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  1. 即是说库务局将要提取存放于外汇基金的财政储备。

    This means that the Treasury will need to draw on the fiscal reserves deposited with the exchange fund .

  2. 您有一个地址清理服务,它检查地址的有效性,但是需要给出一个地址作为被逗号分隔的值;也就是说,库中存在一种AddressCSV数据类型。

    You have an address cleansing service that checks the validity of addresses , but requires an address to be given as a comma delimited value ; that is , there is an AddressCSV data type in the library .

  3. 大体上说,库可以自动进行较多的内存管理,这样程序员可以犯更少的错误。

    In broad terms , the libraries automate more of memory management so that the programmer makes fewer errors .

  4. 农业科学家M.S.Swaminathan说,基因库在保存培育抵御气候变化的作物所需的生物多样性方面具有关键作用。

    Gene banks are critical to preserving the biodiversity needed to develop crops that can cope with climate change , says agricultural scientist M.S.Swaminathan .

  5. 可以说该知识库建设是大规模农业古籍数字化的一次有益尝试。

    People may say that this knowledge base construction is a large-scale agricultural ancient book digitization beneficial attempt .

  6. 沃兹回忆说。马库拉作了一个大胆的预测:“两年之后我们就会成为一家《财富》500强的公司。”他说,

    Markkula made a wild prediction : " We 're going to be a Fortune 500 company in two years , " he said .

  7. 但问题依然存在,这就是重组之后只有1/4的重组体是正确的抗体,也就是说,抗体库存在被污染问题。

    Although it sounded charming , there were still problems remained . One of these was the library contamination , for only 1 / 4 of the library is the rightly assembled scFv gene .

  8. 简单地说,税库银联网就是税务、国库、银行三方通过一定的信息交换方式,按照相互协定的格式和内容进行数据交换,办理共同承担的涉税业务。

    Be brief , the networking of the tax-treasury-bank is transacted the operation together of the tax , treasury and bank , by which , data exchange can be completed in term of the definite format and content through the definite information exchange mode .

  9. 我说你去军火库侦查完毕就可以去找你儿子了

    I said you could go look for your son after you checked out the armory .

  10. 所以,应该确实地重视信任什么签名者;也就是说,使用信任库的哪些内容。

    So , one should really care about what signers to trust ; that is , the content of the truststore being used .

  11. 这并不是说用现有的库就不能实现,但是就像有了标准网络库一样,用经过调试的、可信任的库更容易自己处理多线程。

    This isn 't to say you couldn 't get by with the existing libraries , but just like having a standard networking library , it was easier to do multithreading yourself with a debugged , trusted library .