
  • 网络Reading History
  1. 从某种意义上说,改编史几乎就是一部误读史。

    In a sense , adaptation is a misreading history is almost history .

  2. 读史令人明智,读诗令人灵秀。

    Histories make man wise , poems witty .

  3. 读史对发展民族新文化,提高民族自信心,有着极其重要的作用。

    It has much importance in development of newly national culture and confidence of people .

  4. 读史使人明智,数学使人周密,逻辑学和修辞学使人善辩。

    Histories make men wise ; mathematics subtle ; logic and rhetoric able to contend .

  5. 对20世纪误断世界历史进程的反思&读史札记

    Reflections on the Wrong Judgements of World History Process of 20 ~ ( th ) Century

  6. 读史与读文,孰轻孰重?&谈英语专业美国文学课教学

    On the Teaching of American Literature

  7. 一百余年来,他的假象错误地引导了无数治史者和读史者。

    The false impression of him had misled thousands of historians and readers for a hundred years .

  8. 另外,对敦煌残卷本《读史编年诗》的关注,成为赵嘏研究的一个亮点。

    The notice to Notes to Chronic Poetry in Dunhuang was a point of research of Zhao Gu .

  9. 翁礼华:钱眼读史与财税文化

    Money and tax culture

  10. 寻找中国当代家具设计的路子,完善设计理论是一个基础,一个铺垫,读史以明鉴,中国古典家具的设计思想能够反映出中国人特有的情怀与审美趣味。

    The history is a mirror . The design ideas of Chinese classical furniture can reflect the characteristic feeling and aesthetic taste of Chinese .

  11. 虽然这一历史事件己经结束65年了,但读史可以明鉴,中华民族史上这段悲壮历史永远不会被遗忘。

    Although this historic event has past 65 years , this history of solemn and stirring will never be forgotten , because histories make men wise .

  12. 读史以明志,通过对文化底蕴的思考和对历史的借鉴,我们看到了国家助学贷款和信用制度以及诚信教育存在的种种问题和缺陷。

    We see the problems and lacks in the National Student Loan , credit system and credit education by considering the culture root and studying history .

  13. 读史使人明智,读诗使人灵秀,数学使人周密,科学使人深刻,伦理学使人庄重,逻辑修辞之学使人善辩;

    Histories make men wise ; poets witty ; the mathematics subtle ; natural philosophy deep ; moral grave ; logic and rhetoric able to contend .

  14. 围绕其本质特征去读史品画,我们能感受到文人画具有的独特艺术风格和审美享受。

    Around its essential characters with the reading of history and the feeling of the painting , we can feel unique artistic style which has some literati and aesthetic enjoyment .

  15. 读史使人明智,读诗使人灵秀,数学使人周密,科学使人深刻,伦理学使人庄重,逻辑修辞之学使人善辩:凡有所学,皆成性格。

    Histories make men wise ; poets witty ; the mathematics subtitle ; natural philosophy deep ; moral grave ; logic and rhetoric able to contend . Abeunt studia in mores .

  16. 示弱无外交结盟不可靠读史随想这种关系宝贵得有些脆弱一个一文不值的学徒就可以破坏存在了几个世纪的联盟关系。

    Showing Weakness Will Lose Diplomacy and the Coalition Isn t So Reliable ; These ties are precious – a single unworthy apprentice can poison an alliance that has existed for centuries .

  17. 我们在读史以明智的哲理教诲中,感悟和触摸历史,并汲取了历史的营养,成为我们丰富自己和教养后人的财富。

    We " read the history of the wise , " the philosophical teachings , insights and touch history , and learn the history of nutrition , and education of our future generations to enrich their own wealth .