调整期。

    She went through a period of emotional adjustment after her marriage broke up .

  14. 试着调整一下你握球拍的方法。

    Try adjusting your grip on the racket .

  15. 道路作了调整,视野清晰了。

    The road was realigned to improve visibility .

  16. 不含旅游业的调整前数字表明七月份失业率下降。

    Unadjusted figures which do not take tourism into account showed that unemployment fell in July .

  17. 我们可以根据病人的需要调整治疗方案。

    We can tailor the program to the patient 's needs .

  18. 警方现在意识到需要进行大幅度的机构调整。

    The police now recognise that big organisational changes are needed .

  19. 针对通货膨胀作出调整之后投资上升了5.7%。

    Investment is up by 5.7 % after adjustment for inflation .

  20. 他不打算对经济政策作任何重大调整。

    He 's not going to do anything drastic about economic policy .

  21. 通过调整照相机的角度,他的脸将被巧妙地遮住。

    His face will be discreetly concealed by camera angles .

  22. 本方案可以进行调整,以满足您的需求。

    Variations of this programme can be arranged to suit your requirements .

  23. 调整天线的位置和方向以达到最佳接收效果。

    Adjust the aerial 's position and direction for the best reception .

  24. 教练在第二场比赛中没有进行场上位置的调整。

    The manager has made no positional changes for the second game .

  25. 用鼠标拖动图片,将其调整为新的尺寸。

    Use your mouse to drag the pictures to their new size .

  26. 市场要有活力,需要不断地改变和调整。

    The dynamic of the market demands constant change and adjustment

  27. 对日常饮食做些简单的调整就会让你身体更健康。

    Making some simple alterations to your diet will make you feel fitter

  28. 他已经在为那个重要的日子调整状态了。

    He is already getting in trim for the big day

  29. 她微笑着致了谢,把胳膊下面的吉他调整了一下。

    She smiled her thanks and arranged the guitar under her arm .

  30. 该组织否认其正在寻求对国界进行调整。

    The organization denies that it is seeking any readjustment of state borders .