
kè chénɡ shè zhì
  • Curriculum;course offered
  1. 谈高职教学计划制定和课程设置

    On the Teaching Plan and Course offered in Higher Education

  2. 关于中学物理课程设置的一些思考

    Reflections on the Physics Course Offered in High School

  3. 国家课程设置必须是指导性的,而不是约束性的。

    The national curriculum must be a guide , not a straitjacket .

  4. 俄语在学校课程设置中是一门必修的外语课。

    Russian is the one compulsory foreign language on the school curriculum .

  5. 教师必须以自己的方式来教学——课程设置应该足够灵活,以便老师可以利用自己的天分来实现课程目标。

    The teachers must be free to teach in their own way — the curriculum should be flexible enough so that they can use their individual talents to achieve the goals of the course .

  6. 自儿童时起即已开始有严格的课程设置。

    The curriculum is rigidly prescribed from an early age .

  7. 21世纪地理信息系统(GIS)专业课程设置与教学方法

    Discussion on the Courses Setup and Teaching Methods on GIS Specialty Facing 21st Century

  8. 加强校长培训师资队伍建设,优化校长培训课程设置;

    Enhancing the level of training teacher and optimizing training course ;

  9. 同时阐明学校体育应以育人为根本,在教学上、课程设置上、教师教学理念上等都应以素质教育为出发点和落脚点。

    Setting up courses and the teaching conceptions of teachers . etc.

  10. 优化课程设置,强化法制教学:重视心理教育,提升心理素质;

    Optimizing the arrangement of curriculum and enhancing education in legality ;

  11. 译员的知识结构与口译课程设置

    Knowledge Requirements for Interpreters and Their Implication to Interpreting Course Designing

  12. 地方医科大学毕业生入伍任职培训课程设置研究

    Curricula-setting on Pre-job Training in Recruits Graduated from Local Medical Universities

  13. 国内外高校特殊教育专业课程设置的比较研究

    Comparative Study on the Curriculum Setting of 4-Year Special Education Major

  14. 中师体育专业课程设置及探讨

    Set up and explore the P.E Specialized Course in teacher training

  15. 优化社会体育专业方向的课程设置。

    Optimization the social direction of physical education curriculum . 4 .

  16. 英国高校外语专业的课程设置及其启示

    Curricula of foreign language departments of British universities and its enlightenment

  17. 高师艺术主辅修专业课程设置研究

    A Study on Curriculum Design of Fine Music Arts Major and Subsidiary

  18. 对本院体育教育专业(本科)课程设置若干问题的探讨

    Research in Several Questions on Course-designing of Sports-instructing Major of Our Institute

  19. 我国民族传统体育专业课程设置研究综述

    Summarize on Specialty Curriculum - setting of Chinese Traditional Sports

  20. 理工类普通高校素质教育课程设置初探

    Quality Education Curriculum in Ordinary Colleges of Science and Engineering

  21. 对社会工作专业课程设置特色的思考

    Characteristics of the Curriculum Designing for the " Social Work " Major

  22. 关于师范院校物理专业课程设置的探讨

    On the curriculum perfection of physics speciality in Normal University

  23. 高职教育课程设置体系的建构

    Discussion on the Construction of Curriculum Setup System of Higher Vocational Education

  24. 自动化专业的培养计划与课程设置

    The Training Plans and Courses Offered for Automation Specialty in Our School

  25. 强化基础、拓宽专业、优化自动化专业的课程设置

    Enhancing Foundation , Broadening Specialty Optimizing Curriculum Provision in Automation

  26. 日本高校地理学科的课程设置与地理教学

    Review on the geographical courses of the universities in Japan

  27. 对民族传统体育专业课程设置的再思考

    Reconsideration on the Reform of the Special Disciplines of National Traditional Sport

  28. 课程设置是培养目标的具体化。

    The curriculum is the concrete application of realizing goal .

  29. 本科专业的课程设置需进一步论证和改进;

    Undergraduate courses need to be further verified and improved ;

  30. 英语专业经贸类课程设置与复合型人才培养探索

    Exploration on the settings of English Professional Trade courses and culturing compound talents