
  • 网络regulator;SPL.FM
  1. 碳酸钠是铝土矿浮选的有效pH调整剂和分散剂。

    The sodium carbonate is a effective regulator and disperser .

  2. 该工艺主要影响因素为:调整剂用量、pH值范围、磁种及用量。

    Major influence factors in this process are amount of regulator , range of pulp pH , types and dosage of magnetic seeding and its amount etc.

  3. pH值调整剂对白钨矿与方解石和萤石分离的影响

    Eff ect of modifying agents for pH values on the separation of Scheelite from FLUORBARYT and calcite

  4. 第一方案用活性炭脱药,以石灰作pH调整剂。

    In this scheme , activated carbon is used to remove reagents ; lime as pH modifier ;

  5. 在海口磷矿浮选药剂中,调整剂水玻璃对浮选尾矿澄清性能影响最大,其次为MW。

    The effect of the common used flotation reagents on the clarification decreased according to the sequence of waterglass , MW and collector .

  6. 针对这一问题,采用五种具有代表性的捕收剂,在pH调整剂、水玻璃作用下,对白钨矿、萤石、方解石和石英的浮选行为进行了研究。

    To solve this problem , five representative collectors were examined on the flotation behaviour of scheelite , fluorite , calcite and quartz with different pH regulators and depressant sodium silicate .

  7. 发现黄铜矿,黄铁矿的分离浮选不仅依靠矿浆高pH值和高氧化作用,而且,当使用化学药剂调节矿浆电位时,还与所使用的调整剂的化学组成有关。

    Results demonstrate that the separating flotation of chalcopyrite and pyrite depends not only on high pH value and oxidation in pulp , but also on pulp potential and components of chemicals used .

  8. 采用Na2CO3作为pH调整剂可提高磷灰石的可浮性,增大磷灰石和石英的可浮性差异。

    Using Na2CO3 as the pH regulator can improve the floatability of apatite , and increase the floatability difference between apatite and quartz .

  9. 以S-2(可溶性硫酸盐)作调整剂,C(235)(烷基α-羟基1,1双膦酸)作捕收剂,浮选分离萤石与重晶石。

    This paper described the separation of fluorite from barite by flotation with S-2 as a regulator and C_ ( 235 ) as a collector .

  10. 以Ca(OH)2饱和溶液作pH调整剂,以Na2CO3作添加剂,采用常温铁氧体法处理重金属离子废水。

    The wastewater containing heavy metal ions was treated by the ambient temperature ferrite process with Ca ( OH ) _2 saturated solution as pH regulator and Na_2CO_3 as additive .

  11. 涂液pH值应控制在3.5-5.5之间,pH值调整剂使用ZnO,预烘操作条件为80℃-90℃下烘烤20&25分钟最佳;

    The pH of coating solution adjusted by ZnO should be controlled between 3.5-5.5 . The optimal preliminary baking condition was 20-25 minutes of baking time under 80 ℃ - 90 ℃ of baking temperature .

  12. 本文研究了NaOH、Na2CO3分别作pH值调整剂时对分离白钨矿与方解石和萤石人工混合矿石的影响。

    This paper studies the effect of separating Scheelite from fluorbaryt and calcite by the separate use of NaOH and Na_2CO_3 as modifying agent for pH values .

  13. 引入K~+离子可以明显改善液体表面调整剂的性能,适当K/Na比的液体表面调整剂不仅使磷化膜更细致,还能使低锌磷化在酸洗条件下形成良好的磷化膜。

    K + ion can improve the characteristic of surface conditioner , the reasonable ratio of K / Na not only form fine phosphate conversion coating , but also form good film after pickling in low zinc phosphating .

  14. 作者通过电泳特性实验、扫描电子显微镜图象等手段,研究表面调整剂的pH值、水质、钛胶粒等对磷化层质量的影响。

    As far as the regulator is conc - erned , the author studied effect of pH , water substances and Ti colloidal particles etc. on the quality of the phosphating coatings by means of electrophoretic characteristic testing and scanning electronic micrograph etc.

  15. 本文重点研究了影响黄铁矿可浮性的各种因素,如氧化作用、pH值、抑制剂和调整剂种类、酸洗黄铁矿矿物表面和硫酸铜活化等。

    In this paper the authors discuss various factors affecting the flotability of pyrite , such as oxidation effect , pH value , sorts of depressors and regulators and the relation between acid cleaning of pyrite surface and activation by copper sulphate .

  16. 通过对所设计配方的应用性能测试与分析,优选出配方G-3并对其热分解性能通过添加热分解调整剂的方法进行了改进,得到配方KG;

    The optimum recipe G-3 is obtained and improved by adding the reagent which can be used to adjust the heat decompose property , and the recipe KG is obtained .

  17. TT-88A表面调整剂在涂料中的应用

    Application of TT-88A surface improvement additive in paints

  18. 本文通过EDTA在含金多金属硫化矿浮选中应用的研究,论证了应用EDTA提高选别指标的优越性,为含金硫化矿矿石浮选找到了一种新的调整剂。

    Through study on the application of EDTA to the flotation of gold-bearing complex sulfide ore , this paper proved the superiority of EDTA in the improvement of mineral processing index , thus a new conditioning agent for the flotation of this type ores was sought out .

  19. 本论文采用TS作捕收剂,盐酸、硫酸、氢氧化钠、碳酸钠、六偏磷酸钠、聚丙稀酰胺、ARS等作调整剂,对磷矿石的浮选规律进行了研究。

    In the paper it has studied that the regulation of phosphate ores flotation with hydrochloric acid , sulfuric acid , phosphoric acid , sodium hydroxide , sodium carbonate , calgon , polyacrylamide , alizarin red indicator as depression and with TS as a collector .

  20. 研究表明,采用SHS为调整剂、以BK-12S为捕收剂、以PG为起泡剂,经两次粗选、三次精选、一次扫选流程,可以取得较好的浮选分离指标。

    These results indicate that we can get the satisfied flotation separation index through two stage rougher flotation , three stage cleaning and one stage scavenging when we use the follow reagents : SHS regulator , BK-12S collector and PG frother .

  21. 试验表明,新研制的泡沫调整剂Mw-1对硅酸盐矿物有较强的选择性抑制作用,也具有去活化作用和消泡作用。

    Flotation test results of siliceous collophanite indicated that froth modifier Mw-1 had strong selective depression action to silicate minerals and also result in acid deactivation as well as froth eliminating action of sodium silicate .

  22. 独居石与氟碳铈矿浮选分离新工艺的研究表明,以单烷基磷酸酯(P538)作捕收剂,柠檬酸作调整剂,能有效地使独居石与氟碳铈矿浮选分离。

    In this paper a new technique for separating monazite from bastnaesite by flotation is described . The results show that the separation of monazite from bastnaesite can be effectively realized with mono-alkyl ester phosphoric acid as a collector and citric acid as a regulato (?)

  23. 调整剂在浮选分离一水硬铝石和高岭石中的研究

    Studies of Regulator in the Flotation Separation of Diaspore and Kaolinite

  24. 微细粒黑钨矿选择性絮凝工艺中调整剂的研究

    Research on regulators in the process of selective flocculation for fine wolframite

  25. 锌硫分离浮选新调整剂的研究

    Study on a new regulator for ZINC-SULPHUR separating flotation

  26. 无机调整剂碳酸钠和水玻璃对磷灰石分选特性的影响研究

    Effects of inorganic regulators sodium carbonate and waterglass on the separation performance of apatite

  27. 电石渣代替石灰作浮选调整剂

    Carbide Slag replacing Lime as Flotation Regulator

  28. 因此,制备液体表面调整剂有很好的市场前景和良好的社会效益。

    So , liquid surface conditioner has very good market prospects and good social benefit .

  29. 联合调整剂在蓝晶石与石英浮选分离中的作用

    The Effect of Combined Regulating Agents on the Separation of Kyanite from Quartz by Flotation

  30. 粘度调整剂对汽油发动机油燃费特性的影响

    Experimental study on influence of viscosity modifier on performance of gasoline engine fuel and oil