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  • card reader
  1. Square公司生产一种塑料读卡器,使该过程能从智能手机上开始。

    Square makes a plastic card reader that enables the start of this process to occur over smartphones .

  2. 用单片机构建带USB接口的CF读卡器

    Design of CF Card Reader with USB Interface Using Single-Chip Microcomputer

  3. 曾经对信用卡嗤之以鼻的商户们现在纷纷开始使用读卡器。这些数据来自自动取款机运营商LINK,他们补充道,对2000名购物者的一项调查中,超过四分之三的购物者表示新冠病毒会影响他们未来对现金的使用。

    Traders who used to turn up their noses at plastic are bringing out their card readers . The figures come from the cash machine network LINK , which adds that in a survey of 2000 shoppers , more than three quarters said the virus would affect their future use of cash .

  4. FPGA在非接触IC卡读卡器中应用

    Application of FPGA to Radio - frequency IC Card Reader

  5. 非接触式大功率IC读卡器设计

    Design of the Non - Contacting IC Reader with Large Power

  6. 基于API和多线程的读卡器接口编程技术应用

    Application of Connection Programme Technology on Card Reader Based-on API and Multithread

  7. 带安全访问模块的USB接口的智能读卡器的设计

    The Design of Card Reader with SAM Using the USB Interface

  8. Square公司由推特网创始人杰克多尔西创办,该公司针对智能手机开发出微型信用卡读卡器。

    Started by Twitter founder Jack Dorsey , the company makes miniature credit card readers for smartphones .

  9. square免费提供这款读卡器,但收取2.75%的交易费。

    Square provides the reader free of charge , then levies a 2.75 per cent transaction fee .

  10. RFID系统一般由读卡器和射频标签组成。

    RFID system is typically composed of reader and tag .

  11. 声表面波RFID读卡器射频模块预算分析及仿真

    Budget analysis and simulation of the SAW RFID reader 's RF module

  12. 带USB接口的二代证序列号读卡器的设计

    Design of 2nd-Generation ID Card Reader with USB Interface

  13. 如果您的主机没有集成读卡器,使用一个USB读卡器。

    Use a USB card reader if your host has no integrated reader .

  14. 高分辨率显示屏呢?SD卡读卡器呢?USB接口呢?

    Where 's the sharper display , SD card reader or USB port ?

  15. 超高频RFID读卡器接收前端低噪声放大器设计

    The Design of Low-Noise Amplifier for UHF RFID Reader

  16. RFID系统主要包括读卡器,标签,中间件和数据库系统。

    The RFID system includes reader , tag , middleware , and database system .

  17. 你需要相机的USB数据线或者一个读卡器。

    You will need your camera 's USB cable , or a memory card reader .

  18. 基于FPGA的RFID读卡器设计

    RFID Reader Design Based on FPGA

  19. 远距离RFID读卡器设计

    The Design of Long Distance RFID Reader

  20. 另一个创新是IP读卡器采用以太网供电和通信,目的为寻求一种一体化的综合解决方案。

    Another innovation is an IP reader that is powered by and communicates over Ethernet for a complete , one-tier solution .

  21. 同时,以大容量SD卡作为存储系统,可作为读卡器来使用。

    At the same time , it uses a large-capacity SD card as storage system .

  22. 文章分析了读卡器碰撞的两种情形,提出了基于Q学习的仿碰撞算法,并进行了仿真测试。

    Readers'collision problem was analyzed and an anti-collision algorithm based on Q-learning was presented out in the paper .

  23. 一种多SAM模块的低功耗IC卡读卡器设计与实现

    Design of a lower working power IC card reader of multi - SAM module

  24. 在这些解决方案中,许多都需要在iPad下挂上一个Square读卡器。

    With a lot of those solutions today , you do have a square card reader hanging off the iPad .

  25. 谷歌钱包(GoogleWallet)功能使安卓系统的智能手机只需在可兼容的读卡器前面轻轻一刷,便可完成支付。

    Google wallet lets Android smartphones make payments simply by swiping or tapping them in front of compatible readers .

  26. 该平台可以直接与读卡器通信进行测试,也可以与外部FPGA相连进行测试。

    The platform can be tested directly communicate with the reader , and can also be connected with an external FPGA for testing .

  27. 基于以上理论基础,我们设计了USB大容量存储及智能卡读卡器设备的复合设备。

    Based on the above theoretical basises , we design the USB mass storage and smart card reader composite device . 3 .

  28. 最后根据实际需要详细介绍了自主设计的一款Typeb型读卡器的核心部件&射频模块的电路实现方案和具体电路及程序。

    In the end , in detail introduces the implement project about circuit and program of the kernel components of a Type B IC cards reader , the RF module , what is completely made by do-it-yourself .

  29. RFID系统是一种利用射频电磁波在标签与读卡器之间传输数据的自动识别技术。

    RFID is an automatic identification technology , which transfer data between tag and reader in the use of radio frequency electromagnetic waves .

  30. SIM卡读卡器的研究与设计

    Research and Design on Subscriber Identity Module Reader